Some advice please


Well-Known Member
My first DWC auto grow. It is about 20 days old I would say atm from starting to germinate the seed.

Fairly sure I damaged the tap root moving the seedling about a week or so ago. upto then is seemed fine with one set of true leaves and dark green colour.

A couple of days ago it had stalled for several days but picked up adding extra leaves but colour has lightened and some brown spots on some of the leaves.

Yesterday I noticed the roots were not in the solution under the net pot but raised the solution level so they now are in the water.

Previously I have been wetting the root riot sponge using a water pump (you can see the green garden hose this comes out of in one of the pics)

ph is 5.4 atm but was registering as 6 yesterday. Has been in this range for several days since i got a sensor.

EC/PPM is 1.25.

I have lightly chlorinated tap water that is slightly hard and have added General Hydroponics 3 part Flora Neuts at 2.5ml per 10l and some Diamond Nectar Fulvic Acid plus General Hydroponics root stimulator at recommended dose.

My tank is 100 liters- so it is big for a seedling. Temp is 17 degrees celsius

Has a decent air pump and a couple of stones in it on all the time.

Room temps are 18 to 25 celsius and humidity around 65 to 70.

Have also pumped ozone via the air stones using a DIY ozone generator for a few hours a day

I have had it under a single Citizen COB - added a second yesterday as I am rejigging my tent.

Doesn't appear to be any change in the seedling since yesterday when its roots first went into to solution tank.

Seedling is about 2 inches tall.

Appreciate i may need to leave it a day or so to see if having the roots in the solution turns it around.

Any suggestions , diagnosis advice appreciated.

Thanks in advance

You have to live before you die, or you'll die before you live.
Peter Sellers


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I run 1/4 strength nutes, the same GH Flora Trio, at that age
Do u have any gunk buildup in yer rezz?
Any enzyme cleaners like hydroguard or z7, z9 in Kanuckistan

How do the roots look?

You have some discoloration on the leaves, watch the pH

Why the ozone? Not sure that's needed, or if it's benefitial or harmful???

The look a bit ruff, I'd say water, nutes, pH combo needs to be fine tuned a bit

At that age, the water should be about an inch below the net pot. The bubbles should be keeping the hydrotron and roots wet

Pumping water on top can drown the roots, let the bubbles do the work for u
Aye right, I wouldn't be using that stuff lol. Looked up a generator and it says not safe for humans untill 45 minutes after turning it off . kills pretty much everything in the room with purified oxygen.
That's a product like co2 mate, in that It's there for pros to go that little bit harder. It's not gonna give you any benefits untill you know how to push them full tilt without it. Just adding a danger to your tent imo. Been foruming for 3 years and never seen anyone use it. Not something I'd recommend going by the manufacturers warnings.
I am high on that ozone ! House hasn't smelt this sea fresh for a long time. the one i got of ebay was home made for 500l tank ,,but I am not too worried about it killing me.

Thanks for the advice. I will take out 50% of the tank and refill with plain water then see what the EC is after that.

Mistake i have made is to make my tap water the correct Ph then added the 50% strength nutes and then brought the ph down leaving the EC/PPM at near enough full strength. Pumping tank water onto the sponge the seedling is in sitting on the clay pebbles whilst its roots grew hasn't helped...

I dont have any gunk in the tank and i didnt use any cleaners - was a new tank.
I replaced about 50% of the water in the tank about 10 hours ago. My tap water is about 0.4 EC.

I think I can already see darker green returning to the leaf veins.

The Ozone thingy I have is bubbling into the nute tank is here (DIY Ozone for tank) but appreciate it is likely unnecessary...and might kill me...

Thanks again for the input.
Hi there. First off, i am by no means a Pro, or really, nor do I have any real experience. Am myself on my 2nd grow atm. So do as you please with what is about to bubble out of me...
What I have learnt, and THIS is one of the keys to sucess: Patience. Nothing happens here in the blink of an eye, that I#ve seen or heard of. Its like watching them grow in stroboscope mode, or time lapse.. I have fed plants in the morning. Plants with droopy, skinny, malnourished looking leaves. They looked like that ALL DAY!! I thought, just before lights out/sleepy time, i might wanna call Martha Stewart!!! Did nothing more then, at that moment. The next morning, guess who was up to greet daddy??? Too, what i had done, on purpose, was to keep them thirsty. 3-4 days no watering. (I use 100% Perlite, which retains like 0,2% water.. none so to say..). The feeding when they are that dry is time consuming. Not just one big gulp/blast of water. More like when you find someone lost in the desert.. they may WANT to drink a barrel of water, but it would a) cause them to throw it back up, therefore b) lose more water.. You give em a swig from the mikey, let them digest that, then apply wee more, and more, over say 1/2, 3/4 hrs. I look at 10-20% run off.. when rinsing, more.
Also, and please do NOT get me wrong here. I know nothing about you/your grow op size/equip, etc. And i need not know... BUT (!!!) 1 PLANT!!!??? Start off with 10 seeds, brother/son. Survival of the fittest. You've seen Nature shows on the telly. YOU are playing Mom Nature to these plants. YOU choose yay or nay, thumb up/down in this arena. By the time they reach their teens, ready to go off into the night (12 hr light cycle), you'll know, which are gonna be daddys little girls, and which are gonna be rebelious lil enfant terrible.. Just one plant: you might just be smothering it with your unabided love...
I just bought a batch of 10 seeds which will be getting my love if this fella and his two amigos go belly up....or up in smoke.

Ten days later and this fella has grown a lot, been transferred to RO water, had a load of what looks like Calcium Deficiency, lot of leaves removed and now has turgid clawed leaves.....
Pah, that is nothing, brother...
Have you tried changing any variances? Minute changes; Rotate the plant 1/4 turn once a day.. move her more to the left/right. (You using a par meter?? If not, the lamps do not throw off the same intensity or colour spectrum at or under every 'side') From my experience, the plants at the sides, receiving more secondary (Reflected) light, grow better.. temp/humi 'close enuff for the girls I date'... Like said, you have time, take notes ifn you want.. what did you change, what occured thereafter??
Thar ye go Matey.. a bit of food for thought..


Is that 100% Hydroton or Perlite you have as a substrate?? Therein lies your problem.. i have the same 'problem' but you can get that away with some slow nute tweeks.. plants seem to become defficient due to Perlite/Hydroton's drain characteristics/abilities
Thanks Mounty.

Here we are.

I have fiddled a lot and have pulled of a good handful of leaves at various points and generally abused it for the last 6 weeks but there is progress.

Easy Bud Auto - seemingly a bit late to flower ..


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Well well well, what have we ourselves here? Looks like a new Greenthumb hath arisen. Way to go Mate!! Keep it up, do NOT worry too much, things will happen, better or worse... take it in stride and utilize as a learning experience...

Cheers ma dears....

what with the fashion here in the UK for pickling vegetables (and no doubt growing "medicines") trying to get hold of 1 litre glass jars is looking expensive.

I may have to go to Lidl and buy a lot of polish gerkins...feed them to the dogs (there is a limit as to how many I can eat myself) and use those jars for curing any harvest that I might get...

whatever you do, do not use the aldi glass!! the seal will not hold. only meant to hold once*, due to inert gas sprayed in > evacuates O2, where no O2, there no rot...

* might hold 2-3 times, but if cleaned propperly, ie steaming, that lil 'gasket' will melt away, at the latest when rust starts to build under the gasket/lip... spend a lil extra cash, get glasses with rubber gaskets.
Theses silicone one-size-fits-all covers might work too...
So the two younger plants are both in flower. Seem to be doing fine albeit wit ha bit of nutrient burn showing on tips (last 2 pics)

However the older plant (nearing 7-8 weeks from seed at least) doesn't seem to want to flower.(first 3 pics)

I have had it on its own in another tent on a 12/12 light schedule for a couple of days and these pictures taken today. Supposed to be an autoflower.

What to do ?


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Oh oh oh.. Autoflower needs 18hrs/day, no matter what stage.. stick er back to her sistas..
Girls are looking good though, other-wise, no?
that bit o tip burn is not worth mentioning..
i had no luck with a/f's either... due to not having a diary/proof of my doings, wasn#t sure how/when to change nutes... let me get this 'normal' stuff working up to par first, then i'll try a/f's again... and keep them separated from the non a/f's due to foliar spray
I think I am beginning to suspect it isn't autoflower although it was from RQS and in same set as the other two that have flowered...

It is a good 9 weeks from germination.
Cheers ma dears....

what with the fashion here in the UK for pickling vegetables (and no doubt growing "medicines") trying to get hold of 1 litre glass jars is looking expensive.

I may have to go to Lidl and buy a lot of polish gerkins...feed them to the dogs (there is a limit as to how many I can eat myself) and use those jars for curing any harvest that I might get...

Theres a polish guy at my work that eats a jar of those every day at piece time. Has a pickle, then a bite from a block of butter. I think he might be a serial killer.
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