Smokey's Strawberries In Coco

Hello everybody,hope you're well and good.


PN,Opened up her home today after work and she looked absolutley awful.
Her home is sucking in 17c air so i can't realy understand the heat issue,oh well.
Her leaves have also gotten alot worse.
I run 8L threw her to hopefuly get rid of any crap blocking the roots.

1st PPM reading was 1200ish,in the end i got it to 740ish.
1st PH reading was 5.1,the end test was 5.8.

Feed was:
8L Water
8ml CalMag
4ml Each Bloom A+B
2.5ml B52
2.5ml OverDrive
2.5ml BudCandy

Going to Run the same again tomorrow then start upping it dailey.

Other than that,everything is great.
Here she is during feed:

Here she is after Feed,perked right up she has:

The drying process is going smoothly.
Checked on them today for any sign of mold/bugs,nothing to see,bonus.
Large fan leaves are curling right over but still not crispy yet,stems on the fan's are floppy.
They stunk when i started to have a look and slight mess,nice.
My plan is to wait hopefuly 10days then snip and bag,not going to take any large fan leans but not sure if this is right incase that when they start going crispy and decaying,this might cause mold?.

Last 24H
-Temps are 17c
-Humidy goes up to 64% and when Exg' Fan comes on it goes to 57%.

Thank you for stopping bye.
Hello everyone,


PN,she is not loving life at the moment.
I gave her another 8L today,lets hope she picks up from now.
This same thing happend to my GWK in my other journal that's completed.
I tried a few things on her with no avail.
Opened up her side bud thats damaged the most and there wasn't any mold to see,i think if she carries on like this then there is no doubt that i'll be battling mold/budrot.
Is it worth me getting my bonzai snips out and removing any dead brown leaves off her?,its mostly the small single leaf coming out the bud.

Feed was:
8L Water
8ml CalMag
4ml Each Bloom A+B
2.5ml B52
2.5ml OverDrive
2.5ml BudCandy
I didn't test RunOff as yesterdays worked fine.

Here she is:

Dry 36H:
The drying process is on track,maybe 1c high but i'll take that.
36H in and the very long fan leaves on both are start to get crisp at the ends(top of the plant if standing upright),stems on fan leaves are still floppy,wish i took all the large fan leaves off now cause i'm unsure weather to leave them on incase they attract budrot due to the getting crispy.
Here they are,pic is with flash on.

Thank you.
Hello everyone,


PN,she is not loving life at the moment.
I gave her another 8L today,lets hope she picks up from now.
This same thing happend to my GWK in my other journal that's completed.
I tried a few things on her with no avail.
Opened up her side bud thats damaged the most and there wasn't any mold to see,i think if she carries on like this then there is no doubt that i'll be battling mold/budrot.
Is it worth me getting my bonzai snips out and removing any dead brown leaves off her?,its mostly the small single leaf coming out the bud.

Feed was:
8L Water
8ml CalMag
4ml Each Bloom A+B
2.5ml B52
2.5ml OverDrive
2.5ml BudCandy
I didn't test RunOff as yesterdays worked fine.

Here she is:

Dry 36H:
The drying process is on track,maybe 1c high but i'll take that.
36H in and the very long fan leaves on both are start to get crisp at the ends(top of the plant if standing upright),stems on fan leaves are still floppy,wish i took all the large fan leaves off now cause i'm unsure weather to leave them on incase they attract budrot due to the getting crispy.
Here they are,pic is with flash on.

Thank you.
Looking good my friend. :thumb:
I just leave them on, as long as you have good circulation she will be ok.

Stay safe :cool:
Hello Bill,hope you're all good.
Cheers for clearing that up for me.
Dry tent is circulating but not directly on them.
PN fans are blowing on her.

Thank you.
I'm good thanks my friend. :love:
Hope your having a great day. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
Thats Good,
I'm just relaxing listening to music and having a smoke.
Nothing much more to do haha.
Thank you
Pouring rain here today. :oops:
I'm hanging out with Howie today.
Hopefully it's sunny for a couple days so I can finish the greenhouse.
Roll one for me.;)

Stay safe :cool:
Hello everyone,


All is going ok with PN,i took 2 small brown leaves from her side cola that was browning/touching a bud.
Looks nice and green there now.
Could do with getting the humidity up in her home alone,hard now because when i touch anything to do with temp or humidity then the other tent suffers.

Feed was:
2.5L Water
2.5ml CalMag
2.5ml Each Bloom A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml OverDrive
1.5ml BudCandy
Decent amount of RunOff,tested at PH5.8 ,nice.

Here she is,

The drying is going smoothly,
96H in:
It's funny that day by day you can see the Budz more easily as the leaves shrivle and crinkle up.
The humidity dropped down for a couple of hours when i left the fan on,it kicked in to 50% but back to 60% range soon after,i left it on run and not to auto mode.
Smell is slightly decreasing now aswell,this seems the way when i do it and it comes back at the end of dry or comes threw when i cure.
Need a freeze dryer for free asap haa but i guess we all do.
Nearly all Fan leaves are crispy and brittle to the touch,stems on them are still floppy.
Here they are:

Thank you and todays entry will be imminent.

Hello again,only me haha.

Day 87:
PN is looking better,even were i took them little leaves looks realy healthy.
There is loads of sparkle on her but the pic doesn't do her justice.
Going to pull out the Humidifier to get the room up 5%,her home is running 44%-50%humidy and 22.6c-18c.

Feed today was:
3L Water
3ml CalMag
2.5ml Each A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml OverDrive
1.5ml BudCandy
Decent RunOff,tested PH5.8,all is good there then the past couple of days.

Here she is:

The drying is all good in there hood.
120H in,
Getting 16c some times aswell,
Smell is there but only faint,
Checked on them and there smell comes out alot more,no mold or anything wrong.
All fan leaves are crisp to the touch,there stems are getting harder but not snapable yet.
Looks like it will be a easy trim job when time comes,i think i'll be sticking to this way until i get a little winfall and buy a freeze dryer.
Here they are:

Thank you for popping in.
Hello everyone,hope you're all good.


PN,she has been sneaky,checked her today with digiscope just at random and she has tons of amber.
She has loads of whiteish hairs still but i think that's due to a bit of foxtailing with the heat she has had recently.
Might go for the chop when the other 2 are done in the dry tent.

Feed today:
3L Water
3ml CalMag
3ml Each Bloom A+B
1.5ml B52
1.5ml OverDrive
1.5ml BudCandy
Decent RunOff,tested at PH5.8
I think she has had this mixture all her Flowering life
Anyway,here she is:

Drying 144H(6days).
Large fan leaves stems are stiffer but not snappable yet on both of them.
Smell mostly of the dead fan leaves now until i mess with the actual buds themselves.
Here they are,pic is with flash on.

Thanks for stopping bye.
Hello everybody.


PN,Not much has changed with her.
She is going into the dark for 24H on wednesday morning when the lights go off at 10:00.
She will then get chopped and go into the dry tent on Thursday morning between 10:00-12:00.
Thats the plan,lets see if it all happens.

Feed today:
2L Water
2ml CalMag
2ml Each Bloom A+B
1ml B52
1ml OverDrive
1ml BudCandy
Loads of RunOff,tested at PH5.7 .PPM was higher aswell???What the..... haha

Here she is the little trooper:

The drying is going very well in my eyes.
Opened up today and smells dead leaves grassy,i'm not worried because it's off the large fan leaves.
The plan is to attack them both on Thursday morning around 10:00-12:00.

SN:Every single fan leaf is crisp to the touch and very much dead.
Stems on the leaves still wont snap,just stiff bend.
Gave a nug the slight squeeze test and it was absolutely rock hard with a small springyness to it.
Fingers smelt berry.
Going very well.
Here she is:

SNxS,all the leaves are crisp aswell,the stems on these ones are softer.
Done the same squeeze test and it's as if i squoze the same bud.
Going to be super easy trim i think,i don't mind if it takes me hours thow,i like it.
Here she is:

Thank you.

Hello everybody,hope you and the fam' are all well and good.


,She hasn't changed not 1 bit other than her leaves browning and crisping up.
Her calyxes can't get any more swollen.
There so much amber on her,i just can't get a good pic of it,even more rubbish even if i do it as a video then pause it to take a pic of the screen.
Last day of feed today then Lights out tomorrow morning at 10:00,she will stay that way until i trim the other 2 then pop her in there place.

Feed today:
2L Water
2ml CalMag
2ml Each Bloom A+B
1ml B52
1ml OverDrive
1ml BudCandy
Good RunOff,Not tested.

Here's the last pic of her in all her glory and looking half decent.

Done the daily checks on them both.
All is well,both of there fan leaves stems flex and nearly snap.
They might be ready tomorrow but i'm going to leave it untill thursday morning as planned,i have bovi' packs to use if needs be.
Bit of a dodgy pic but here they are:

Thank you.
Hello everyone,hope you're all good.

PN,she has been chopped today and now is hanging in the dry tent.
I'm aiming for 60/60 for 10Days again.
I forgot to take a pic of her hanging but i'll post tomorrow anyway.

Drying is finished,10Days in total but could of snipped them yesterday i think.
Some nice nugatry with them plus the smells are realy sweet/fruity.
Got a good bit of trim aswell to make some bubble with.

Lovely pinks/purples and green.
Lowest in weight out the 2(but probabaly the 3 when PN is finished) ,
Only several Nugs but soo Dense.
Smells very sweet and fruity.
Very sticky.
Here's the final product :

More green with orange/brown hairs.
Smells very sweet.
Nugs are dense but not as much as SN.
Very sticky aswell.
More weight off her,
Here the final product:

Thank you
Hello everyone,hope you're all good.

PN,she has been chopped today and now is hanging in the dry tent.
I'm aiming for 60/60 for 10Days again.
I forgot to take a pic of her hanging but i'll post tomorrow anyway.

Drying is finished,10Days in total but could of snipped them yesterday i think.
Some nice nugatry with them plus the smells are realy sweet/fruity.
Got a good bit of trim aswell to make some bubble with.

Lovely pinks/purples and green.
Lowest in weight out the 2(but probabaly the 3 when PN is finished) ,
Only several Nugs but soo Dense.
Smells very sweet and fruity.
Very sticky.
Here's the final product :

More green with orange/brown hairs.
Smells very sweet.
Nugs are dense but not as much as SN.
Very sticky aswell.
More weight off her,
Here the final product:

Thank you
Wow, fantastic work my friend. :welldone:
Hope everything is going well.

Stay safe :cool:
It looks like you nailed that dry; 10 days at 60/60 should produce some excellent bud:yummy:.
I love that you're using grove bags too, the easiest way to cure.
Fantastic looking buds:drool: and you did a really nice job on the trim.
Over 10 oz is great, that should keep the bags filled for a while. Really stellar grow all around. :welldone:
Hello everyone,hope you're well and good.

Dry24H(1Day) :

,Nothing much to say at the moment.
Temp raised to 18c when i turned off the AC to clean,was soon back to 16c after a hour or 2.
Humidity is between 58%-62%.
Here she is:

SN,sitting at 59% and 17c in her Grove bag.
Opened her up and smells very berry.

SNxS,she is at 60% and 17c in her grove bag.
More grapey notes came off this one when i smelt her.

Still not tested either of them yet,going to wait atleast until next saterday.

Thank you.
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