I don't really look at the price Sue �� I have one hell if a budget to spend on fun things and if it's educational then it's just okay �� but thanks anyway Sue!

Sent from my SM-G920F using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Well then, grab them both and have fun! :laughtwo:
walleye, that was deliciously poetic. Was that of your own making? I've been aware my entire adult life that we are individual expressions of the same joyful being. I like that line "slightly rearranged." :laughtwo:

Yes Sue, I suppose that came from me this morning following your advice on waking thoughts being positive and a fellows recent post about his sudden grief. Positive thoughts help and you cant stop thinking so might as well think positive. OMG It's my feminine side showing again !
A large part of it has to do with avoid the "first pass" through the liver. Even with competitive inhibition some THC gets metabolized into more psycho-active 11-something-THC. A properly placed suppository enters the vena cava which returns to heart and circulates through entire body where it can be taken up by other cells before it ever reaches liver on subsequent passes. Some may also travel through the lymph system avoiding the liver. Occasionally I get one a little to far in and some goes into the portal vein directly to liver, and I feel it.
I don't know specifics of tacking but I assume it follows a similar pathway and gets to body cells first before most of it can reach liver.

So 2 points:
1) avoids metabolism to 11-OH-THC from first pass, and
2) reaches cells before reaching liver.

Even understanding this it amazes me that I don't feel more with the doses I'm taking. Even 10% of a 200 mg dose should create quite a high, but at most it feels like quick vape of a weak strain.

That said, I don't know why vaping gets me high even when I've taken my supplements for competitive inhibition, or what pathway it takes through body.

So I guess I really don't know why I don't get high from suppositories, just a few facts that don't add up to the full picture. Maddenly fascinating stuff.
Thanks for replying. It's mind boggling to me that the with three methods that avoid the first pass through the liver (suppositories, tacking, smoking) only one of them causes euphoria. Why does smoking/vaping cause euphoria but not tacking or suppositories?

Sent from my 1975 Radio Shack walkie talkie.
hi birdie I couldn't follow your link thingy. I was thinking about maybe doing a slow de carb this summer maybe with a half o.

I found this Linky. I dunno cheers.

SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall
post 2491 I think it is.

Sorry, I do the copy link thing from post, sometimes it works, sometimes not.
It is post #2700 if this link doesn't work
Friday at around 5 AM I was caught up on this site. Today I am all caught up, except for the hundred pages I am behind on this thread.

Good news, bad news.
Good news, is it's only a few gallons at a time and only when it rains.

Bad news, well lots of things. The 80 year old tile roof on my garage is giving up. It is leaking into the grow room onto a HPS hood.

Good news is, those hoods are like an umbrella. There is not any way for water to get in from the top.

Bad news, it is going to cost a bunch of money to fix this problem.

Is everyone getting the idea.

I don't like the idea of roofers knowing what I chose to do with my garage space. I was hoping it would be a project for another owner.

I contacted the company that did the house roof this morning and I am expecting a call back from the estimator this afternoon.

What can I say?

Be well
Friday at around 5 AM I was caught up on this site. Today I am all caught up, except for the hundred pages I am behind on this thread.

Good news, bad news.
Good news, is it's only a few gallons at a time and only when it rains.

Bad news, well lots of things. The 80 year old tile roof on my garage is giving up. It is leaking into the grow room onto a HPS hood.

Good news is, those hoods are like an umbrella. There is not any way for water to get in from the top.

Bad news, it is going to cost a bunch of money to fix this problem.

Is everyone getting the idea.

I don't like the idea of roofers knowing what I chose to do with my garage space. I was hoping it would be a project for another owner.

I contacted the company that did the house roof this morning and I am expecting a call back from the estimator this afternoon.

What can I say?

Be well

courage and :Namaste: patience.
Friday at around 5 AM I was caught up on this site. Today I am all caught up, except for the hundred pages I am behind on this thread.

Good news, bad news.
Good news, is it's only a few gallons at a time and only when it rains.

Bad news, well lots of things. The 80 year old tile roof on my garage is giving up. It is leaking into the grow room onto a HPS hood.

Good news is, those hoods are like an umbrella. There is not any way for water to get in from the top.

Bad news, it is going to cost a bunch of money to fix this problem.

Is everyone getting the idea.

I don't like the idea of roofers knowing what I chose to do with my garage space. I was hoping it would be a project for another owner.

I contacted the company that did the house roof this morning and I am expecting a call back from the estimator this afternoon.

What can I say?

Be well

Tile roof, you say? yes expensive...particularly if its not yours.

Maybe a big-ass tarp???

Or, maybe an agile roof guy with some squirt cans of foam would give you a temporary fix, while you decide repair/move, etc.

Good luck
It's mine and beyond repair.

Asphalt shingles don't do well in the heat and wind here. I had a standing seam metal roof done for the house about five years ago. I was pleased with their work. I just wish they were cheaper. They are probably who I will go with.

When it is in the past, it will be one less concern.

When I checked the thread you were at post number 100. Triple digests, I am pretty sure you are now officially addicted to the site. You may want to confirm that with SweetSue though.

Friday at around 5 AM I was caught up on this site. Today I am all caught up, except for the hundred pages I am behind on this thread.

Good news, bad news.
Good news, is it's only a few gallons at a time and only when it rains.

Bad news, well lots of things. The 80 year old tile roof on my garage is giving up. It is leaking into the grow room onto a HPS hood.

Good news is, those hoods are like an umbrella. There is not any way for water to get in from the top.

Bad news, it is going to cost a bunch of money to fix this problem.

Is everyone getting the idea.

I don't like the idea of roofers knowing what I chose to do with my garage space. I was hoping it would be a project for another owner.

I contacted the company that did the house roof this morning and I am expecting a call back from the estimator this afternoon.

What can I say?

Be well

Well, the universe had another plan, didn't it? :laughtwo: Ahhh..... the sweet surprises of the day.

How long might it take them to do the repair work? Hmmmm..... Then one has the trip to make the estimate... I see the magnitude of the challenge for you Canyon, and you grow in more soil than most, don't you? Duggan's influence, I'd guess. Lol!

How does one deal with a dilemma like this Canyon? I come up against inspections every year, but I'm more confined than you.
It’s mine and beyond repair.

Asphalt shingles don’t do well in the heat and wind here. I had a standing seam metal roof done for the house about five years ago. I was pleased with their work. I just wish they were cheaper. They are probably who I will go with.

When it is in the past, it will be one less concern.

When I checked the thread you were at post number 100. Triple digests, I am pretty sure you are now officially addicted to the site. You may want to confirm that with SweetSue though.


Confirmed. :laughtwo:
Sorry, I do the copy link thing from post, sometimes it works, sometimes not.
It is post #2700 if this link doesn't work

no problem birdie. I just happy. I clicked the link because I wanted to re read the growgoddess info 20 more times.
I get the same things. sometimes I linky perfect. Sometimes it goes linked to the first page. I dunno happens to me all the time.
Happy smiles. :)
courage and :Namaste: patience.

Learn this lesson and learn it well.

Assume you have patience. Never, ever ask for patience.

In the cosmic scheme of things you invite the universe to bring you all manner of experience to help you learn the feeling of patience.

This game is not as much fun as it may sound. :laughtwo:
Thanks for replying. It's mind boggling to me that the with three methods that avoid the first pass through the liver (suppositories, tacking, smoking) only one of them causes euphoria. Why does smoking/vaping cause euphoria but not tacking or suppositories?

Sent from my 1975 Radio Shack walkie talkie.

Inhalation enters from the lungs, directly into the bloodstream and straight to the brain. The brain has more CB1 receptors than all of the other receptors scattered through the body. Once that THC hits the brain all bets are off. You get high immediately on Delta 9 THC.

Once cannabinoids that are still in the bloodstream get to the liver they get metabolized into 11-hydroxy THC, which is presumed to be a more intense expression of THC, although there's some dispute about that.

Inhaled, you get the buzz from the brain. Ingested, you get the buzz from the liver. Tacking is special. Tacking enters the brain directly from the oral mucosa, but you're dealing with smaller doses, titrated up slowly to build up specific tolerances. You're getting high, but you've allowed the body to adapt to the sensation to the point that it's not intense euphoria. Instead you fool the brain into believing it's in a state of homeostasis.

This has benefits to the ECS beyond simply dosing. The tack in advance of the major dose primes the pump, so to speak, so that the body doesn't feel like you slammed a locomotive of cannabinoids into it.

If you need further clarification, please keep asking. Every time I explain it the message gets more defined.
Well, the universe had another plan, didn't it? :laughtwo: Ahhh..... the sweet surprises of the day.

How long might it take them to do the repair work? Hmmmm..... Then one has the trip to make the estimate... I see the magnitude of the challenge for you Canyon, and you grow in more soil than most, don't you? Duggan's influence, I'd guess. Lol!

How does one deal with a dilemma like this Canyon? I come up against inspections every year, but I'm more confined than you.

The gentleman came over on his way home to look things over and talk things over. He is going to send an estimate. The problem is, it is going to be a long time before they can start. Though he did say that it is probably only a three day job and may be able to do better time wise.

If I had known he was going to show up I would have removed the last of a trim off of a line I have for drying. I actually don't think he noticed it or what it was. If he did see it he did a good job of pretending not to.

I am legal up to 16 plants and if my wife wants, she is initialed to 16 with her health and pain issues. The real risk is from someone telling someone. Then some kid shows up and does something stupid trying to get in a gang or something.

I bought the crew that did the house roof a box of donuts every day and most days some OJ. I will do the same this time. Happy workers do better work an are much less likely to cause you grief.

Until it is over I have intermittent indoor rain water. There is no getting on the roof without breaking some tiles.

I have done what I can for now. Younger generations have a saying that fits. "It is what it is."

Best everyone
Just an update on the events of yesterday and the evening before.

My wife asked last night if she, "could take everythign back." Meaning, could she pretend she'd never told me it was over. I told her YES.

You may all be wondering why.

My wife lives with very debilitating depression, depression which controls her every movement, her every action, her every word. I've never seen anyone with such depression in my life, and I've seen a lot of depressions in my lifetime. She is ruled by it. And she's been without her antidepressant medication for over one and a half weeks now. Long enough for her depression to have taken root in her mind and soul again.

I think this is what happened to bolster the events of the past few days, actually. Though it's not like her to come out of the blue and announce the end of our marriage like that, if she's caught in the throes of depression, it would be like her. And so I think that is what happened.

I think, to be honest, that it was the depression talking when she said she wanted to end it. That's why it hurst so much, because it was so out of left field. So shocking, and I hadn't seen it coming, completely sidewinded. It was the shocking way it was done that did me in. That hurt me so badly.But I don't like being on a pity pot...

Today it became clear to me that it was the depression talking. Just the sheer shocking-ness of the situation. The out of left field itiveness of it (yes, I know that "itiveness" is not a word; I'M the writer here...). I'm prone to thinking that this will pass. Maybe it won't, but I think it will with the proper medication and all. I sure hope so.
Just an update on the events of yesterday and the evening before.

My wife asked last night if she, "could take everythign back." Meaning, could she pretend she'd never told me it was over. I told her YES.

You may all be wondering why.

My wife lives with very debilitating depression, depression which controls her every movement, her every action, her every word. I've never seen anyone with such depression in my life, and I've seen a lot of depressions in my lifetime. She is ruled by it. And she's been without her antidepressant medication for over one and a half weeks now. Long enough for her depression to have taken root in her mind and soul again.

I think this is what happened to bolster the events of the past few days, actually. Though it's not like her to come out of the blue and announce the end of our marriage like that, if she's caught in the throes of depression, it would be like her. And so I think that is what happened.

I think, to be honest, that it was the depression talking when she said she wanted to end it. That's why it hurst so much, because it was so out of left field. So shocking, and I hadn't seen it coming, completely sidewinded. It was the shocking way it was done that did me in. That hurt me so badly.But I don't like being on a pity pot...

Today it became clear to me that it was the depression talking. Just the sheer shocking-ness of the situation. The out of left field itiveness of it (yes, I know that "itiveness" is not a word; I'M the writer here...). I'm prone to thinking that this will pass. Maybe it won't, but I think it will with the proper medication and all. I sure hope so.
Well I'm glad and find it sad at the same time Magnus. It is good that she doesn't want to leave you for real. But still, that depression is really bad. You two nee eachother and she knows it too. So stay strong, there comes a time that it will all be better. Trust me.

Sent from my SM-G920F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Just an update on the events of yesterday and the evening before.

My wife asked last night if she, "could take everythign back." Meaning, could she pretend she'd never told me it was over. I told her YES.

You may all be wondering why.

My wife lives with very debilitating depression, depression which controls her every movement, her every action, her every word. I've never seen anyone with such depression in my life, and I've seen a lot of depressions in my lifetime. She is ruled by it. And she's been without her antidepressant medication for over one and a half weeks now. Long enough for her depression to have taken root in her mind and soul again.

I think this is what happened to bolster the events of the past few days, actually. Though it's not like her to come out of the blue and announce the end of our marriage like that, if she's caught in the throes of depression, it would be like her. And so I think that is what happened.

I think, to be honest, that it was the depression talking when she said she wanted to end it. That's why it hurst so much, because it was so out of left field. So shocking, and I hadn't seen it coming, completely sidewinded. It was the shocking way it was done that did me in. That hurt me so badly.But I don't like being on a pity pot...

Today it became clear to me that it was the depression talking. Just the sheer shocking-ness of the situation. The out of left field itiveness of it (yes, I know that "itiveness" is not a word; I'M the writer here...). I'm prone to thinking that this will pass. Maybe it won't, but I think it will with the proper medication and all. I sure hope so.

This is good news Magnus. Mental and emotional illness is not to be taken lightly. Knowing she'd been off her meds makes a world of difference.

She sounds like someone with a seriously compromised ECS. I recommend you check out the new thread I posted this morning on ways to bolster the system beyond cannabis. Once you have a harvest and have some meds on hand to process you'll notice a change in both of you.

Be alert going in, anxiety and depression call for different cannabinoid ratios and different strains. It's not something you can mix and match. Depression responds best to the sativa-dominance and anxiety to the indicas. Miss that up and you may have hell to pay.
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