Strain Doe


New Member
I'm a Grower, a writer, and an open minded realist. I love to smoke pot. It is the only drug I do, so I have a lot to keep up with, right? Ha! I'm on this site to have a place to put my writings before I put them in my online newspaper. No, you cannot go see it. I'm a little reluctant to publish it until I get some feed back from the rest of you.
You can get a glimpse of it from my blog posts, and pages therein. I would love it if you would send your contributions, but only if you are a contact. I don't do criticism well, and reserve the right to block you if you cant say anything nice, or just want to control my paper altogether.
I have always submitted my writing to someone else that posted it in their own publication. This time it's my publication, and I want it to be perfect!
So please join me on my quest to creating a newspaper for growers.
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