SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkstar

Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Very beautiful plants you have there slowtoke! Sorry I'm late :( But If you have room, I'd love to catch the rest of this magnificent grow you have going.

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Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Hey, Tarheel! Glad you stopped by, and of course your welcome to stick around. There's some good conversation going on, but mainly by the high brix soil experts working hard to save my plants from my novice hands! :laughtwo: But I'm paying attention, and things are looking up! Hang with us, and I predict you'll see a pretty nice harvest before it's all said and done.

I'm also partial to folks from the Tarheel State. Heck, I even married one! ;) I Lived in the triangle area for a few years myself when I got out of college, but ultimately was lured away to the bright lights of Hot-lanta. A good thing too, since that's where I met my wife, but we've gone back to NC often over the years. Anyway, welcome aboard! I see you're an accomplished grower yourself, so feel free to shout out when you see me starting to go astray!
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Hey, Tarheel! Glad you stopped by, and of course your welcome to stick around. There's some good conversation going on, but mainly by the high brix soil experts working hard to save my plants from my novice hands! :laughtwo: But I'm paying attention, and things are looking up! Hang with us, and I predict you'll see a pretty nice harvest before it's all said and done.

I'm also partial to folks from the Tarheel State. Heck, I even married one! ;) I Lived in the triangle area for a few years myself when I got out of college, but ultimately was lured away to the bright lights of Hot-lanta. A good thing too, since that's where I met my wife, but we've gone back to NC often over the years. Anyway, welcome aboard! I see you're an accomplished grower yourself, so feel free to shout out when you see me starting to go astray!
Thats really cool! Thanks a lot my friend ;) I like really like what you have going on, so I'll be sticking around! Good luck and hope you've had a great day!

My indoor grow...TarheelGrower - Crop King White Cookies - 300W LED - SOG - Grow My outdoor grow... Tarheelgrower's 2016 Outdoor Growing Adventure - 20+ Strains
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst


Got a few new auto seeds today I'll be trying soon!!

My indoor grow...TarheelGrower - Crop King White Cookies - 300W LED - SOG - Grow My outdoor grow... Tarheelgrower's 2016 Outdoor Growing Adventure - 20+ Strains
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Hey, Tarheel, your new seed choices look awesome! I wasn't familiar with either one, so I checked out the Dutch Passion website. The blackberry kush sure produces some beautiful nugs, and Ultimate looks like a great choice, too! Be sure and let us know when you pop the seeds. I'll enjoy following that grow! :thumb:
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Day 57

I little late with the update this week. I was at the cannabis therapeutics conference from Thursday through Saturday last week, and am still catching up from being out of town. This update is based the attached photos taken on Sunday. There are definite improvements to my plants now that they are in their new 10 gallon homes. This should be just what they need. I have also taken everyone's advice and have restrained the growth of the fastest stems to let the rest of the canopy catch up. I at least want four stems that are closely matched in height. And like Heirloom suggested, I'll be looking for alternating nodes before flipping to flower.

Here's the group shots of all the plants:



From farthest in the back going clockwise we have the three Blue Dream plants, than a Critical Cure.


And here in the front row are two more Critical Cure plants, and two Darkstar plants in the back row.


I am particularly impressed with the growth of this Blue Dream plant:



But the others are all looking good as well.




The last plant pictured seems to be having the most difficulty getting established in the new pots. It just looks a little droopy compared to the other plants. I might need to give it a de-stress foliar. The other's I'll plan to give a brix foliar feeding tomorrow.

That's about it for this week. Thanks again for all the good encouragement and advice everyone has been giving me, particularly with convincing me to upcan my plants. The difference it has made is amazing.

I hope everyone has a great week!
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Cajun, yes I am. Of course my first grow was a real learning experience, with my making about every mistake in the book! :laughtwo: Now things are a little more familiar. And the input I am getting here with this grow is great! I think good things are going to happen with this grow!
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Thanks, Mr. A! I'm pretty pleased with how things are going. I'll be doing an update in the next couple of days, so I'll wait to show off the plants for now. But things are looking good! It's amazing how much a difference the big pots make.

My biggest concern is the next generation. When I repotted the plants almost two weeks ago I took some clones from the plants. The good news is that all 18 of them are are showing new roots. But the plant foliage isn't too impressive at the moment. Maybe that doesn't matter so much right now. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Here's a group shot of all the plants.


There is obviously a wide range of foliage condition, ranging form this:


To this.


But they all have roots showing, so not sure if the foliage conditions matters all that much. I think I'll go ahead and move all the clones to solo cups and pic the best ones to move to 2-gallon pots in a couple of weeks. Here's a few shots showing some of the roots. I'll keep track of which clones have the best and worst root growth, and see how that compares to the growth once in the solo cups. Here's some pics of the roots.






Kind of funny how the clone with the best foliage condition has the worst roots. Not sure what to think of that. We'll just have to see how they all do in pots, and go from there.
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Day 64

We are now just a few days past two months into this grow, and it looks like we may be getting close to flip time, if you go by the alternating node metric. We are now into this phase of vegetive growth on 7 of the 8 plants. The lone holdout is Darkstar #4, which germinated 4 or 5 days later than the other plants. So I'm guessing she isn't far behind. The plants are also picking up steam with a growth spurt, with the winner being Blue Dream #2 who has grown 8 inches in the last two weeks for a current height of 20 inches. One Critical Cure plant is matching the growth of the Blue Dream sativas, but the other two and the Darkstar are lagging a bit behind. I may wait on them to catch up a little before flipping. Heck, I still haven't even watered the plants since the transplant. So a week, maybe two before flipping the switch is probably the way to go.

Here are some pictures. First a couple of overall shots of all the plants. Blue Dream plants are up front, with the Darkstar plants in the back.



Here are the front 4 plants, all 3 Blue Dream plants and the largest of the three Critical Cure plants.



And here are the 2 back rows, 2 more Critical Cure and the 2 Darkstar plants in the rear.


As you can see from the above pictures, the LST training on the plants has been doing some good with helping to generate a balanced canopy for the plants. Blue Dream #2 in particular has evened out nicely. The others are still needing some work.

Here are a few node shots showing the alternating nodes for most of the plants.






One problem I am starting to see is some yellowing of the younger Darkstar plant's leaves. I'm not seeing this in any of the other plants, and am not sure what would cause this one plant have this problem. Any suggestions on how I might correct this would be appreciated. I think I should probably either give this plant a De-Stress foliar treatment or maybe do a mini rescue drench. Or maybe something else? I could use some help on this one.



Here's a side view of Blue Dream #2, the growth spurt winner. Had to use the flash on this shot, as it was pretty dark under the canopy.


And right at the end of the photo shoot, I decided to restrain a couple more node branches on Blue Dream #1. Here are a couple of pictures of this training. If you look closely at the closeup shots of each branch you can see the plastic coated wire ties I have been using.




I also transplanted the clones into Solo cups. Some of them are in pretty bad shape, but I decided to plant them all anyway just to see how well they would do in the high brix soil. I did code the clones with an A1, 2, or 3 designation to grade the quality of the roots, with A1 being the most robust roots, and A3 being the worst. Like I said, after removing the dead leaf growth on the plants, some of them look sorry indeed. We'll see how well they do.







I did take more clones from the lowest growth on all the plants yesterday. I'm hoping to have better luck with the leaf condition on these clones as they develop roots. And maybe the more mature growth will result in healthier clones in general. At least that's the plan. I'll be posting pictures of these clones from here on out.

And here's the hydro store Find of the Week, and inexpensive spray bottle with a rotating nozzle that throws a very fine mist and make is easy to apply the foliar sprays. I bought two and labeled them for Brix and De-Stress sprays.


That's it for this week. Thanks for stopping by, and let me know your thoughts and comments.
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Thanks for the suggestion, Jaun. I was kind of leaning that way, and that's all I needed to see this morning to start pulling out the Transplant and Tea! :laughtwo: The rest of the plants got a Growth Energy drench.

This was my first attempt at feeding the plants "Bloom Style", with a combination feeding from the top combined with filling the saucers and letting the plant suck up that water. My plants want 2 gallons each, so I feed 1 gallon from the top, and because my saucers are a little tight to the pot, I give 2 doses of .5 gallons each in the saucers. By the time each plant has been given the first .5 gallon dose, the first plant has already sucked up all the water, so it can then give them the second dose.
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

You start to feel good about it all when you fall into a rhythm with the drenches. Ahhhh..... I remember that day fondly. The day I found myself working instinctively. You're doing well SlowToke. I see what you mean about the size of mine. I neglected to measure her when she was flipped, so I don't know how much she grew from there. Sorry, you could have used that information.
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

You start to feel good about it all when you fall into a rhythm with the drenches. Ahhhh..... I remember that day fondly. The day I found myself working instinctively. You're doing well SlowToke. I see what you mean about the size of mine. I neglected to measure her when she was flipped, so I don't know how much she grew from there. Sorry, you could have used that information.

Thanks, Sue. I don't know if I've quite gotten into a rhythm yet. With these large pots it's not so easy with such infrequent watering. Maybe things will even out after the roots develop a little more and I go into bloom. Now that I think about it, I think I'll flip them after the next watering. That should be maybe a little over a week away, which should give them some more quality time to further develop. My tallest Critical Cure plant is 22 inches tall already.

I'm close! :smokin:
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Thanks, Sue. I don't know if I've quite gotten into a rhythm yet. With these large pots it's not so easy with such infrequent watering. Maybe things will even out after the roots develop a little more and I go into bloom. Now that I think about it, I think I'll flip them after the next watering. That should be maybe a little over a week away, which should give them some more quality time to further develop. My tallest Critical Cure plant is 22 inches tall already.

I'm close! :smokin:

Yes you are. That's probably close to what mine was when I flipped her 12 days ago. Good job. They're looking like they might finish out close. Of course, mine will be finishing out under the Budmaster GOD, so that may skewer our results. I wasn't planning on having a GOD. :laughtwo:

You'll be in the groove before you harvest. There's an "Aha!" moment in your future. Mine was the day Major stepped out and reminded me that it's simply two drenches and two foliars on regular rotation with the CATs thrown in to keep it interesting. He doesn't know it, but he stopped me in my tracks that day. Almost like a puzzle coming together, everything Graytail'd told me made perfect sense. I remember laughing right out loud and doing a little dance of joy. It didn't become easy overnight, but it got progressively easier as I learned not to obsess over it and allow some flexibility.

The guys were all so tolerant of my craziness. :laughtwo: Thanks guys. :hug:
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

You've got the Budmasters, for sure, but my XMLs are no slouches either! I think we're both going to be pleased in a couple of months!

Graytail, Ziggy, Shiggity... someone give the girl a hug! ;)
Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

You've got the Budmasters, for sure, but my XMLs are no slouches either! I think we're both going to be pleased in a couple of months!

Graytail, Ziggy, Shiggity... someone give the girl a hug! ;)

Re: SlowToke's High Brix Cancer Killer Grow Journal - Blue Dream/Critical Cure/Darkst

Hey lil brudda,
Put some plastic sandwich bags over the cuttings. Don't let them get too moist though. Breath in it (co2) 2x daily.
They might pull through.

If you start trying down more colas to keep an even canopy, you will thank yourself during flowering. Now's your chance to direct them.
They are preflowering. Congrats! They are strong & telling you they're ready.
You got some puffy taco leafing going on. They don't look N overdose, but burnt tips is too much of something or not enough agua. How often are you watering?

You stoked about flowering? That's when the fun begins. Those BD's are going to reveal the basis of their name soon. The Darkstar will turn a cool bluegreen & become a monster. The CC smells horrible in flower, but turns to Mango during the cure.
Bon Chancè my friend.
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