Purkles Return

Thanks Farquel .. This gives me incentive to make more :). I have to ask... Why Farquel as a username? Makes me think of Shrek .
It came before Shrek.
I am a former licencee, I was 19 year old and having the piss taken out of me by dome nasty 'security staff' and it came out. I'm still in touch with them piss takers!
PSN made me create a name.
You can add me on PSN ad Farquel1 if you're a gamer l?
It came before Shrek.
I am a former licencee, I was 19 year old and having the piss taken out of me by dome nasty 'security staff' and it came out. I'm still in touch with them piss takers!
PSN made me create a name.
You can add me on PSN ad Farquel1 if you're a gamer l?
Haha how odd that it stuck with you! Fuck em :).

I don't play as much as I used to but I hit up some GTA, Assassins games, Battlefield and COD zombies most of the time. I'll ad you when I'm next on :)
Haha how odd that it stuck with you! Fuck em :).

I don't play as much as I used to but I hit up some GTA, Assassins games, Battlefield and COD zombies most of the time. I'll ad you when I'm next on :)
The truth is I love it.
I'm so pretty I'm like Brad Pitt and sit!
Hello all :),

I didn't want to do a full entry but for anyone interested, I've uploaded another YouTube video for anyone that wants to spy on the topping recovery.

The girls were in their 2nd day of pony tailing (4 hours at a time) which I'm going to continue until the bottom sprouts have grown out a bit.


Happy growing and toking!

Much love,

Warning long post!!

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is well!?

Anxiety has been sky high at the moment and I have been on detox this week... Talk about torturing myself but with the cost of getting decent stuff to medicate as well as being off work for a couple weeks I figured I'd take the opportunity.

Anyway... on with the grow!

I've given up trying to use the 420mag site to update my diary since it won't let me use my uploaded pictures in my post instead it just takes me to the main page. I do apologise again my photos won't have the 420mag watermark.

A few pics to start showing the girls after the Pineapple and Critical K first day of topping and ponytailing:



And a final pic of the whole tent:


They got a little droopy from the topping but they bounced back pretty quickly :).

Now an update from today!

I topped the Blue Mammoth Auto today and put her in a pony tail. I also started training the Pineapple and Critical K yesterday by suppercropping/bending the main stalks at the base which I believe will allow more uptake to the plant as well as training them to one side of the pot to allow more light to those lower shoots.

Lastly I did some minor defoliation on the autos to allow even more light to those bottom shoots.

Pineapple Express:


Critical Kush:


Blue mammoth: (I wish I had taken a before and after as the defoliations made a big difference)


Alrighty lastly the photos!

Not a lot to report on the baby photoperiods except they are going strong and will be ready for repotting in the next couple days. I'll include some root ball porn and some info I've learned on growing healthy roots in my repotting post :)

Kings Kush:


Sour Diesels:


I've come to the conclusion the smaller Sour D is just a lazy girl! She also suffered some slight heat stress on a couple fan leaves today so I raised the light a bit but the new growth is looking so much better!

I also read a very interesting post the other day by Bassman59 on defoliation and how the process of defoliation creates higher yields.

He goes on to explain the theory behind it and his process of defoliation.

From what I have learned from the thread that it's a good practice for indoor plants as opposed to outdoor as it's all about the leaves storing nutrients in nature which gets used during flowering periods or periods of drought but as indoor growers are in complete control of the nutrient uptake the extra leaves aren't really needed and they seem to react by growing loads more fan leaves anyway!

I won't go too much into it because the thread is very useful for anyone that is interested:

Increasing yield with defoliation indoors - What's it mean? How to do it?

I'll be putting the use what I've learnt with the photoperiods in my current grow as I think there is a lot of merit in this technique.

Sorry again about the long post!

Happy growing and toking!

Much love,

Wow what a great update! Love the music again! Lol

Your going to have a very full tent in a couple months.

I'm on your side with the defoil, so far all my plants love it and respond well with planned defoils! Nice info there. I think it's probably plant dependent so I start slow and if they like it, I keep doing it through Veg. I do a big defoil a week before flip, to give them time to recover. Then I wait until they are done stretching and give them a good lollipop and strip of lower middle fans. Now at this point in my flower room, I pluck a few here and there but nothing more as they have stopped producing new veg growth after about a month in flower.

Autos will be new territory for me;)
Sounds very similar to Bassmans process. I'm definitely going to be practicing it with the SD's as Ive got experience with them and I've been reading though and watching loads of videos on the Kings Kush to get an idea of how they tend to grow. They're quite bushy on the whole so would be another good test subject ..

The autos have responded really well to it so far and I was quite surprised since most people say to avoid it due to their shorter lifespans.

Im writing up my next update at the moment. I'm trying to avoid another long post with too much info as I think people will just look at it and say TLDR (too long didn't read) but it will be up at some point today :).

I hope everything is well in Newtys world?
Hi everyone :),

I hope things are going as swimmingly for everyone as it is for me today?

Today's update is all about the photoperiods repotting and a sliver of information on root growth and encouragement.

So I repot my photoperiods 3 times in total and yesterday they went into their 3L pots before going into their final 12L Pot hoggers (fabric pots).

As with the repotting of the autos in one of my earlier posts, I have a mix of different organics that I mix in the soil. These include manure pellets, worm castings and blood, fish and bone feed. The reason I use these is from my understanding, Coco Pro Plus contains both Coco and wood pulp with no other added nutrients. Due to this it is recommended that the grower adds nutrients as required.

I prefer the more natural organic feeds in the soil itself over nutrients in the water (although it's easier to control in a water feed) because 1 I'm lazy and 2 I'm quite confident with my mix in the soil knowing they will have everything they need to stay healthy.

Here's a few pics and as promised some root porn .:

Sour Diesel - Named Florence (The smaller SD isn't ready for her repot yet)

King's Kush (I've asked my brother to name the KKs :))



That's all from the grow update but I have done some research on root growth and promotion I'd like to include in the post for anyone interested as it has lead me to a few tea recipes I will be trying for their next feed.

Basically the hormones in plants responsible for growth are called Auxins. There are 4 different types in nature, all affecting different processes in the plant. The one I am interested in in this case is the IBA which most synthetic root stimulants contain.

This article I found was very useful in laying out the science: The Science Behind Natural and Synthetic Root Growth Promoters

Through this research I found that there are a couple natural ways to stimulate the hormones mainly by making either a willow tea from the shoots and leaves as well as a some beans and lentils but I'm going to go with the willow tea feed.

I know of a few willow trees around so I'll be grabbing some bits to make tea feeds :).

That is all for now!

Happy growing and taking,.

Much Love,

Nice work on your journal. Lots of good info. Subbing up!
Thank you SF and a very warm welcome!

I have always been passionate about this plant so I'm always keen to learn as much as possible about it and if anyone finds it useful then I am more than happy :)
A little update on the autos :)

I did some Supercropping and training on a few shoots and tying the tops down to get those bottom branches strong, fat and able to keep up with the two tops.

I started Supercropping when I first started growing back when most of what I had learnt was from a friend who grew some monsters.

I found they don't affect the height massively if timed before stretching periods. I tend to try and do it early on when I first top the girls and I try and do it when they're at the half way point of needing a feed so the soil is about half the weight it was at feeding. I also go by how elastic the plant gets so if its too stiff you'll just end up snapping the plant.

I've gone with the tried and tested rubbing the stalk between my fingers till it feels the outside wall is starting to get looser then put my index finger in front of the plant in the direction I want to train it use my thumb to push the brach over till there's a slight snapping feeling and I tend to look at the pinching point to spot the skin splitting.

Then its just a case of putting in a support for the stem and tie it down.

I then give it a few days to a week to recover while tucking and defoliating to get those lower branches going. Next I Supercrop the 2nd and 3rd sets.

I've removed the supports for the autos today and they're holding their own so I'm happy. I always removed the bottom support so the plant grows to support itself at this point.

Not much to report on the SD's and KK's other than the Ragamuffin (I think I've just found her name) finally behaving and growing well. She's a little slow bless her but she's coming back with a vengeance. She's need repotting in a couple days. Otherwise all is well and healthy and no problems! :D (Very happy Purkle)

Here are some pics!

Pineapple Express





Critical Kush





Blue Mammoth





And a group shot...


That's all for now folks!

Happy growing and toking :) ..

Much love,

And another full house update from the 16/02/18

I've just been doing general defoliations on the flowering autos.

The Critical Kush is tiny in comparison to my last grow but its kind of what I expected. She didn't stretch as much and I started training her pretty late.

At this stage I can tell the Blue Mammoth is going to be bushy af! She keeps on stretching so I've been doing some light training to keep the tops at the same height. I hadn't looked into the genetics of this plant before but I was curious and found it to have have cheese genetics so I'm very much looking forward to this one and the yeild should be better than what I expected.

Finally the Pineapple is juts doing her thing. She's not a bushy plant and is rather stretchy but still a good few bud sites. I haven't felt the need to train this one too much.

Critical Kush:

Blue Mammoth:

Pineapple Express:

And a group shot:

Finally we have the photoperiods!

They took to the transplants well and have been feeding well so I've been doing some training!

I started by topping the 2 Kings Kush. One is a few days further growth than the other but they were on their 5th nodes so it was time!

The Sour Diesels were a little ways behind the Kings Kush as I had planned so I've left them to grow some more nodes.

Kings Kush:

Sour Diesel:

More to come!
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