The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Well, as all creatures of the wild are destined to do....the little gal has gone back to her "home" and has asked me to tell her story.

On my way to work yesterday, I stopped at the end of the drive to check the mailbox. I noticed something in the middle of the road and passed it off as litter of some kind. I started to return to my car, looked again and decided to check it out.
It was this poor little Red Bellied Woodpecker. She had apparently been hit, and was just sitting there with her wings slightly out.

I picked her up and brought her into the woods, gently placing her on a low to the ground branch in case she fell off. She was so weak that she couldn't sit up straight on the branch, and kept flipping upside down:


So I moved her to some leaves up off of the snow. I stayed there and she seemed to enjoy the gentle hand petting her. She didn't try to peck at me even once.



After awhile her eyes seemed to brighten up and she started hopping around a little, so I felt she was going to be okay. I think she might have had a hurt foot and been stunned for awhile from the hit. She was moving around really well as I left to head for work.



Happy stories! Something to make you feel good ..... :)
That is so beautiful! It looks almost not real.
It does look wasp-ish on the body. Is that a preying mantis of some kind?


This appears to be a Mantidfly--Leptomantispa pulchella

A year round native of Canada about 1.3cm long (1/2") about which very little is known. Not known in Massachusetts per this link Species Leptomantispa pulchella - BugGuide.Net
A Mantisfly (Leptomantispa pulchella) - Information on A Mantisfly - Encyclopedia of Life

pulchella is Latin for beautiful.
G'day canna.... Continuing from my thread, lol, we pulled the rocket out. I asked miss chatterbox what she would like to grow,"flowers to attract the bees" was her response. I forget she's a person, with a memory etc, not my little baby, lol. I said that to her month or so earlier, when we brought the tomato plants..Any hoot, I brought these, $2 each, lol...They weren't tagged, so I don't know what they are or how big they grow. Haven't grown flowers before, only edibles and smokable's, lol... Between the plants is marigold, apparently helps keep bugs away.. I don't know how big any of these will grow, but I'm hoping that if they get big, I can dig them up and transplant them around the yard. Also hope I can break them up and get more plants.. Any help with, what they are, size they get, If I should move some now, how easy they are to transplant, etc, would be appreciated. They are planted about 10" apart, I'm now thinking they look like larger flowering plants, oops, lol... Sorry about pic quality...
You should plant an umbrella in that pot Radogast, give the little tykes some reprieve :)

I have bird feeders planted in that pot :)

If I put up an umbrella it would divert the seeds that the nuthatches toss out of the bird feeders to the juncos, cardinals nd doves waiting below -- not good !

The squirrels eat first. An hour later we feed the birds.

Your squirrels are so tiny compared to mine here. Such cuties! Mine are beasts in comparison. LOL
They are seriously taking the last of the season with good spirit. I have reds, grays, and black squirrels chasing each other up trees and across branches. They are so much fun to watch.
I am determined to get a feeder up this year in front of the living room window, with a platform under it for the squirrels so I can watch them.
Your squirrels are so tiny compared to mine here. Such cuties! Mine are beasts in comparison. LOL
They are seriously taking the last of the season with good spirit. I have reds, grays, and black squirrels chasing each other up trees and across branches. They are so much fun to watch.
I am determined to get a feeder up this year in front of the living room window, with a platform under it for the squirrels so I can watch them.

Not THAT small. That flower pot is taller and wider than a 5 gallon bucket. The decking is 2x6 boards.

A feeder platform outside your favorite window is a GREAT idea. Especially if you set the height for a good photo backgruond
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