Reddog1981 - First Time - Northern Lights - Grow

So yeah guys.. There lookin waaaay better but still soooo sloooow... Any help r thoughts would b great. I think there lookin great though??? Good shape not stretching?? I'm a novice though sooo?? Lemme no??
From my limited knowledge I think they look absolutely great... Im not sure if some NL's are just slow starters?? We will see once the buds start filling out. You will get there no doubt!
Very very sloooooow start but not looking to bad now. Where on about day 26 maybe 30 from first seed pop in paper towel to first show in soil. Have some much better pics soon..
Hey Reddog

Those plants really start to take off now!
I see that some of the leaves are still curling up a bit on the edges. As far as I know, that's a symptom of high temperature. Maybe the tent is boiling up a bit, or the light is too close for them.
I've had some NL's some time ago (Sensi Seeds, FEM, NO-AUTO) and I think they are an excellent choice for 1st time growing.

Wish you the best
Hello all... Growth slowing up a bit. Where at about 20 inches tall. Some pre- flowers and at about every node from what I can tell
Ok so it's very hard to tell from the pic but on this plant I've tried to pull some side growth down/out and also have probably trimmed about 5-7 total fan leaves off, that were blocking bud sites r to let light in.. Also this plant was allready jus slightly thinner then the nxt. Specimen I will provide....
I don't know if any of these methods I've used r right or wrong I'm posting all of this actually ..looking for your guys input. And or guidance.
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