Rex's Perpetual Hydroponics, LED, 4x4 Tent Using TBC 10 Gal System: All Are Welcome, Come Learn & Help

Yeah sure. POIDH!

Fair enough :rofl:

The skeletal remains

One row/level of the bountiful harvest drying

And the last big soil girl....
Fair enough :rofl:

The skeletal remains

One row/level of the bountiful harvest drying

And the last big soil girl....
Congrats Amigo. :thumb:
Beautiful harvest.
Hope everything is going well. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks Jon. That mold was an easy to spot one at least. So far I haven't found more, but I'm not done yet, just done for the night:bong:

Thanks GB!
The Gifs have almost become a tradition for me :cheesygrinsmiley:

Well I've got one big box filled with nugs. I use paper bags in-between each layer. First box is three layers deep. Tomorrow I'll start on the next box.

The plant looks to be about half done. I'll be back at it in the morning.
So far no further signs of mold (knock on wood :dude-knocking:)

My new big dehumidifier is up and running. The whole garage is at 35-40% RH :cool:. So while it is a bit warm in there, at least it's nice and dry.
Cause the plant is still in her planter, and still very much alive...just half gone.


Wow you got it awesome Love it . It’s amazing and if not for 420 Magazine I’d missed this and of course you being here . Just beautiful colors .
Whiskey bottle buds :thumb::slide::peace:
I see you’ve had a great summer , I know this brightens my day just to see this .
Fixing to head out to church and check my brothers and sister hadn’t seen them in over a month , will be back later young one .
Wow you got it awesome Love it . It’s amazing and if not for 420 Magazine I’d missed this and of course you being here . Just beautiful colors .
West!!! So good to have you drop by brother. You've been missed by many!
Whiskey bottle buds :thumb::slide::peace:
You know those Whiskey bottle shots are for you eh? :)
I see you’ve had a great summer , I know this brightens my day just to see this .
Fixing to head out to church and check my brothers and sister hadn’t seen them in over a month , will be back later young one .
I hope youve been doing good as well. It's been quite the busy summer here.

I'm back in trim jail. I chopped my biggest plant yesterday, washed it and let it hang overnight. I'll be back at it today, trimming down to the nugs before it goes into the Harvest Fridge.
I'm thinking she's going to end up with somewhere between 1-2lbs dried and cured.

I hope you and your family find themselves doing well today.
And I appreciate the whiskey bottle shots . I finally got the seeds I wanted but I think I screwed up . I bought a bike H-D Fat Barbra cool name . I’ve never rode a fat bob , crouch rocket got nothing on it . Krissi brought up my seeds and I’d forgotten I started them and they dried out so I’ve saved one now got to drop more seeds I’ll make that one a mother .
Trim jail my butt that’s Heaven Sent .
I finally got caught in the Covid crap two weeks of misery and still get headaches from it . I farmed all through the drought with out no profit so I call the town custom bailer and gave him the field back . The worst part was the flood 5-1/2” rain in less than an hour washed the field down the river plus got the house finally moved back in brand new old house . Actually after church I had a surprise waiting Hue I mean grasshopper ha ha (Krissi renamed him ) dropped a few tops off I thought was a gift but then listen to the message they want rosin from the critical purple auto seeds I gave them . These guys in Killeen Tx have it on the ballet to legalize cannabis . HERE is the pics
I’ll be back on strong in about four days I’m jumping on the bike and gonna get lost it’s in the mid 80’s for that long here . Mama pissed it’s not a comfortable back seat so she not going ! !
Catch you later Rex
Uh huh...
I did I swear :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm sure you did...
Truly I did :laugh:
I bet you are...
Uh huh (nodding enthusiastically):rofl:
It was a lot. And trying to do it by myself, and within the space of the weekend took everything out of me. I could barely lift my arms to have a sip of water last night without triggering a spasm.
Hence the lack of pictures on this one:).

Though after it was all done, I have to admit, I don't think there is as much as I'd hoped for, or thought was there.
Plenty of long colas, and the tops were very dense, so it probably hit the 1lb mark....maybe. Meh, we'll see.

And here are a few pictures of her nugs, and one of her lower flowers that I missed (or should i say skipped as it was so tiny and I was out of space on my drying rope).



And the poor neglected Gorilla Glue Auto.



She'll be scoped and harvested fairly soon.
Okay fair enough. :)
No worries!
Now that your arms work can we get a pic of them all upside down?
if they were still hanging, for sure. But its all been processed, and is in the fridge. I was determined to have it finished last night.
All i can offer is a picture of some of the nugs (the one I posted above).
Sorry Shed.
And I bet that tester is going to be great!
I've gotten more patient, no testers for me anymore (I'd have to be hurting bad- stash wise). I find the chlorophyll gives me a headache. Nope, she'll be cured before i smoke any.
Right now I'm smoking my BBxNL that I harvested early due to bud rot.
She's not all that strong, and rather flavorless to be honest. So I've been adding some kief into my joints to make up for it.
We appreciate you testing whiskey as a nutrient (for science! ), only to find that it stained your roots and fried your leaves.
for science!! :laugh:
Well, I have demonstrated with this grow that even a severly neglected DWC plant can still have good ok potential.
The roots smell good still, surprisingly. They sat in the air several times from her draining the bucket. Did I mention I neglected her?

I'm not proud of this plant. But, I figured I should show the bad and the good.
I'm already looking forward to putting my stirponic system together for this winter's grow, and popping some more beans.
Hey Rex can you get the Root Growth Platinum from the Perfect Sun Led. I actually got to see a stalled plant go ape with this product. Roots showed progress daily.
Hey Rex can you get the Root Growth Platinum from the Perfect Sun Led. I actually got to see a stalled plant go ape with this product. Roots showed progress daily.
Thanks West!
She's actually not stalled at all. She's drinking and eating still at a decent rate.
But she's also foxtailing a bit, and she's already got a decent swell on her....
So i will break out the microscope soon, and see about harvesting her this weekend.

It's getting cold outside here, and id like to get her harvested.
When I give her a good look over, if she doesn't seem ready ill let her live...a bit longer lol.

Nice harvest Rexer! Congrats! That’s a lot of bud even if you’re not as happy as you wanted to be. Looks bountiful on this end!
Thanks Jon!
I don't, and i didn't mean to sound disappointed. I'm not, as I hit my goals, so I'm actually quite pleased with the total outcome.
What bud I do have is exceptionally great (except the BBXNL- it was too early of a harvest).
And if I were to buy it all, I'd have to spend around $4k to $7k.
So that is a lot of savings (and I'm guessing at final weights on the conservative side).

I was quite sore and probably not expressing myself very well. I don't think the clearest when the pain is high :laugh: .
I was just being truthful about the Gorilla Glue Auto- her leaves are crispy, she ain't winning no contests :rofl:. But with her, it's the hopes that some of the pollen I used on her was still viable and took. I have one other Gorilla Glue Auto seed left, and I won't pop that one until I have a bottle of CS to reverse it for some fem seeds.
Thanks West!
She's actually not stalled at all. She's drinking and eating still at a decent rate.
But she's also foxtailing a bit, and she's already got a decent swell on her....
So i will break out the microscope soon, and see about harvesting her this weekend.

It's getting cold outside here, and id like to get her harvested.
When I give her a good look over, if she doesn't seem ready ill let her live...a bit longer lol.

Thanks Jon!
I don't, and i didn't mean to sound disappointed. I'm not, as I hit my goals, so I'm actually quite pleased with the total outcome.
What bud I do have is exceptionally great (except the BBXNL- it was too early of a harvest).
And if I were to buy it all, I'd have to spend around $4k to $7k.
So that is a lot of savings (and I'm guessing at final weights on the conservative side).

I was quite sore and probably not expressing myself very well. I don't think the clearest when the pain is high :laugh: .
I was just being truthful about the Gorilla Glue Auto- her leaves are crispy, she ain't winning no contests :rofl:. But with her, it's the hopes that some of the pollen I used on her was still viable and took. I have one other Gorilla Glue Auto seed left, and I won't pop that one until I have a bottle of CS to reverse it for some fem seeds.
No these were in veg having a hard time from them not doing the pro-tekt the right way and it slimed on them . New roots came to save them immediately. I used it on the Acapulco Gold and White Widow grow Snow White till harvest if I remember right . I was glad I tested on them.
High @Jon
Hey Rex these guys took your advice that had an mh/hps intake /exhaust fan . There water temp this morning is 59 f degrees 15c . Should there warm them back up or just let the lighting do the warm up . They want those colors y’all are getting.
Hey Rex these guys took your advice that had an mh/hps intake /exhaust fan . There water temp this morning is 59 f degrees 15c . Should there warm them back up or just let the lighting do the warm up . They want those colors y’all are getting.
15 C is too cold- get that lady warmed up to 21C. I try never to let the plants or roots get below 17C- that can cause lockouts (well, it will look and act like a lockout- but it's just too cold for proper nutrient uptake).

This is how all my plants turn purple (and it's a side effect, not my goal).

I veg at around 27C.

Once into mid flower I set the temp to 21C and that does two things:
1) slows branch growth, giving me thicker colas with more trichs on them.
2) brings the colors out.

Tell them to bring the temps to 21C to 23C.
Watch for the RH. Keep it low, especially when bringing the temps up can create damp spots that will turn into bud rot. If they have fans, nows the time to have them blasting.

How much time is left on their grow?

Edit- most people I think aim for around 26C throughout the grow. I've found that I can use the temps to stimulate growth, or curb it. Warmer temps get the Juices flowing and they will get that quick vertical growth. When you lower the temps, it slows the plant down a bit. Which gives a perfect finish (at least for me, and autos).
They have done this for three days and they read your post Saturday and followed suit. Grasshopper says maybe a week . There like me and still have there mh/hps intake and exaust on the grow rooms . One had an extra inkbird so he’s using the temp to control intake . Definitely thank you for your help.
They have done this for three days and they read your post Saturday and followed suit. Grasshopper says maybe a week . There like me and still have there mh/hps intake and exaust on the grow rooms . One had an extra inkbird so he’s using the temp to control intake . Definitely thank you for your help.
I hope it works for them. The cooler temps should bring it out (I'm assuming that the 21c - 23c is cooler than they were before changing/adjusting the temps).
I hope it works for them. The cooler temps should bring it out (I'm assuming that the 21c - 23c is cooler than they were before changing/adjusting the temps).
They ran 15c the first night grasshopper said 21c last two nights and 24c during the daylight hours. Damn I just went and checked the grow room ant heaven then went to hell crossing the safers de . Bet there’s 100+ dead in here hope they got the memo.
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well, and that everyone had a good weekend.

So, I did a complete rework on the system that was in my grow cabinet, to start getting ready for my winter grow.

During winters the tent gets shut down, and the grow cabinet opened up. The cabinet is a smaller space, but I'm able get good yields out of it.

Last winter I did an RDWC/ stirponic grow using old kitty litter buckets.

I got an amazing yield, and so i decided that the concept worked very well for my space.
It's also easy on the wallet to build, and is easy to build. It does come with its drawbacks however, and that is that the roots can will enter the bottom pipes, causing a flood. It can be prevented by routinely checking and pulling them out...I also have some materials that I use to help slow the roots from getting into the pipes. On top of that is my failsafe, I have a sensor that shuts the pump off when water is detected on the floor. Inside each bucket is an airstone, so there is no problem with turning the circulation pump off for a bit (at that point its like a DWC).

So, for those whom aren't familiar with what a stirponic system is, or how it works...well, it's quite simple. You have grow buckets that are connected at the bottom (1 inch piping in my case), and all those buckets are connected to a control bucket via the bottom pipes.
Inside the control bucket is a pump, that pumps nutrients continously to the tops of the buckets. Because of gravity, and each bucket being connected at the bottom, they have a small "stiring"current and each bucket stays at the same water/nutrient height/level. A second pump is inside the control bucket, and that is plumbed to the chiller, and has a return up top inside the control bucket.
If you have the money for a good undercurrent RDWC, that beats this steup by miles, but when your on a smaller budget, and don't mind the extra work tending the roots/pipes, it'll do.

If your looking for ideas on how to build one, go on the Yo Tube and search "PA Hydroponics stirponic ". That's where I got the idea/concept from.
Oh, and for added fun, I put a float valve hooked up to the RO in my house, inside the control bucket for auto topping the system. Hopefully I measured the height correctly :laugh:.

And here it is....

That's all for now folks, thanks and take care!
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