Tiny white tips on leaves


New Member
I noticed today, tiny white tips on some of my leaves.

You can see a couple in this photo on the middle leaf.


I just put the plant under LED for the first time and am wondering if it is a reaction...(the light was 33" away)

Hasn't been fed / watered in 4 days and it was fed with a 1/4 dose of PBP. No cal mag yet.

Everything else about the plant looks good.

Any thoughts?
Tiny white tips on leaves..

Dang nabit I need to get my eyes checked, Now I see 33 inches away, DOH
Do you PH your water when you feed?
At 1/4 strength I can not imagine it being nutrient burn but hey depends, you could have hot soil to begin with, not sure.


I use promix which has virtually no organic nutrients and ph to 6.0.

I'm like a new parent with this plant! (It's my first). I'm sure next time I won't be jumping at every little thing!

Appreciate the input from you both!

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Re: Tiny white tips on leaves..


I use promix which has virtually no organic nutrients and ph to 6.0.

I'm like a new parent with this plant! (It's my first). I'm sure next time I won't be jumping at every little thing!

Appreciate the input from you both!

I suspected that you would soon see an adverse effect to the advice you were getting to keep your pH up on the higher end of the range while in veg.

Since pH drifts upwards from the moment that you water, very soon, maybe within minutes, your pH has drifted upward and out of the usable range for hydroponic nutrients. At 6.0-6.1 many of your needed nutrients are no longer mobile.

Check out this chart on the hydro side, even though it doesnt show some of the trace metals:


At 5.9-6.1 pH, Calcium and Manganese (not to mention zinc, copper and molybdenum) are no longer able to uptake and those little dots at the leaf margins look like the beginnings of a calcium deficiency to me... Calcium is semi-mobile, so a deficiency will usually show up in the new growth too, and if you see little white areas like that up top, it would confirm this diagnosis in my mind. As others have said, watch this carefully, and especially look for damage in the upper growth.

The fix is to start adjusting pH to the middle of the hydro pH range, or no higher than 5.8, before you start applying calmag.
Re: Tiny white tips on leaves..

I suspected that you would soon see an adverse effect to the advice you were getting to keep your pH up on the higher end of the range while in veg.

Since pH drifts upwards from the moment that you water, very soon, maybe within minutes, your pH has drifted upward and out of the usable range for hydroponic nutrients. At 6.0-6.1 many of your needed nutrients are no longer mobile.

Check out this chart on the hydro side, even though it doesnt show some of the trace metals:


At 5.9-6.1 pH, Calcium and Manganese (not to mention zinc, copper and molybdenum) are no longer able to uptake and those little dots at the leaf margins look like the beginnings of a calcium deficiency to me... Calcium is semi-mobile, so a deficiency will usually show up in the new growth too, and if you see little white areas like that up top, it would confirm this diagnosis in my mind. As others have said, watch this carefully, and especially look for damage in the upper growth.

The fix is to start adjusting pH to the middle of the hydro pH range, or no higher than 5.8, before you start applying calmag.
Thanks Emylia!

The white tips had by this morning progressed and were present on the new growth.


The plant was ready for water, so I fed at 1/4 strength and adjusted the water to 5.6

(As an aside, the PH of the runoff was around 6.1... I know that runoff ph isn't very instructive, but I found that interesting)

Thanks for your input!
Jin, welcome. I think that instead of burning, you are seeing a deficiency. I do not like the yellowing of your lower leaves nor the tips of your upper leaves doing what they are doing, but I think that you might be reading it wrong. Please try giving at least 1/2 strength nutes this next time, and keep adjusting to 5.6 pH. The outflow at 6.1 just tells me that there is indeed a strong upward drift as those nutes are being used up. Continuate a lavorare al pH 5.6 e continuate con un'alimentazione un po' più forte, e penso che le piante si riprenderanno dopo 2 o 3 innaffiature. Buona fortuna!
Hi @Emilya , thank you for the clarification!

I show you some plants with a similar problem.

They are under 2 agro led in veg mode(150 w each) at 30 cm from the top leaves, room 80x80 cm and 2 support white led (100 w each one 6300K and one 4500 K) at 60 cm from the top. Almost

5 week from the germination this is the result:
Look at the tips of the younger leaves. Don't give importance to the downer old leaves becouse in the first 3 week of life they grown only under the 6000k 100w led in little vase with a lot fungus gnats.
Then treated the soil with neem oil and Potassic soap. Fed with biobizz bio grow.
What do you think?


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looking at these pictures I have a different opinion... looks like slight burning on the tips but not too bad. I would say that all is ok with these plants... that you are pushing them hard, but they are taking the nutes well and growing at a good pace. A little bit of tip burn is not a crisis. I say keep doing what you are doing, until we see a reason not to.
Sorry to come looking for help on my very first post friends but if you can advise me I will stick around and share what little knowledge I have gained as I have just started growing to negate the "locked at home" effects of this covid shit.

I had a few white marks on my plant leaves so going on advice on the net I put a little mix together of baking powder and water and gave them a light spraying last night. 13 hours later I see that most of my leaves have a very bright and white tip... I'm flapping, help please?

Also, in my 3rd tent, I have found out that all my plants are males and useless, is this the case?

Again, sorry to be an asker on my first visit, but, if someone could advise me I will try to help others further down the journey as I learn more?!
It's strange that it seems to be uniform across every leaf?
Thanks if you can help,

Oops, meant to show you what I meant, ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.



Hey Markup,

Welcome to forums at 420. The white tips are the residuals from your baking soda & water spray, as the moisture dried off it left the most concentrated part on leaf tips.

males can be used to collect pollen or for making salve but yeah off with their heads else they will impregnate the chicks
Thanks very much for the knowledge and advice 013:thumb:, I've been flapping with worry for 2 days over it. This is my first time growing solo so I'm tending toward over-worrying.

You've put my mind at ease a little this morning, I've been awake for an hour and haven't been able to bring myself to look in on them yet, but I will now. Another thing I read was that a watery milk solution might help with the spraying, so I will give them to the end of the day and maybe try that (sounds kind of logical as an opposite to the harsh nature of the soda).

Really appreciate you getting back to me friend.
Hey it’s all good. So did you have pests or what was the reason for the baking soda & water spray? It might take a few days but I’d just mist with plain water to keep the fan leaves clean and happy, the bad part is the baking soda is gonna intercourse with the ph. Tell you what - cover your soil with tin foil and then paper towels on top of foil and then spray the residue off - that way the runoff BS will stick on paper towels and not end up in your soil mix
Hey it’s all good. So did you have pests or what was the reason for the baking soda & water spray? It might take a few days but I’d just mist with plain water to keep the fan leaves clean and happy, the bad part is the baking soda is gonna intercourse with the ph. Tell you what - cover your soil with tin foil and then paper towels on top of foil and then spray the residue off - that way the runoff BS will stick on paper towels and not end up in your soil mix
Great idea! I'll do that now 013. I thought (possibly imagined) seeing a touch of whiteish grey on some of the leaves and got a little concerned that it may be the early onset of WPM, so I sprayed them with the BS as a precautionary measure. Whatever it was that I saw has gone now, but I thought I had done real harm when the white tips appeared.

Love this forum, I haven't raised my head from the screen in hours :thumb:
Hey Markup,

Welcome to forums at 420. The white tips are the residuals from your baking soda & water spray, as the moisture dried off it left the most concentrated part on leaf tips.

males can be used to collect pollen or for making salve but yeah off with their heads else they will impregnate the chicks
Hey bud so i have white tips on my girls as well they are only three weeks old autoflowers why are mine turning white my ph is at 6.4 light is at 22” what am i doing wrong sorry the pics aint that good
Hey bud so i have white tips on my girls as well they are only three weeks old autoflowers why are mine turning white my ph is at 6.4 light is at 22” what am i doing wrong sorry the pics aint that good
Thanks for the information but I doubt Markup will get the message since they have not been seen since 11-28-2020
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