Steff's Second Time Around - CFL - Blue Dream

Week three, sorry for the quality of the images I was really excited to see the growth and didn't take much time with capturing their beauty :) (Side not: My cat got to a few leafs AGAIN! grrrr lol)

Here is my bigger of the two,(actually three if you include the clone lol)


Smaller one isn't as pretty, but she looks healthy for the most part. Her clawed leafs never recovered.
I'd say another ten days, maybe two weeks. What kind of buzz Do you prefer steff?
Are you assessing the color of the trichomes on the inner bud? Or on the leaves?

The leaves will amber much more quickly, which is why making brownies from trim can really knock you out.

If they say 9 weeks, the best you can do is start counting from the day you flipped to 12/12, but really should start counting from the first day of flowers evident.

If you had hydroponics and CO2 and HID lights, you might be able to shorten it by a week or so... And another week or two off veg.

The phrase "you should look at trichomes instead of using the breeder's recommended weeks of flower" is almost always followed with "so I went an extra ___ days or weeks."

But I was wrong about your days to preflower (topping mine twice must have slowed it down), so what do I know???
I flipped the lights on Feburary 27th. ((about the trichome colors; I was checking the flowers as well as the leafs the color seems pretty fluid :) ))Goodness gracious I thought I was paying enough attention, luckily the one is growing "like a weed!" lol... The other one stopped growing after transplanting, and I have noticed no calyx are swelled. Or very few. I almost want to toss her out, but we've gone this far!

If I went by flipping to 12/12, we would be in the 8th week. ((Sweetsue, you have an eye you're always so close or right one with your answers!!! <3 <3))

Going by trichome colors, looks like we are close! Oh this came too fast. The flowers are beautiful, on the one, nice and big and now I see why training is liked by many! I can also see why it is best to wait longer in vegging than I did. I was too excited, should of let them grow another couple weeks minimum...
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