The 4x4 Grow Tent Club

Those plants are beautiful. No burns. Leaves reaching for the sky. Nicely done. My seedlings just pushed up today through my soil. I hope I can get mine like that.
Well, she seems to be doing pretty good @Kingsnake235. the other 2 are my first try with clones. ive got them rooted but they seem a little yellow with turned up leaves... no nutes in anything yet other than whats in the FF soil. The ugly duckling that i started from seed seems to have naturally topped itself. Thoughts? Also just noticed a couple little roots poking thru my cup. Time to transplant into 3gal netpots

nice! those all look good to me; i think the brighter growth may be due to how fast they've grown, not sure. When you start feeding N they will sort themselves out, but you dont want them to be too too dark anyways; bright green is good, the middle one looks perfect.

and as for the self-topping, i think i've seen that before recently, cant say why, but at the very least it may have saved you some time if you were gonna top her anyways!
yeah i plan on topping to run a scrog so it works out to my advantage. the middle one is the skywalker i germinated and cam out deformed. she sure is looking pretty now tho. should i wait to transplant when more roots poke out of the cup or should i be good to go?
i use solo cups and let them get almost rootbound before transplanting, most of them have some roots out the holes in the bottom for a while before then, so i cant say for sure with those pots, sorry.

should be ok! just make sure not to over water in the larger pot, let it dry out well.
Well I got my lights today

What is the light setup ya got there?
going nuts trying to figure out who is the best or worst atm

so far I know theres Solis tek, PL, Phantom DE And sun systems DE
I wanna go De if I can keep the price down, but so far staying with a 1k
First grow went fairly well. Learned a tooooon from that. Figured I'd decertify a tad with these young ladies

Pretty excited.

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I think i might be killing her! leaves are turning yellow on the edges of just this plant. the clones are fine. about 75* 45-50 RH. Ocean Forrest soil with 25% perlite. no nutes yet, she is 21 days old today.
If no nutes yet it could be a potassium deficiency .. are the leaf stems (petioles) reddish? they look healthy otherwise tho, so its probably a good time to start feeding her. Start small, quater or half recommended dose for her age off the bottle. Youre 3 weeks in so that soil is probably spent, shes just hungry i bet!
So my brother in law came over. He says that misting the plants during their light cycle is causing the water droplets to reflect the light and burn them. I guess I'll just have to mist the walls to keep my humidity levels right for the next week or so.

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yep that'll happen. if you need more humidity you can try a bowl of water with a cloth in it, suspend the cloth so one corner of the cloth is submerged and the water will wick up the cloth as it evaporates; point your fan at it for more humidity. Then just refill the bowl or whatever you use. You can adjust the humidity level by exposing more or less of the cloth and hitting it with more or less air circulation.

that way you dont have to spray at all
yep that'll happen. if you need more humidity you can try a bowl of water with a cloth in it, suspend the cloth so one corner of the cloth is submerged and the water will wick up the cloth as it evaporates; point your fan at it for more humidity. Then just refill the bowl or whatever you use. You can adjust the humidity level by exposing more or less of the cloth and hitting it with more or less air circulation.

that way you dont have to spray at all
Thanks for that input. I had a humidifier in there but it made temps too hot for veg. Germination and clones work perfectly though. Anyway, I'm having a hard time envisioning what you're describing. Do have a picture or a link with picture instructions? It seems like you're saying to put a rag or something halfway in water and halfway out. If I did that, I think the rag would droop to the floor of my grow tent. Am I imagining this correctly?

Thanks for the guidance. It's much appreciated

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PS I just looked it up and found this.

Make a sponge humidifier

"This type of humidifier is easy to make and use. To benefit from simplified humidifiers, place one or more sponges in a humid releasing tool in your room. This depends on your needs. To make a simple homemade room humidifier, use a large freezer plastic bag and punch in 20 holes around it. Wet the big sponge and squeeze out the excess water. Place the damp sponge inside the plastic bag and keep it in the room for increased humidity. This method works well for a small space setting."

yeah half in half out, but with the top dry corner hung from something, so the water gets soaked vertically up the rag..

yeah the sponge thing sounds like the same basic idea!
Yea basically! Hows it working? If you can tie it wih string to the top of your tent instead of laying on the material it may have better airflow and evaporation, but if that works for you then thats all you need! What matters is the result right :p
Hi Batcave, Love your grow. Mine is very similar. The main difference I see is you are using a 1000w light. My problem is resin production. The plants are beautiful but the resin production is low. I am currently running a 400w HPS but have tried a regular 400w MH, a bank of CFL I made myself, an eye blue hortilux 400w MH and a 600w LED that looked similar to your grow tent. I have good genetics - Purps and Blueberry and am using good quality recycled soil mix that I add the roots, stems and leaves back to the soil along with some good organic and mineral additions and cook for at least 30 days. The smoke is good but not great. No where near as sticky as the outdoor skunk I grew back in the day. I have several indoor grows under my belt now and with the exception of high humidity everything is normal. So far my best results have been with the Eye Blue Hortilux bulb - my favorite so far but still not producing top notch quality.
Does anyone have similar problems or suggestions.
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