Here you go canna, You need a really good candy thermometer as temperature is critical.


1 cup cannabis butter
2 ¼ cup brown sugar
dash of salt
1 cup light corn syrup
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp. vanilla (I prefer cherry extract!)


Melt butter; add brown sugar and salt. Stir until combined. Stir in light corn syrup. Gradually add milk; stir constantly. Cook and stir over med heat, until candy reaches firm ball stage (245F), about 12 to 15 min. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla, pour into 9″ by 13″ pan. Cool, cut and wrap.

My family caramel recipe is not suitable for canabutter. It uses 3lbs corn syrup, 4 pounds sugar and 3 qt of heavy cream and lots of stirring (2 hours or so) but they come out amazing. The recipe has been in my family since the 20's or 30's. I will have to see what else I can make. So far I have only made coconut oil in my MB2 machine but it is awesome. If you make edibles and you don't know what you are missing. Put ingredients in and set it and forget it.:thumb:
Okay gang, we have a cannabis cooking challenge.....I'm going to try to make the caramels and send pics over the weekend..
who wants to try the molasses cookies and send pics of the completed?
We need volunteers! :cheer:
This would be great fun if we did this once a month or so....

I would but I have not butter at the moment. Probably a week or so till I have trim to make some.

Soft caramel, Salted Caramel Fondant, Magic ganache, Milk/Dark Chocolate coating and I forget wtf I put on the outside.
DrZiggy, ever try fudge?
i make a great fudge, never yet with 420... A great fudge brownie, similar to your recipe.

The Buckeyes are excellent...almost like a peanut butter fudge. dipped in dark chocolate or good milk chocolate...the best peanut butter cups i ever had :)

Both he and our daughter are fans of peanut butter. I was thinking those might be my best option right now. So nice of you to show me how to do them Zig. :blushsmile::love:

This weekend, for sure.
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