Regular, feminized, or hermie


Well-Known Member
my buddy accidentally left the flower tent flap open and two plants were in the tent at 21 days flower. the tent flap was open for 2 hours before he noticed the mistake. now 6 weeks after this come harvest of these two plants we find a couple hundred seeds in the bud. we kinda figured it freaked them out and were expecting this but not as many seeds as this. what do we have here? one plant started out as a feminized seed. the other one was a clone grown out.

another question i have is i planted a feminized clone outside to see if it would finish or what it would do. i let it grow till it died in the fall late oct. i went through the plant very carefully and found 6 good seeds. these have rodelized but what do these seeds end up as. regardless these seeds will be grown out to see what we got. anything we should be aware of or look for ? tia
The way I understand it is there are Hermies's (not good) & True Hermies which produce good seeds. I've been told that a Hermie plant will produce Hermie seeds. But a True Hermie will produce good seeds. A True Hermie I was told is when a plant gets nanners & the nanners open up & release pollen on the plant to produce the seeds.
I have not done any research on this so don't take it as a fact. It's just something I was told by another member.
@Emilya , @Mr. Sauga , will know if this is true.
You have S1 seeds they will all be FEM seeds. Regardless of everything else.

A true hermaphrodite has about 1/2 female and 1/2 male parts and the plant looks and grows strange. You would have noticed an issue.

A nanner or 1 or 2 male bits on a female plant is genetic.

Cannabis is a dicot - 2 sexes 2 different plants. In a perfect world they pollinate with air.

In an imperfect world where say its been a drought or very hot - something in the environment will trigger the female plant to grow a few male bits and self pollinate created more female seeds. This is for self preservation and completely normal.

Grow the seeds out see what you got. Interesting crosses happen when 1 female plant pollinates another female plant. Self pollination you get a very close to exact copy of the donor female and again this is called S1 - or first selfed round (that you know of).

Some plants are more prone to it than others. It's more of a Sativa trait but thats anecdotal seat of pants talking.
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