Purkles Return

Awwweeeee lil sweetums . Looking great Purkle! I have my eye on that Sour D.
Thank you Newty .. They're so cute when they're young! Also less trouble ..

I've grown the Sour D from Riserva Prevada before and they were beasts. Massive colas and that strong pungent diesel smell. I can't wait to try her again!

I'll be catching up on everyones journals tonight. It's been a hectic week!
Howzit everyone,

I've been written off for a couple weeks so I've been taking some time to do some research on various things and sitting with the girls every morning tending to them more than I have been.

I decided I'd include some more information on my next repotting update post including when I repot my plants, a bit of information on root growth and enhancement, my choice in growing medium and my process of thought on why I chose my medium. Any extra input would be very welcome!

I know there are split opinions on this but I do talk to my plants and jam out to some reggae when I tend to them. I do find they are happier girls.


A little trouble in paradise but things are looking up on the whole.

A quick update on the autos:

All 3 beauties have taken to the transplant well and are thriving!

Pineapple Express Auto:




She appears quite happy and will be ready for topping and training in about a weeks time.

Critical Kush Auto:




I'm so impressed with this strain. She's about the same height as the pineapple but her internode spacing is so much tighter and the growth is more vigorous.

I grew this strain as my tester under the 300w ebay/amazon unbranded special and did pretty well under it!

I'd say she will be ready for topping in a few days to a week so I may do another post with some information I've learnt on topping and fimming and the effects of this technique.

Blue Mammoth Auto:




To me this girl is the joker in the group...

The growth is something humorous in itself. I've had it with 1 plant previously and they do tend to come right in the end. As you can see from the growth she's stopped growing intermittent growth between the nodes and is growing weed looking leaves ..

Although she's tiny I may top her in about a week as she's at the 4th node now but I'd like to see some more growth first.

Let's move onto the photoperiods.

Kings Kush:










This strain continues to impress me! In height they almost put the sour diesel in its place in the early stage with all 4 babies at the same height from the light.

The growth also appears more vigourous in comparison but with shorter internode spacings showing on the second and third nodes of growth.

Sour Diesel:








The Sour D in the first set is doing wonderfully. Being a typical Sour Diesel in being an ever so stretchy starter and I only expect more and more stretch from her. As mentioned before the internode spacing is a little wider on her so I may end up raising her a bit higher to the light to prevent those nodes getting too far apart but it's still too early to tell.

The poor thing in the second set looks like she's having a hard time (probably a weaker pheno like the blue mammoth auto).

At first I though she was getting root lock but to be honest I find it hard to believe growing in Coco but from my understanding my medium isnt completely Coco but I will elaborate in my next update.

My next thought was that it could be a deficiency due to the yellow colouring on the edges of the growth but the leaves are actually curling down but not in the same sense as you can see in some cases of heat stress although the temps have been sitting in the 18 C at night to 27 C at the highest which should be fine as I have some circulation going in the tent as well.

Some people may suggest it's rather nutrient burn due to the appearance of the burn on one of the sucker leaves but the yellowing on the edges suggests a potassium deficiency which can be caused from over watering which I suspect I may be guilty of.

I will be waiting for the soil to dry out some more and measure out a bit of my Plant magic bloom nutes to get her back on track.

Just to finish off I want to mention that the root growth has been insane with the 3 healthier photoperiods in this Coco medium and I'm so happy with it and will definitely continue to use it in my next grows and in particular I'll continue to use the Canna Coco Pro plus. More on that and more in my next update post and some pictures of the root growth and photoperiod repotting!

Happy growing and toking all! ..
Looks great Purkle. I would suspect it's the seed and not environmental;)
Thanks Newty ..

I think you're right. I have read some reviews of having bad phenos in some batches but I will grow her out regardless :)
Thanks Newty! There will be more to come hopefully better quality :)

Have you seen the movie that goes with the song?

Welcome Farquel! Thanks for subbing and enjoy the ride although it won't be as crazy as the perpetual diaries on here!
Thanks Newty! There will be more to come hopefully better quality :)

Have you seen the movie that goes with the song?

Welcome Farquel! Thanks for subbing and enjoy the ride although it won't be as crazy as the perpetual diaries on here!

No I have not seen the movie yet! I will sub to your YouTube channel once I get mine set up!
Ooo could you link me when it's up please? Please tell me you'll be doing some oil making and baking vids.

Give it a watch if you like corny stoner movies. It's called Mac and Devin go to high-school starring Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa :)
OK I don't know if that link works. Would anyone mind confirming for me please?

It worked only when I logged into you tube?

I don't have one yet but it will be solely baking and infusion experiments. I will link it once it's ready;)
Ooo could you link me when it's up please? Please tell me you'll be doing some oil making and baking vids.

Give it a watch if you like corny stoner movies. It's called Mac and Devin go to high-school starring Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa :)

Awesome I'll search it out! Love me some snoooooop
Quick Auto update:


(I've tried finding out how to get my pictures 420magazine stamped/watermarked but I've failed miserably. If anyone could please point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated?)

The Barney's Farm Critical Kush and Fastbuds Pineapple Express both showed pistils yesterday and they've grown 5 nodes each so I decided to top them.

A quick note for anyone reading that hasn't come across the topping or fimming techniques before I go into the ponytailing. To Top or Fim (Fuck I Missed) is the practice of removing the newest growth to create two main colas on the plant. Although I have had cases where I've ended up with 4 main colas and some people go on to top their plants further to create dominant budding branches.

I won't go into the topping technique at this stage but I may do a tutorial on a future post if anyone wants to see it but SupidFace has a good tutorial on his latest grow entry (link further down).

I took a leaf from StupidFace's hemp book and decided to try out the ponytailing technique.

I wont go into too much detail as SupidFace has explained the technique very well in his most recent grow. Check it out starting on post #99: Stupidface Grows Again - Featuring Mephisto Illuminautos, LEDs & Promix (I hope the link works .)

The essential premise is that this technique is a very low stress training technique to get the lower growth to catch up to the top after topping or fimming.

The topping itself allows more light through the canopy but the added aid of putting the top growth in a 'pony tail' gives the lower growth pretty much all the light the tops were previously getting giving them time to catch up to the tops while the topped area is recovering.

Fastbuds Pineapple Express Auto


Barney's Farm Critical Kush Auto


The little Blue Mammoth is thriving and is really bushy with what looks like very varied and oddly placed growth and nodes. Better explained with a visual:








Ive been showing my brother my style of growing as it all develops with a hands on approach so I've left the Blue Mammoth for him to practice the topping ..

I'm sticking to StupidFaces technique of having the ponytails up for 4 hours but I may experiment with this in future to see the effects of having the tops ponytailed for longer periods of time and in different light cycles (I love playing with different techniques .).

Anyway that is all for now! I will leave you with a pic of all 3 autos as they are now.

Happy toking and growing everyone!

Much love Purkle

It worked only when I logged into you tube?

I don't have one yet but it will be solely baking and infusion experiments. I will link it once it's ready;)
Oh yeah I suspect its a restriction by YouTube... I think it means it worked though ..

I can't wait! I will be an avid watcher :). I really can't wait to get baking but it seems to far away!
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