DankWolf's Den Of The Bizarre & Obscure


New Member
I needed a seperate area to keep track of, and share all of the crazy ideas inside this beautiful mind.​

Welcome everyone to my little den! The idea of this journal is to expand and explore. Im full of ideas that have recieved much
":thedoubletake: Wha whaaat??"

Ill be running tests, hopfully side by side tests with atleast 2 seeds of same strain. Unfortunately i cant commit to a set time/plan, im very much a 'roll with the punches' kinda guy. Testing will happen when variables such as time/space/availability allow.

Menu of bizzare
* Usage of willow water.
* Usage of Echinacea.
* Power towers of dirt.
* Moss and dirt?
* PoorMansCalMag.
* GoG- the new SCRoG?
* Bud Roasting. Think 'corn roasting'?
* Seed Splicing.
* Plant Splicing.
* Moose Poo Manure.
* And more thats escaping my mind right now.

Please, if you have any experience with my ideas, have something youd like to see experimented with, SPEAK UP!

re: DankWolf's Den Of The Bizarre & Obscure

(dangit, i wasnt ready!)

*Willow water.
Roughly 12inches of a 1/2in to 1in diameter willow branch, shredded and steeped for 24+hrs

* Echinacea water. Self exploratory, unsure of dosing at this point.

* Power Towers (of dirt)

Personally like the idea of deeper root growth, incredibly saddened when i bought first set of pots... 5Gal pot is only 2in taller then a single gal?! Sad..

* Moss.

..now ive scared myself away from this directly after snapping the photo. Afraid to turn the fan on and spred potentially horrid fungal spores to all my plants..
..Another day, in an encloused area, this will happen.

Added moisture (?)
Very little to 0 'Trenching'
Roots help speed up decomp thus improving MJ root uptake (?)

* PoorMansCalMag. Already in use and appears to be ...not making my problems worse!:laughtwo:
..Eggshells and Epson salt. Very muc working on a proper ratio, will get back to updating this..

* GoG, the new SCRoG.
Ive been asking why. Now i know.
...now im asking why again!
Why use nets and cages?(they arent screens!)
Why not use Glass?

Glass of Green
Same concept, i think.. Removes ALOT more need for human interaction as the plant will naturally grow outwards trying to reach light. When youre ready remove the glass and go.
With HPS the suggested height of lights( glass, air cooled tube) is 12-18in above plants.
With a GoG, why not drop the light to 4-6in for ....alot more penetration?

* Bud Roasting.
Someone got smart long ago and tried growing the plant horizontally. With success..

Why hasnt any done the same for growing colas? I hear they love light and grow bigger the more they have. Only makes sense to have the light hitting the most exposed side of a bud. (ie.. 9Inches of cola top VS 2in cola top)

Sure, itll be hard! How does one bend branches at that stage of the game?
Im thinking, in combo with GoG, you leave the glass over top through flowering. Ive seen some nifty DIY cfl reflectors made of poo cans. ...bingo, wrap that pop can around the under side of said horizontal buds.

(starting to get lost in my head, hope this is making sense)

*seed splicing.
..1 MJ seed with pin hole, 1 ..other seed-1/3 cut off. Tape 2 seeds together and plant.

* Plant splicing
Why grow Take a fat stalked plant. Give the chop down low, maybe carve her insides out a little bit, then insert the top of another plant. Essentially cloning inside another living strain?

* and Moose Poo
...self explainable. Hoping for added goodness compared to livestock manure. Moose dont eat manmade shite... Just saying
re: DankWolf's Den Of The Bizarre & Obscure

I worry with glass of green that you may get mold from transpiring leaves, why not do fine mesh of green, where the mesh is fine enough that plants won't grow through. String clear fishing line a little finer than a tennis racket around nails in a wood frame.

Thanks for bringing this up! +reps

DIYing a fine mesh screen out of fishing line sounds pretty tedious!

Think drilling several holes in glass would work, say, 1- 1/8in hole per sq inch? A fan below canopy blowing up, fan above GoG moving air..?

Exactly why i wanted to start this. I dont always think of every angle :passitleft::Namaste:
re: DankWolf's Den Of The Bizarre & Obscure

Yeah I think the glass idea... wouldn't work. Condensation, mold, general extreme awkwardness. Plexiglass maybe- though it scratches so easily. Maybe they have advanced on plexiglass now and have something better?
But it takes someone like you to test this stuff. A lot of us spend thousands of hours googling things, only to end up with a lot of dubious conflicting info, when if we spent our time actually trying shit out we would be miles ahead.
So go ahead, try that shit out, we will watch :thumb:
thousands of hours googling things, only to end up with a lot of dubious conflicting info

I wish everyone would be willing to sacrafice 1 plant per grow, for the greater good of knowledge. Not all ideas end badly, some may suprise, never know until we try.

I have no problem being the test dummy:laugh:

Ive been considering plexiglass as well, definitely lighter and less accident risk. Much easier to drill through..
Only downfall would be heat. Coulnt drop lights as close, but still closer i imagine.

Honestly not a scrog guy, i enjoy LSTing. Was hoping another brave soul would run with the GoG idea. Nevertheless, it interests me. So maybe itll happen next time i have hobbymoney to purchase supplies.
I wish everyone would be willing to sacrafice 1 plant per grow, for the greater good of knowledge.

Many many plants I have sacrificed, Mr Wolf :(

I'm thinking about that glass idea. I like trying new experiments. It's just that my grow is sort of on life support 99% of the time so I can't usually afford to rock the boat much.
@dankie, I believe it was part of Jorge Cervantes' bible I read that actually covered plant splicing. Might want to search around a bit, but there is more to it than a wild thought in your mind.
Howdy Rifleman!:passitleft:

haha dankwolf you are for sure an alaskan! These are things I like and expect to hear from a fellow 907 guy. Crazy, weird, and crafty! all the best ideas are created this way, many of the worst too haha but that's why its fun. Cant wait to see what turns up!
I blame the lack of sun:laugh:

Many many plants I have sacrificed, Mr Wolf :(

I'm thinking about that glass idea. I like trying new experiments. It's just that my grow is sort of on life support 99% of the time so I can't usually afford to rock the boat much.

Why the sad face? Were the sacrifices not very rewarding?
Not sure exactly what you mean by life support 99% of time.. Pretty sure i remember seeing some pretty ladies when i was at your place..?
@Dankie, I believe it was part of Jorge Cervantes' bible I read that actually covered plant splicing. Might want to search around a bit, but there is more to it than a wild thought in your mind.

Theres always more to it, no doubt!

Thanks for stopping in, ill go do some googling:Namaste:
Theres always more to it, no doubt!

Thanks for stopping in, ill go do some googling:Namaste:
Just did a quick look through the book and couldn't find it. Maybe it was Ed Rosenthal. They were talking about cutting the base into a v shape then inserting the v shaped top into the base and sealing it up. Maybe I am dreaming this up. Pretty sure I am not though.

They call it grafting. Google that.
The grow mostly grows without me these days as I travel a lot for work and stuff. I zip in there once a week for 3 seconds and fling some water around and stuff then run off for a other week. It's a precariously balanced house of cards that seems to be working out ok most of the time but I can't manage any frills that require much tending.
No I don't mind sacrifices, they don't phase me one bit- I'm just being facetious as usual. In fact I quite enjoy seeing survival of the fittest in action.
I live north as well. The darkness is quite challenging this time of year. An indoor grow certainly raises the quality of life :thumb:
Just did a quick look through the book and couldn't find it. Maybe it was Ed Rosenthal. They were talking about cutting the base into a v shape then inserting the v shaped top into the base and sealing it up. Maybe I am dreaming this up. Pretty sure I am not though.

They call it grafting. Google that.

Yeah, did a quick search and the first images of book pages(readable pages) screamed "go back!!"

First thing i read in the 'cannabis growers bible' ...
cannabis is the only plant to contain cannabinoids

Err, wrong answer!

Cannabinoids all share similar structures and properties, and were first discovered in Cannabis, which is where the cannabinoid sub-family gets it's name. We have now isolated cannabinoid synthesis in plants and plant families other than genus Cannabis, including family Asteraceae, and plants including Flax, Echinacea and Heliochrysum.

Heres a link to a second site stating more cannabinoid bearing plants. High on Health: CBD in the Food Supply - Reality Sandwich

Cant go wasting money on a bible that isnt current or correct, not when google is free :blushsmile:

Still, thanks. Grafting is a better search word :thumb:
I wish everyone would be willing to sacrafice 1 plant per grow, for the greater good of knowledge. Not all ideas end badly, some may suprise, never know until we try.

I have no problem being the test dummy:laugh:

Ive been considering plexiglass as well, definitely lighter and less accident risk. Much easier to drill through..
Only downfall would be heat. Coulnt drop lights as close, but still closer i imagine.

Honestly not a scrog guy, i enjoy LSTing. Was hoping another brave soul would run with the GoG idea. Nevertheless, it interests me. So maybe itll happen next time i have hobbymoney to purchase supplies.
First let me start with I haven't even started my first grow yet so I know very little about the plant side of the equation but from an engineering standpoint the heat transference could easily be solved by doing 2 layers of plexiglass about an inch apart. The air gap in between layers would prevent a significant amount of heat transfer. Every additional inch would be greater. There shouldn't be a significant loss of light resulting from 2 layers vs 1. And molding could be prevented with good air ventilation. Removing the moist air and replacing it with fresh air. Also there are lighting rigs with uva and uvb to help battle against mold. But like I said I'm good at problem solving and engineering but a complete newb on plants so take it for what you will.

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I'm noticing a distinct increase in clone failure as our Alaskan days shorten to Winter solstice. Dankwolf, do you have any home-made recipe for an anti-fungal that is safe for indoor plants? I had one out of 7 survive last week's cloning from one in veg, and have just cut and planted 6 more from a lady 2 weeks into flower (growing tips from shaded and small branches).
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