:kisstwo: You are really a dream Canyon. Such a adventurous spirit. I really wish New Mexico was in the cards. It's looking like more central US. It pleases me to be able to call you a friend. :hug: :love:

Thanks, I like friends. I am kind of picky about who but, I like friends. I am glad you are one. :green_heart:

"adventurous spirit"? I try to avoid anything life threatening or that could result in jail time. Sometimes I fail though. Well, the night in Myrtle Beach's drunk probably does not count. I try to keep life interesting though. For my age, I don't have many regrets. It has been mostly a fun ride so far.

2 Br 1 Bath Circa $500 [;>) Mid west is ok I suppose.

Hello you lovely lot :)

I'm back to pick your brains...

I made a new batch of Bio Bomb capsules a few days back using the new ratio of lecithin that Sue posted here.

In the passed, under Cajun's instructions i made the bio bomb caps as follows

1g Co
5g Flax
10 g lecithin

These worked a treat and i didn't notice any problems

This new batch i made at 20:1 the lecithin separated and sunk to the bottom whilst in the fridge.

After 24 hrs i placed into a warm water bath, re-mixed and filled the caps.

Anyone else having this separation issue? I remember someone saying to add alcohol?

And is the fridge step needed seeing as the lecithin separates ?

The amount of lecithin I have been adding is about 10% of total. It varies according to who's numbers you use. Check around for an average.

I am not sure what it does or why the refrigeration is needed. I have just gone with what others are doing and try to sort out the whys later.

Someone mentioned adding alcohol in small amounts before capping. Again, I do not know why or how much.

I never know
Hi chewey.

I recall cajun saying the 24 hours is to allow the chemical reactions to complete for full encapsulation and bioavailability.

I use flax seed oil like you and have not had problems separating. I add a couple drops of alcohol and whisk everything thoroughly, for another 5-10 minutes after everything looks blended. I also mix the CO/flax seed oil portion (6g:15g ratio for my dosage, still total 21g) and the flax seed oil/lecithin portion (3 tbsp:1 tbsp, or 45g:15g) separately before mixing them together. Finally, my ingredients were room temp when I did mixing. Hope that helps.

Hi Canyon. Thanks for the Qtip tip. Do you use the Qtips with plastic or paper stick?

Finally my own question: Are people tacking with pure CO or the bio bomb blend? I've been trying with my CO which is too sticky to tack cleanly. Thanks. :Namaste:
Hi chewey.

I recall cajun saying the 24 hours is to allow the chemical reactions to complete for full encapsulation and bioavailability.

I use flax seed oil like you and have not had problems separating. I add a couple drops of alcohol and whisk everything thoroughly, for another 5-10 minutes after everything looks blended. I also mix the CO/flax seed oil portion and the flax seed oil/lecithin portion separately before mixing them together. Finally, my ingredients were room temp when I did mixing. Hope that helps.

Canyon, do you use the Qtips with plastic or paper stick?

I understand the concept behind 24hrs in the fridge, but if it's separating, surely it's not doing what's needed?

What ratios are you using?
I used
1g co
16g flax
4g lecithin
I don't have any problem with separation, but I use olive or coconut oil. Could it be the flaxseed oil?
I don't have any problem with separation, but I use olive or coconut oil. Could it be the flaxseed oil?

Maybe Sue...

Only one way to find out :)

I have two grams to knock up so ill try with olive oil :)

Rest assured, I'll be back...(In an Arnold voice) lol
I understand the concept behind 24hrs in the fridge, but if it's separating, surely it's not doing what's needed?

What ratios are you using?
I used
1g co
16g flax
4g lecithin

I think the key is to just mix and mix. Just a little alcohol makes it easier to mix. But mix at least 10 minutes. I've heard that olive oil blends easier also.
It's not the flax seed oil. I use 2-3 mls of food grain alcohol to both mixtures. 3 mls of CCO& 2-3 mls of alcohol slightly heated until runny then add 20+mls of flax seed oil(do not heat the flax seed oil) in a separated jar i will add 2-3 mls of alcohol to a little better then a tbs of sunflower lecithin and slightly warm up so the lecithin has a runny consistency , i will then add this to another 45+ mls of flax seed oil. Stir both mixtures together with egg beater( i use the drink mixing head attachment and is sooo much better then the whisk). I refrigerate for 24 hours, during this time i will give a quick stir 2-3 times. The only time i had a problem with separation is the first time making the biobombs due to not using a tad of alcohol along with some gentle heat
If you still have a problem with separation go grab a couple of 60 ml syringes to put your mixture in that way you can give it a good shake before filling your caps, it may slightly separate in your capsules but nothing to worry about.:thumb:
It's not the flax seed oil. I use 2-3 mls of food grain alcohol to both mixtures. 3 mls of CCO& 2-3 mls of alcohol slightly heated until runny then add 20+mls of flax seed oil(do not heat the flax seed oil) in a separated jar i will add 2-3 mls of alcohol to a little better then a tbs of sunflower lecithin and slightly warm up so the lecithin has a runny consistency , i will then add this to another 45+ mls of flax seed oil. Stir both mixtures together with egg beater( i use the drink mixing head attachment and is sooo much better then the whisk). I refrigerate for 24 hours, during this time i will give a quick stir 2-3 times. The only time i had a problem with separation is the first time making the biobombs due to not using a tad of alcohol along with some gentle heat

Thank you for this panacea. I'm pretty sure you've told us this before. This time I'll be smart and blog it so I have easy access. This organization thing is a true challenge. We're into October now and this study hall's been running since Easter. We've covered so much that's in danger of being lost, and that's something I wanted to avoid.

This is my new priority. I'm going to set aside classes , with the exception of the regular Thursday night live streaming ones from Green Flower media, and focus on getting a reference log up. I'm thinking get this first post done to cover this initial span and then update it every three months from then out. Just an organization of finer points with links back to the study hall, but so much easier to navigate than scrolling through pages and pages.

I guess I could start it as posts covering three month sections. That's a better idea. Alright. I'll commit to that. Now that AngryBird and I have the home remedies thread up and running I don't have any other pressing needs beyond this obvious one. I'll get busy on it this weekend.
Rabbi, the Qtip trick did not come from me. I have not tried tacking. I am experimenting with bio-bombs.

Now I have a question. If coco nut oil sets up at room temperature, does refrigerating do any good?

The keif project yielded about 9g of good kief and about 10 of what went through a 300 micron screen and not a 150 screen. It has to be rather weak. OTOH the good stuff looks nice and light colored. It smokes well and has a nice strong high. I held back the largest bag because it had a lot of moisture in it. That brought the starting weight down to 137g,just a little under 5oz.

Unless I change my mind, I am going to keep half of the good stuff and all of what did not go through the first screen. I think about a fifth of 190 would cover it. It is worth the cost to find out what is left in it. It is going to be a single rinse. I do not know how long I am going to soak it. I am torn between 3 minutes and over night.

Tomorrow I will find out how much oil is in the better kief and start a small batch of bio-bombs.

Unless someone needs to know what to expect yield wise, I am going to hold off on the conversion to oil until I have more to work with. Today was too busy. Tomorrow there is a painter finishing up. By then I will have a plant within a few days of finishing. I still have a small bag of trim to dry out and shake. Plus some other oil.

It will be nice to top off a few bowels with some kief before making caps out of it.

I am going to soak the depleted trim and watch the color. Unless it gets dark quickly I will probably go with overnight in the freezer.

I got these from a friend. The random orbit sander is noisy on the brass. I keep some dry ice in each sieve and the catch pan.

Good morning :hug:SweetSue:hug:

Also,good morning all here as well.:green_heart:
I would like to just give Canyon some props for the above post. Very cool n simple get up you got goin down there. Those sieves are very nice.

Later ya'll.

Oh yeah, Sue swing by the journal later when ya get a lil time. I wanna show you that Auto Destroyer. I also have The Dutch Kush and Bubba Kush popped. But I got em in slow veg. Too much going on in flower to give them what they need right now.

I would just like to wish everyone that comes across this post a wonderful and fruitful day.
May your days be filled with light for lifting up your souls and gardens, gifting you with bounty and life.
Your nights filled with terpene filled dreams and no leaks of light. :rofl:

Good morning Bright One. :hug::hug::hug: Thank you for that eloquent greeting to another glorious day.

I see Chewy hasn't been here yet this morning. He's having a devil of a time getting his pain cream recipe to perform correctly. His cream melts at room temperature. He's using the same recipe I used:

1g co
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 grapeseed oil
1/4 oz beeswax

Here's what mine looks like.


And his, with double the beeswax in mine.


He says he shared this recipe with a friend who's having the same problem. any thoughts on what's going on here? I'm stumped.
You beat me too it Sue :)

Thank you!
Hi folks,

I'm back again with another question :)

Im currently helping a guy with chronic arthritis. He also suffers with extreme anxiety and depression poor guy. I've sent him some Bio Bomb caps from a 1:1 and even after 1.5 days of using these, he is noticing a reduction in pain.

One other issue he has is sleeping. It doesn't matter how much THC he smokes, it doesn't seem to help.

So my thoughts are for him to try some capsules for bedtime. I have some high THC oil and i thought it maybe better to decarb the oil for longer as to create more CBN.

The flowers were debarbed in the oven for 1 hr before i made the oil. My question to you folks is. Im i on the right track with the CBN and if so, how much longer would you recommend debarbing for?
Hi folks,

I'm back again with another question :)

Im currently helping a guy with chronic arthritis. He also suffers with extreme anxiety and depression poor guy. I've sent him some Bio Bomb caps from a 1:1 and even after 1.5 days of using these, he is noticing a reduction in pain.

One other issue he has is sleeping. It doesn't matter how much THC he smokes, it doesn't seem to help.

So my thoughts are for him to try some capsules for bedtime. I have some high THC oil and i thought it maybe better to decarb the oil for longer as to create more CBN.

The flowers were debarbed in the oven for 1 hr before i made the oil. My question to you folks is. Im i on the right track with the CBN and if so, how much longer would you recommend debarbing for?

My question would be is your high THC oil Indica or Sativa? That will make a difference. :circle-of-love::peace:
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