Sorenna's Secret Garden - Photos - Indoors - Soil - LEDs


Hello yall. :blushsmile:

My angels are doing well, particularly Sabrina and Jill, Kelly not so much.


Sabrina is the bestest angel. She is short and fat. She has two sets of leaves fully in and is working on her 3rd set, which I can just see if I look really close. haha No worries or complaints about her. (Sorry her profile shot came out a bit blurry.)



Jill grew so tall so quickly that shes not stable. She was listing terribly to one side when the lights came on. She didnt lay over totally, but she was headed that way. I staked her with a twist tie for support while she gains her strength. She has two sets of leaves in as well, but shes still not satisfied and is still working hard on them. I cant see the 3rd set yet at all.



Kelly is just not doing much at all. However, she still stands straight and tall and is VERY slowly working on that second set of leaves. Her slow growth is not worrying me, but Im still keeping a close eye on her. I feel shes just the runt of this grow (right now). Im really hoping to see some progress from her in the next couple of days. Im not worried, shes going to soar once she figures it all out. :)


All in all, things are going okay in my tent. My lack of patience is showing. lol I love to watch them be born but then after that, Im ready to skip to flowering. :)

Hey Sorenna, just wanted to let you know I am along for the ride. I have been subscribed just haven't had the time to get caught up on all my threads.

What light are you using right now? You might want to put it closer to alleviate the stretch you are getting right now.
I did move them a bit closer. I was aiming for 18" away and managed 16". This is a little close, but I think if I watch them and if anything ugly happens because the light might be too close, then Ill move them further away.

I am using Mars-Hydro Reflector series 96 x 3w LED.

Jill was the only one who stretched. She was the first to pop and she just shot right up. Now I think she might regret some of the early exuberance. lol
Hello DankWolf! :welcome: It would be a pleasure to have you join us. Yes, I can get quite silly. I was born that way. haha I like to laugh and I like other people to laugh too. (Just not at me) :)

Pull up a chair. Stage might still have some cannabuttered popcorn. :blushsmile:

P.S. Thanks for all the likes while you were catching up. I feel so liked today!
I see you returned the favor! And youre right, it feels good :laugh::love:

Hope thursday was a peachy one:byebye:

*smiles* Of course I did. I dont chit chat much on others journals. Id rather bombard yall here, I guess. lol

Its payday in a couple of hours so yep, my Thursday gets peachier by the minute! :)

Hello my 420 friendlies. :blushsmile:

The girls are doing fine as frog hair. I can see growth from them all, even Kelly. I havent done a thing to them so Im only gonna post their pictures and let them talk.

My angels







See yall tomorrow!
UPDATE: Day 13

So, thing are okay in my tent but not stellar. Good news first. Sabrina and Jill have both bulked up a bit in the last couple of days, working on their 4th sets of leaves each, I believe.

Kelly on the other hand is not progressing. A little disappointing, but Im not ready to chuck her yet. Maybe shes still getting her roots under her. So odd though. Same conditions as the other two but shes just not thriving. Shes the one that got the tea dumped in her pot. Maybe thats it.

Jill is doing beautifully. Her stem is bulking up now. Im pretty sure I could remove the twist tie, but I think Ill leave it a while longer. Shes working on her 4th set of leaves. Moving the lights seemed to have slowed her stretch nicely. Love it when plan comes together.

Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina. This girl is today's source of frustration, and its not even her fault. My caterpillars have struck again, munching a good portion of one of her leaves and too much of another. Both affected leaves happen to be the same set. She was the only one bothered. She is still pretty, still growing, not stretching, behaving just the way I like.

Lets have a little look at them.

Clockwise from top left: Jill, Kelly, Sabrina





I gave them all a bit of a drink today. Nothing major, just keeping the soil hydrated. The soil had lightened quite a bit on top and had lost that dark moist look and no longer felt damp on the backs of my fingers.

While I was watering them I noticed something:

My batteries were dying so I didnt get a shot from all three. This one is Jill's feet. I can even see these in Kelly's pot but they are far, far more sparse and much, much smaller.

Thats all I got today.

See yall next time!~
Oh..I did find it. I did like I always do, I grabbed a tissue and carefully took it from what was left of the leaf and smooched it into a greasy spot. It was green, the exact same color as the leaves it ate. My plants, even the leaves, are for me. :yummy:

Someday I will have a grow where not one caterpillar gets on my girls. Maybe next time.

I found you! I had no idea you started this journal! I've been so caught up in my own harvests that it's been a bit tough to peak over the fence. I've been running around with excitement and minimal clothing but now I'm here. With clothing! And excitement!

:byebye: missed you, hope you're well!

Hiya Pigeons! I see that youve been a bizzy little bee with your harvests and whatnot. :) Im very pleased that made it here. :welcome:

Oh, by the way, if you want to run around naked, go for it. Maybe for modesty's sake you can wear a maryjane leaf though...:rollit:

UPDATE: Day 14

Hello yall. :blushsmile:

Things are humming along. Jill is beautiful. I love watching her open up and grow for me. Sabrina is not to be counted out. Shes also beautiful except for her boo boo's. Kelly, on the other hand, is a stubborn lil sprout. lol Shes not really doing anything at all. Not dying, not growing, just living.

I wasnt going to post any pictures, but I am. I am because, well, when I was looking at the pictures Jill gave me a pleasant surprise. Shes showing her first evidence of branching. So exciting! lol I captured it in a picture. After I saw it, but didnt see it on Sabrina, I actually went and got her and her looked at her nodes. Shes doing it, too! *happy dances* But since I take not-so-great pictures, Sabrina did not show us hers. Next time.

So, its photo time. :blushsmile:

My angels





This one is the one where you can see the new branching growth on Jill. So excited!

After I took all the pics and put the girls away, I realized when looking at them that Jill seems to be featured. lol I didnt do that on purpose. Pardon the blurriness. :blushsmile:

Great idea!

Their looking for calendar ideas over at Supergroomer's coffee shop! Go take a peak ;)

I did go take a peek at that thread.

My suggestion still stands... :)
Kelly has roots - YAY!

If she has roots, I have hope.

I have one of those slow growing seedlings (31 days, same size) I think she has moldy roots.

Kelly just happened to be the one I was holding when I wondered what those white streaks were. O.. theyre roots. Kelly's roots. Nice! Then I looked at the other 2 and they were the same but more, much more. I confess I was happy to see them on her. She has me worried, I tell ya. I prolly should toss her, but Im not gonna, not yet. I just have a feeling she is a late bloomer. I want to watch it, if it happens. If not, well, Ill still have 2 angels. :blushsmile:
The girls are looking great and soo healthy sorenna, kelly is being very stubborn isnt she, kinda reminds me of louise hehe

That was my exact same thought, but I didnt share it. LOL

Thanks for peeking at them. :blushsmile:
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