Hiya SweetSue, guys,

I didn't intend to start a ruckus, lol. You guys surprised me with your curiosity.

I chose that concentration because you (SweetSue) used to do a similar concentration, unless I'm totally misinformed. Just seemed to work for me. I put 2 cups of olive oil in a crockpot, grind up 4 oz in coffee grinder, add to olive oil, cook on low for 8 hrs or more until bubbles stop. strain overnight, and squeeze all I can in the morning. Spent mash goes in compost bin after. Oh, purple haze is the strain. Energy is my game. I'm looking to feel and be energetic in daytime (large garden, painting house this year, cut and split 8 cord for winter). All the experimenting is getting better. I'm excited about the cob cure. Growing 3 carnival ladies this year. Hoping for the energy boost. Still looking for the cannabis of youth (fountain of youth). Later
Hi Bode. No ruckus here...Yup we are a curious bunch always interested in different methods and recipes. What temp do you use for your cook?

There are a lot of cannabinoids in that mash even after the squeeze. I keep mine and use it in all sorts of things. The plant matter absorbs the oil and it gets quite crumbly.

Ok I'm not gonna lie, I'm a cannavor. I also just eat it.
Hiya oldbear,

I tried eating the leftovers a couple times, wasn't very palatable. How do you do it, OB?

Anyone have a recipe to make spent cannabis/oil palatable?
Hiya oldbear,

I tried eating the leftovers a couple times, wasn't very palatable. How do you do it, OB?

Anyone have a recipe to make spent cannabis/oil palatable?

The strongest concentration I do is 400 grams of wet bud to 500ml of carrier oil. When using dry buds I use 100 grams to 500 ml......

Wait...... that's almost the same as you're using. :rofl: So.....you did learn this from me. Lol! For some reason when it's expressed as 4 ounces it sounds so implausible. Lol!

Ok, now that my brain made sense of that...I've begun saving the mash, freezing it for later use. I don't get good returns when I do a large batch, and all that extra oil bound up gives me pause, although..... if I had compost heap it'd likely be there more often than not. Some of those batches I left 1/3 of the oil in the mash.

The oil content doesn't bother your compost heap?

Oldbear is the champ for using the leftovers, IMO. :high-five:

Try adding a little natural sweetener to it and washing it down with green tea. :battingeyelashes: Or you could make edibles with it, as in my favorite, brownies. Chocolate is wonderful as a cover for the cannabis taste. That works best if it's coconut oil, but I've used olive and it wasn't an odd enoug taste to get me to avoid eating them. Lol! Coconut is tastier for sweet edibles, no contest.

Add it to ground meat when you make the next meatloaf. Cook it into the meat used for spaghetti or chili. Add to a chowder or cream soup base. Toss a little into a chicken dish. Just a little until you get a feel for the flavors.

Consider adding enough oil to make it liquid enough to suck up in a syringe to fill capsules. The dose would be different, but with some experimentation you'd work that out. I have some frozen CBD CC mash I've been meaning to do this with for months.

I think your search for rejuvination is on the right path Bode. It certainly is working that way for me. Someday you should check out Callanetics. Your active life is keeping you strong and healthy. I use Callanetics to keep me growing younger. :battingeyelashes:
I usually dose only once a day, and have a nighttime oil (same dose) lets me sleep solidly. Thanks for asking..

I missed this point earlier: you dose once a day, not counting night meds, and it last for four hours. Why only the single dose? I'd think smaller doses, spread out over the day might be more effective. What do you do about pain management the rest of the time Bode?
I use Dave Groomer’s simple recipe.
I go with around 20 drops of lavender for every cup, using my daughter’s excellent olfactory system to guide me.

IDK why, but I forgot to check back before I started making my oil, so I didn't see this until I was done. :laugh: Thank you for (re)posting that. I'll bookmark it for next time!

Painkiller XL Topical

PKXL is documented as having 9% THC and 9% CBD. The buds had been curing for 3w5d.

I started with 48g of flower (all I had left) and 2 cups of grape seed oil. I opted NOT to decarb first, using the 4-hour cycle on the herbal infuser instead. When the oil was done, I strained it with the 220-micron bubble bag (nice that they come in handy for something, since I'm sure not going to use a 220 bag for making hash) and mixed in ~2 tablespoons of liquid sunflower lecithin. Then I put it in the fridge for 24 hours. The oil then sat out to warm to room temp. The oil is dark green and has a noticeably weedy smell when it first goes on, but that fades quickly.

I'd bought some small blue glass bottles with roller-ball tops, so I filled one with the oil and rolled it on my aching hands last night. On the left hand, the pain vanished! On the right, nothing. I figured I might need to wait a bit to get a good assessment, but 15 min later, I realized I had no pain. NONE!

This morning, both shoulders were aching. While I was filling a couple more bottles for family members, I overfilled one bottle a little, so I wiped the excess oil off on my shoulders. The pain just faded away. Is the placebo effect in play, or does it actually work? I'll continue to use and evaluate as the day progresses. :)

I fixed up a roller bottle for my 84-year-old mom who's got a wide variety of painful ailments and rubbed some on her back, the most painful body part. She came back a few minutes later and asked for some on a different part of her back. When I checked in with her about a half hour later, she reported that her back feels good, and she can walk without pain. We're both cautiously optimistic!
IDK why, but I forgot to check back before I started making my oil, so I didn't see this until I was done. :laugh: Thank you for (re)posting that. I'll bookmark it for next time!

Painkiller XL Topical

PKXL is documented as having 9% THC and 9% CBD. The buds had been curing for 3w5d.

I started with 48g of flower (all I had left) and 2 cups of grape seed oil. I opted NOT to decarb first, using the 4-hour cycle on the herbal infuser instead. When the oil was done, I strained it with the 220-micron bubble bag (nice that they come in handy for something, since I'm sure not going to use a 220 bag for making hash) and mixed in ~2 tablespoons of liquid sunflower lecithin. Then I put it in the fridge for 24 hours. The oil then sat out to warm to room temp. The oil is dark green and has a noticeably weedy smell when it first goes on, but that fades quickly.

I'd bought some small blue glass bottles with roller-ball tops, so I filled one with the oil and rolled it on my aching hands last night. On the left hand, the pain vanished! On the right, nothing. I figured I might need to wait a bit to get a good assessment, but 15 min later, I realized I had no pain. NONE!

This morning, both shoulders were aching. While I was filling a couple more bottles for family members, I overfilled one bottle a little, so I wiped the excess oil off on my shoulders. The pain just faded away. Is the placebo effect in play, or does it actually work? I'll continue to use and evaluate as the day progresses. :)

I fixed up a roller bottle for my 84-year-old mom who's got a wide variety of painful ailments and rubbed some on her back, the most painful body part. She came back a few minutes later and asked for some on a different part of her back. When I checked in with her about a half hour later, she reported that her back feels good, and she can walk without pain. We're both cautiously optimistic!

Oh Mac! What a marvelous thing to read.! :yahoo:

Ok....ok.... this means we don’t need to be focused on high THC for pain. It means cannabinoids are what you’re looking for and you wouldn’t believe how excited I was to find an even ratio chemovar will be as effective.

We know high THC works. We know high CBD works, but I’m not certain yet if that’s selective to certain types of pain or not, whereas we just learned that a balanced ratio seems to work across the board.

We haven’t tried any higher-CBD, but I have some Jamaican that’s slightly more CBD and high b-caryophyllene that’ll be a good test.

Hmmm..... I have some seniors using my oils. I think I’ll work up a mix of oils, pass them out and see if they notice any difference in effects.

I am soooooo excited! WooHoo! :yahoo:
A few weeks back it was oil making week asi took down 6 clones and lopin saidwe had plenty of bud to last till next year. My first batch was from my cbdutch treat a 2-1 or 8% cbd and 4% thc strain. I don't measure my bud weight but after decarb had to push it down into the MB2 to get it below the max level and used grape seed oil to just barely cover the buds. I did the same thing with the White Widow which is 24% thc and 1% cbd. So I have 2 pretty strong batches of oil. About a week ago I strained something in the back of my hand and was bothering me to the point I couldn't close it or hardly use it. I applied some cbd oil and waited about 30 min. And applied the high thc oil. Within 10 min I could close it and use it almost as if nothing had happened to it. I do this to other parts of my body that are aching with real good results. My thinking is to take care of the inflammation first with the cbd and then go after it with the high thc for pain.
I can't wait till October till I start my new job where I won't be drug tested to start ingesting some of this great medicine as I see what it has done for my daughter Lopin and just as a topical what it has done for me.
Does this mean it was decarbed in the herbal infuser or that the oil was straight THCa and CBDa?

I'm operating under the assumption that decarb took place in the infuser, but I honestly don't know. It could be THCa/CBDa. Is there a way to easily test the oil?
A few weeks back it was oil making week asi took down 6 clones and lopin saidwe had plenty of bud to last till next year. My first batch was from my cbdutch treat a 2-1 or 8% cbd and 4% thc strain. I don't measure my bud weight but after decarb had to push it down into the MB2 to get it below the max level and used grape seed oil to just barely cover the buds. I did the same thing with the White Widow which is 24% thc and 1% cbd. So I have 2 pretty strong batches of oil. About a week ago I strained something in the back of my hand and was bothering me to the point I couldn't close it or hardly use it. I applied some cbd oil and waited about 30 min. And applied the high thc oil. Within 10 min I could close it and use it almost as if nothing had happened to it. I do this to other parts of my body that are aching with real good results. My thinking is to take care of the inflammation first with the cbd and then go after it with the high thc for pain.
I can't wait till October till I start my new job where I won't be drug tested to start ingesting some of this great medicine as I see what it has done for my daughter Lopin and just as a topical what it has done for me.

Do you feel your results are enhanced this way beyond what a high THC one would do alone?
I missed this point earlier: you dose once a day, not counting night meds, and it last for four hours. Why only the single dose? I'd think smaller doses, spread out over the day might be more effective. What do you do about pain management the rest of the time Bode?
Hiya SweetSue,

Yeah, once a day seems to be enough. I only take the oil if I'm not feeling tiptop (energy level), and want to let my mind not dread the work load. At home, I can smoke when wanted. It's different, but keeps my mind where I like it, and energy always comes when I start working.So I take a dose usually around 9-9:30, lasts about 4 hrs (increased energy level) then starts backing down. No hangover, but I do get thirsty! I also take a nighttime (indica leaning) oil to rest well at night. Of course, all the oil, smoke, chew (cob sometimes), is a prophylactically applied treatment for all the aches and pains of getting old. I have no idea what extent the pain is, but I wake up in the morning still without pain (osteoarthritis), so I'm thinking what I'm dosing, is probably too much, but "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind on mentality. No ill effects of the level of dosing, so I'm fine. Rambling again ....... Cya
Is there any info with the infuser that says what the operating temperature is?

My understanding is that the four-hour cycle runs 130-140°F.
Hiya oldbear,

I tried eating the leftovers a couple times, wasn't very palatable. How do you do it, OB?

Anyone have a recipe to make spent cannabis/oil palatable?

Some options:

Once it dries some, you could put it in gel caps.

Add to soups or stews, sprinkle on salads, add it to smoothies, add it to anything you bake - meatloaf, cakes etc

You can also grind it up more if the texture is a problem. When I make the oils I just finger crumble the flowers, rather than grind them.
Thank you SweetSue and oldbear for the suggestions. I like not grinding up the whole thing. The flavor is fine, just the grainy texture of ground up cannabis bud. Think I'll try again next time with much better ideas! Thanks, guys! :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Anyone have a recipe to make spent cannabis/oil palatable?

That would be a BIG task for me, it tastes pretty nasty to my tongue! But different folks have different palates and likes.

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