Hi, from Scotland


New Member
There was an article a few years ago in my local newspaper on the decriminalisation of marijuana, and the journalist who was writing this article was quoted as saying "... if marijuana was made legal, it could not be anymore available than it is right now!". this quote gives a good summary of how strong this plant is used and grown in this tiny little island.
I look forward to sharing our history with the rest of the community.

Sting123 welcome aboard!! Seems you got a lot on your mind! Let it OUT here!! 420 :welcome: s you with open arms! Come join the fun and knowledge you will be adding to!:cheer: Hope to hear more! See to you around the forums friend, thanks for teaming up with 420! :peace:
Sting123 welcome to our forums. Can't say that I've ever met anyone from Scotland. Hello from the heart of the westcoast (of the USA), California. Does Scottish government tolerate medical marijuana or respect the healing and pain relieving properties of cannabis?

As with any independant government ie the Scottish paliament, the enlighted people do not recognise their dracorian laws that serve no purpose to the people, only to their laws that that fund this infantile system. The analogy would be the growth of mycelium, it grows without control, stronger underground when seen with the eyes closed.
:smokin:Hey welcome! Scotland huh? That's awesome, would love to hear more about your people's history with cannabis! Have a great day!:ganjamon:
:smokin:Hey welcome! Scotland huh? That's awesome, would love to hear more about your people's history with cannabis! Have a great day!:ganjamon:

As with any true account of "A Peoples History of (Scotland)" to borrow a quote from a Howard Zinn book, it is not to be found in the history books , an education system or the devolved parliament situated in the centre of Edinburgh. Where a pathological group of elected Members of Scottish Parliament (MSP) make up laws regarding the use, or misuse of drugs (funny word laws? a conundrum that spells wals or walls! and walls have no ears?), the language preferred? or if you look at the statistics during polling day that shows only 47% of the population actually bothered to vote and the newly elected Scottish Nationalist party accumulated 24% of those votes that forms our government. Democracy my arse. Therefore, it is only my own history that i can truly talk about.
And what a wonderful, colourful and enlightend story it has been. Five years of an unimpeded relationship with this plant (check my members gallery to see my latest gifts from mother nature, six plants grown from seed... Nebular is her name). Never missed a days work, never been in trouble with the police (we have no DEA here) always on hand to help my fellow growers, watch no media tv, and read no national newspapers. His-story is now My-story.
heyyy great too seee another scot on here :)
where abouts are you situated in our so called glorious nation ?
the plants look lovely nice job on growing those beauties
High and welcome to the 420 community. It's great to have members from all over the world sharing ideas and opinions about our favorite plant. I hope we hear more from you.

enjoy your stay!

Peace and 420 :rollit:
Twelve miles from Glasgow airport, to pinpoint my exact location could render a visit from one of Strathclydes finest police officers!
lol im about halfway from you to edinburgh but your a bit more specific than i would have been lol
but anyways welcome :D
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