Please identify this deficiency


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I’m very new to all of this. It looks like it’s just the new growth might be alittle shocked. Wait a couple days and it should grow fine. It just looks like a little insect friend to a bite out of that lower right leaf.
Thank you. The only other thing is some of the leaves on my snow cap are growing rather weird... Im running advanced nutes and also hit with cal mag.. Im not used to this here in mendocino. Maybe strain?? Is cal mag by botanicare ph d? Or is it just minerals??? Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.
I had suspected born deficiency... Yeah i popped the seeds a couple weeks ago.. And everything looked good. They were in green house due to weather..
What type of soil? Temperatures? Water source and watering practices? Ph? My gut is saying you don't need the calmag (and possibly nothing else at this stage) and it's interfering a bit with uptake. That being said I've had the same or similar kinda brownish new growth right in the middle, but it quickly went away, no cause determined.
Interesting... I did not feed cal mag as this happened recently after 1 light feeding with cal mag.. As for soil im running royal gold humboldt kings mix. Temps mid 70s. Ph 6.3. Im going to take your advice. Flush thoroughly this am. Recheck ph runoff etc.
What type of soil? Temperatures? Water source and watering practices? Ph? My gut is saying you don't need the calmag (and possibly nothing else at this stage) and it's interfering a bit with uptake. That being said I've had the same or similar kinda brownish new growth right in the middle, but it quickly went away, no cause determined.
One thing though if you zoom in a bit you will see on one of the leaf structures a bit of deformed growth. Im wondering if this could bebthe indicator of the boron deficiency?? If it is that of course..
One thing though if you zoom in a bit you will see on one of the leaf structures a bit of deformed growth. Im wondering if this could bebthe indicator of the boron deficiency?? If it is that of course..
Possibly but I wouldn't get too hung up on it.. I doubt you need much if any additional nutes beyond what's in the soil at this point, she's still pretty small. Adding nutes is easy, getting them back out when things go south is darn near impossible.
Also, these problems can crop up from watering issues so be sure to not overwater. Not sure how long you've been at it so apologies if you already know this.... Nutrients are more like what multivitamins are to humans.. Ya they need that stuff but too much will mess you right up. We all talk about "feeding" our plants which is a bit misleading. Light is essentially a plants food, and nutrients are used to digest and incorporate it. That's why plants in brighter light generally require more nutrients. Anyways, wishing you the best!
Possibly but I wouldn't get too hung up on it.. I doubt you need much if any additional nutes beyond what's in the soil at this point, she's still pretty small. Adding nutes is easy, getting them back out when things go south is darn near impossible.
That is so true my friend. Thank you for your input! Much appreciated! If you can think of any other tips lemme know!
Also, these problems can crop up from watering issues so be sure to not overwater. Not sure how long you've been at it so apologies if you already know this.... Nutrients are more like what multivitamins are to humans.. Ya they need that stuff but too much will mess you right up. We all talk about "feeding" our plants which is a bit misleading. Light is essentially a plants food, and nutrients are used to digest and incorporate it. That's why plants in brighter light generally require more nutrients. Anyways, wishing you the best!
Likewise brother! Wishing you a great harvest this year! Its been a bit rough weather wise this last week here in mendo! None the less nor cal love and prosperity your way!
A couple harvests ago with my dad... Boy was i heavy then. Lol remember my friends from the tiniest of seeds mother nature can produce the most amazing things!!


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