Pineapple Kush - Perpetual - 1000w

Thanks fellas.
I forgot to mention back building progress. The buds I've back built are definitely more dense. The bigger 4 inch wide colas when I pinch them abit my fingers squish in a inch roughly. The ones that are bckbuilt are only 3 inch wide but almost no give when pinching. Quite supprised. I'll defiantly be doing this on all future crops at week 5 or 6.
Thanks fellas.
I forgot to mention back building progress. The buds I've back built are definitely more dense. The bigger 4 inch wide colas when I pinch them abit my fingers squish in a inch roughly. The ones that are bckbuilt are only 3 inch wide but almost no give when pinching. Quite supprised. I'll defiantly be doing this on all future crops at week 5 or 6.

I tried this on some of the dirty girls and saw results in only a week. sadly I had to cut them down 3 weeks early because of spider mites. currently the empty grow room is undergoing a complete fumigating and getting a heat pump to control the room temps year round.

Sounds like a plan man. Get that heat under control and all the gear you got. Youll have some sweet crops man.

Pretty sure its been about a week for me too. Just did 2 more to see if at 6 weeks makes a difference. Then the last 2 for the hell of it I'll do in week 7.
Well shit. Was just taking a peak in the grow room To grab my ph pen i forgot in there, and one of the plants is laying on its side. Looks like the weight tipped her over, cracked the main stem. I quickly stood her up and drove a stick in the soil to help hold her up.
Leafs were droopy as hell, might just trim her up today. Only 1 of 6.

Once the lights come on I'm gonna put some sticks in the soil and try to prop them up so none of the other 5 do this, never had this happen before . must mean the buds are heavy as hell, woo hoo! I guess. Could be weak cell structure, might acthualy have to give silica a try.
Stems on my plants are not tree trunks like I've seen on some plants the same size. And these plants for the first 3 weeks were under a 400w mh, too far away and stretched them.... They are lankey plants. My mistake for trying to get abut more light coverage with the 400.

This 6 plants I'm really just trying to get out of the way anyways, and move onto better plants. because I know I made mistakes on them, and they didn't get the best light for 3 weeks of there life. Next 6 is already twice the plants the others were at this stage.

This is all notes for myself mostly lol. Anyone can chime in with suggestions if they want. Or if my assumption is correct about silica is correct.
Sorry about your plant. (Help she's falling and she can't get up!)

I'd say splint the busted area and let her keep flowering.

If your plants are spindly and likely to tip, or the branches unable to support buds,
you might want to string a few branches up from their ceiling (Hang 'em High!)

Good luck:goodluck:. I hear a little rough treatment at the end is good for the buds.

Lol wicked 90s reference there hahah
Kinda what I did was try to splint. It broke right at where 3 main stalks meet.. And it split off from one. Of course the smallest one. Gonna leave it splinted for the day. If leafs dont perken up by tomorrow I'm just gonna cut my losses on that single one.

Bah well shit happens. Was probably too rough watering yesterday in a rush and didn't notice.
Rap songs like Eminem? Dont see how that's gonna help but I'll try anything once. Hahahha sorry struck me funny.

I said fuck it and chopped it. For shits and giggles I trimmed it up. Was 141 grams trimmed wet. Was the smallest plant of the bunch I noticed.

Chucked it in the freezer. Done deal. Gonna make hash this weekend. I got a garbage bag or so. Of trim and popcorn.
Going for a hike today to plant some outdoor. Not puting out a buch, just a few back the woods. Gonna just chuck them in 3 gallon pots and see what happens. Got a few plants left over from cloning and there just to damn big and too damn many.
I got some yield master outdoor time release stuff I'm going to mix in there pots so I don't gotta check them often. No critters per say in this area. Coons are near extinct, no deer no rabbits.

I use to out plants back this area when I was a teenager. Not far from people about a half a km, but not close enough for anyone to find them. When I say them I mean 1 or 2 plants.

Might even be some old shit I left back there from years ago. Soil pots ect. So I might just dig a small hole, fill it with dirt and do it that way. And it can draw ground water.
Looks good. Didn't bring the plants with me I wanted to scope it out. Found some old soil and pots. 20 year old soil lol should do the trick. Goinna go back tomorrow or Monday with 2 plants.

When I got home, I started cleaning out a box of shit. I found a bag with close to 3 lbs of old trim from what wwass left over from outdoor last year with my buddy. Decided to make butter. Took 3 lbs of butter and added 250 grams of this trim. Let's see what happens.

Its already been ran through one time for gumby hash. So what I read online it can still be used lol. Gonna be weaker they say that's why I chucked over a half lb in 3 lbs of butter. Barely all fit with water in the wife's big cooking pot lol. Its easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to..... You know the rest lol
My wife really isn't a bitch lol stoner like me.
Happy hiking :) :)

Wish Id thought of growing when I was younger!!! We had a big off bounds MOD (Ministry Of Defense) site where I grew up. No one ever aloud in, lol yeah right :) would have been perfect for a good few plants!!

Lol yea that's basically where this is. Crown land :)
I didn't know wtf I was doing as a kid. Chucked seeds In Pots and hoped for best. Always swag weed never good lol always was told as a kid the good shit u can't grow at home lol yea right.
Looks good. Didn't bring the plants with me I wanted to scope it out. Found some old soil and pots. 20 year old soil lol should do the trick. Goinna go back tomorrow or Monday with 2 plants.

When I got home, I started cleaning out a box of shit. I found a bag with close to 3 lbs of old trim from what wwass left over from outdoor last year with my buddy. Decided to make butter. Took 3 lbs of butter and added 250 grams of this trim. Let's see what happens.

Its already been ran through one time for gumby hash. So what I read online it can still be used lol. Gonna be weaker they say that's why I chucked over a half lb in 3 lbs of butter. Barely all fit with water in the wife's big cooking pot lol. Its easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to..... You know the rest lol
My wife really isn't a bitch lol stoner like me.


Are you trying to make vodka butter?

Pay attention to your nose. Myself, I wouldn't eat decomposing leaves.

Are you trying to make vodka butter?

Pay attention to your nose. Myself, I wouldn't eat decomposing leaves.

It was dried, and sealed in bags and sitting in a box in my storage room, dont think it was decomposing. Lol dunno where ya got that I was using decomposing shit lol

Bahahahah I see now. I was talking about finding old shit outside. I was talking about soil. And the trim, 2 different stories and different incidents lol I can see how I confused you with my babbleing.
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