The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

I believe you Major, and that's going to be a challenge for someone who also uses a SWICK with good results under my LOS. I am, however, starting the next occupant in that pot in the Tiny Closet, so times they are a changing. Growing roots 101. :hmmmm: Maybe a lesson plan would make my mind pay attention better. Thanks for the inspiration for that Major. Interesting concept.
Hi Sue :)

FWIW my perspective on the roots is simply look at what mother nature has done. It rains then it drys out, it rains...etc occasional random extra water/extra dryness.

As far as a lesson plan you have your first journal :love: its all there. Rice husks for the micro biota to live in, more O2 for them in those husks but too much water...floods their homes and takes away the O2.

I understand the experimental thing but I also want to see the thriving bountiful vibrant plant like you had in your first journal. I want to see you have all the bud you could ever want for you and your daughter and friends, a pantry of bud :) Maybe I want that too much. I apologize for the tone if i am sending tone, its hard for me to tell with my ADHD and the engineer in me. I could be completely misunderstanding your goals.

On another note I got two DBHBB kits-a-cookin', 11 clones-a-poppin, 6 Strawberry Diesel, 5 Golden Acapulco, 4 mother plants, 3 blowing fans, 2 separate rooms and a dog with a twisted ankle...:hmmmm:
I am not sure who uses as little as 376kWh. I get the same type info. with my bill and have yet to use so little and I am very frugal with power usage. My water heater is only on when needed, all appliances are energy star. I use just two computers anymore, one a laptop, and the other I built with energy saving in mind and it uses my LED LCD Tv as a monitor. So I guess they super low users are using a single light bulb. :smokin:
I resemble that remark :)
Hi Sue :)

FWIW my perspective on the roots is simply look at what mother nature has done. It rains then it drys out, it rains...etc occasional random extra water/extra dryness.

As far as a lesson plan you have your first journal :love: its all there. Rice husks for the micro biota to live in, more O2 for them in those husks but too much water...floods their homes and takes away the O2.

I understand the experimental thing but I also want to see the thriving bountiful vibrant plant like you had in your first journal. I want to see you have all the bud you could ever want for you and your daughter and friends, a pantry of bud :) Maybe I want that too much. I apologize for the tone if i am sending tone, its hard for me to tell with my ADHD and the engineer in me. I could be completely misunderstanding your goals.

On another note I got two DBHBB kits-a-cookin', 11 clones-a-poppin, 6 Strawberry Diesel, 5 Golden Acapulco, 4 mother plants, 3 blowing fans, 2 separate rooms and a dog with a twisted ankle...:hmmmm:

I like the perspective. Your Mother Nature explaination made such perfect sense to me. And here I was, headed out the door for a river walk, not planning on looking in yet. :laughtwo:

One of the ways Mother Nature gets away with that approach is the presence of a water table that can be pulled upon. I don't think those plants in my first grow had any lack of roots and they never lacked for water. Having said that, the obvious lack of turgidity in those two plants that I see in other grows, strongly suggests I am wrong, and as Major put it, cannabis does better underwatered than overwatered.

I like the way MysterySeeds and BAR both let them dry out before refilling. I sense that somewhere in there is the balance.

I can live with being wrong and I can change. Change is good.

I'm taking two more hits and head for the labyrinth. I finally had the night with no sleep. Now I don't have to wonder when that would happen. Let's try movement and meditation in nature. You've given me food for thought. Later. :love:

Thank you. I'm thrilled about your garden. Do keep us updated periodically.
Daily Update: Perpetual Tent - Week 11, Day 1

I's only a lightweight update today. There's really not much change and nothing really needed done, so I took a few quick shots.


Looking at this earlier it struck me that Auto Destroyer and African Buzz look like kachina dolls.

Strawberry Blue (Day 5)


Auto Jack Herer ( Day 5)


The Dark Devil Auto still a no show and Medical No Name withered and died. I took a picture for Herbies and will fire that off to them for a replacement, as soon as I find out if the Dark Devil needs replaced as well.

Environment under control.


The Tiny Closet

The Afghanis #1 (Day 6) & 3 (Day 5)


Afghani #2 (Day 5) and Carnival (Day 4)


There you have it, short and sweet. I'm going to take a nap now. I'll catch up later. You all have a wonderful day. It couldn't be more beautiful if it tried here. I've already had a lovely, thoughtful stroll along the river and a walk through the labyrinth, then stopped for breakfast on my way back. My soul is calm and body is beginning to wind down.

You know the drill guys. You. Joy. Spread it around. End up with more joy. A win/win. :battingeyelashes:

I like Kachina dolls :)

When talking about nature and watering, it's good to remember that there are many , many natural climates where dfferent strains of cannabis grow - from drought ridden, sunny plains to foggy open fields to edge areas of rain forests.

There is no "one true way" to be learned by studying nature.
The path of Tao is not the only path of Tao.
There are many colors of butterflies in this world.
Five hours straight guys! Five hours straight :party: I'm gonna treat myself out to dinner. Maybe sit inside today because the black flies are biting like mad along the river today. Ouch!!!

Thank you Rad, my ever-present voice of reason. Yes indeed, Mother Nature has many expressions and we'd be well advised to remember that. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to raising this plant species. Isn't that why we're all here? To explore untried options and refine techniques? I personally like the way we can pick things to death, exploring it from every direction and brainstorming as we go. Let's just keep an open mind.

Tomorrow looks like a good day to pull everyone out of the tent and rehang some lights.

Tomorrow looks like a good day to pull everyone out of the tent and rehang some lights.

I like the idea of pulling the plants out of the way before rehanging lights.

Friday night while holding up the HPS with one hand and wiggling a wire in the other hand, perched on top of a kitty litter bucket that was slowly deforming and becoming shorter, trying not to puncture my 6" air duct , I thought ... "I should probably NOT drop this 600W light fixture that is still turrned on and crush 4 plants in flower."
Still no crack eh?

Unfortunately, no. The seeds didn't make it. I'll be placing orders this week though, and it's on my list. Next run. Yours are amazing Atrain.
I like the idea of pulling the plants out of the way before rehanging lights.

Friday night while holding up the HPS with one hand and wiggling a wire in the other hand, perched on top of a kitty litter bucket that was slowly deforming and becoming shorter, trying not to puncture my 6" air duct , I thought ... "I should probably NOT drop this 600W light fixture that is still turrned on and crush 4 plants in flower."

Life on the edge Rad. :rofl:
Hey Sue. I'm online for a lil tonight. Just checking on ya.

Awww Cajun, I missed you. :straightface: Well, next time you check in..... :hug: :love: They still taking good care of you out there?
1:37AM. I'm going to stay away from "settings" and go to bed. Time to catch up.

Good night :love:
I actually listened to myself and went to bed then. :laughtwo: Slept straight through the night until 7:45. :cheer: Then I made it even better by making breakfast!! Maybe I can begin to follow the last part of the path through grief, into the healing phase. I know that phase is the longest, but I'm so ready to be past the panicky stages and begin to lay a solid ground for the future.

After I'm done here I'm hopping a bus to the nearest Goodwill store and wander through looking for useful items. I've been trying to fit this trip in for months now. Today's my day. :cheesygrinsmiley: Ahhhh. A little bit of normal. :battingeyelashes:

Daily Update: Perpetual Tent - Week 11, Day 2

I managed to leave the African Buzz go long enough to get a decent droop before her 1/4 Trans/Water drench today. Actually it was probably lighter than 1/4 Trans, mostly water. I was so proud of myself I tried to snap a photo before the drench revived her, but my camera is too full with screen shots I haven't cleared yet, so I missed that opportunity. :straightface: There'll be other times, I'm sure. I really need to clear the camera roll. All that info I keep snatching needs to be catalogued.


I used Graytail's method of setting up the drench in a 16 oz cup and slowly adding from above. I prefer this approach for these little pots. I water very slowly, more like a drip than a stream. I want it to permeate every bit of the soil. In the end she took almost every drop with just a smidge of runoff left.

She's at Day 68 now, and still actively pushing out new pistils.



Auto Destroyer (Day 69) Within days of harvest IMHO. Just a few pistils left to change. I can hear her panting to the finish line. Poor baby.


Cheese Candy, also at Day 69 and purring away.




Those two colas in the back are competing for dominance. Yeah, you go guys. :laughtwo: :slide:


I'm not having much luck with germination in this tent. :straightface: I hear you BAR. I hear you. I'll be reviewing that tutorial you left on Ranger's journal later today and thinking deeply on it.


Environment holding stable.


One last glance.


I added a visor to the safety gear today.


I'm holding off on light reset until tomorrow. I need to get buzzed and think about it some more before I get in there and dismantle it all. "Measure twice, cut once" applies here too.

Tiny Closet

Afghani #1 & 3


Afghani #2 & Carnival.


The seedling cups got watered as needed. I'm trying to let them go just a bit longer before watering, and then watering as slowly as I can. I'm beginning to get a feel for the weight of a dry vs a wet cup. Having all those examples you guys posted earlier has helped emensely in getting the timing right. Thank you again. :love:

That's all I got today. You all have a wonderful day and spread that joy around at every opportunity OK? I've been delving into the idea of gratitude and its relationship to Grace, something I could stand to reinforce in my life, and exploring the idea of embracing the grief instead of resisting it. It's been a thoughtful process and I believe I may have found my path through, at long last. Every once in a while I need that reminder of how connected we all are to the overreaching power that drives the universe. It always surprises me that I could have forgotten. :laughtwo:

Sending waves of love guys. :love:

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