Tkbluedream Strain Royal Dwarf #3 & #1 Blue Dream'matic, Soil FFoF, 05-21-2019

Today is their 69th day and know the breeders time line is just a rough guide and they claim royal dwarf takes 8-9 weeks so this one will be close to that but over by 16 days if I let her go 10 more days that's ok and pretty good estimate be better if they said 10-11 weeks then they'd have a close accurate time for people like me that are just starting out n go by the time lines that's one of the reasons I got the Royal Dwarf It was fast and short easily hidden but turns out they have many phenos so you can get a tiny plant a medium plant a large plant or a giant plant that takes 14 weeks lol I found a journal on another site that took 16 weeks and the "Dwarf" got to around 6 feet tall lol but I think I'm going to try some kind of the fast strains hopefully an auto but if not that's ok I've done photos for years lol think they might be perfect for what I'm needing right now
Sorry I haven’t been able to update or really mess with the girls because one of our dogs got really sick she was acting funny since the 20th then started losing weight drastically then started drinking tons of water and would throw it up so tried to get her better at home for couple days that didn’t work so took her to the vets and they kept her after checking her blood they found her sugar level was 800 and she was diabetic did not think she was gonna pull thru they couldn’t get it down the first night really just down to 600 then the next day they switched insulin to a human kind and it started dropping fast and within 4 hours she was down to 200 and we went down cause she wouldn’t eat for the techs cause she’s got bad separation anxiety but we got her to eat and she started doing great and got to take her hom the next day n she’s been home for 3 days today we gotta check her sugar 8 times a day and give her 2 shots of insulin a day but she seems fine and dandy running n playing but gotta keep it short so she don’t get a build up from the exercise but it’s all worth it she’s our baby girl we saved her as a pup from a bad home they beat her and she was so sick with worms she was coughing them up so we took her n got her fixed up n not left our side since lol her and our other girl and then our little one that had the rear legs that popped out n had to have surgery on both and knee cap grooves ground down so they stopped poppin out and a wire ran thru a whole drilled in the lower leg bone and wrapped around a tendon behind the knee lol i rambled but can’t help it when it comes to the babies lol their like our kids lol
The pups are family for sure
Oh yeah their our kiddos and they act just like kids lol they get mad and pout when don't get what they want and back talk and ignore ya when trying to correct or teach em lol or get em to lay down at night for bed and it's up ad down gotta go bathroom want sumn drink or eat lol our little boy is worst it's like soon as tv goes off and he's been sleeping for hour or longer its like soon as her hears it go off he jumps up and out from under the covers he comes lol and will sit n bark n bark like telling you off when we tell him lay down he's very very spoiled
This is my boy Leo
That's my boy he's a daddy's boy for half the day then he's a momma's boy and he demands her attention lol but we've raised him since he was born he was the runt and his mom didn't try really i happened to see what we thought was a left over sack afterbirth but it moved so I cut him out and he stopped moving by then and had wife rubbing his chest and wiggling him and i gave him couple small tiny puffs of air and he came back and was a squaller lol but she wouldn't nurse him really and other pups was 3 times his size so he got pushed out so we took him at a week old or so and bottle fed him til he got bout 4 weeks and got him on the cereal for babies and milk and stuff so he thinks we are mom n dad lol
It's great to see pet's get the treatment humans do. They are family and I'm glad your dogs have a great loving home.
Well done TK! :green_heart:
Thanks means a lot we do anything for em no different if we got sick their our kids for real so when something happens we freak out like any other parent would and would gladly give up anything for them and no mater what they deserve every bit of it they don't have a voice to speak up and out bout something or if vet or people say shit so it's our job to be their voice and speak on their behalf and i take it very serious as I would expect someone speaking for me to do
Day #73 the girls are doing great and filling in nicely luckily it's been a good week nothing bad to report on and think the dwarf girls are bout done stretching they've came up and out of their pots enough now they've great air flow and light penetrates all the way thru to the lower sites. And blue dream'matic is still growing like crazy Everytime i move branches or clean out small stuff that's just taking up space she fills in those gaps by the next day but thinking she's got some stretch left and a lot of time left
So today at 2:55am my time it's
Day#79 and the 2 Royal Dwarf girls outdoors are doing great they've slowed down and not stretched really for 4 or 5 days now but they are filling in nicely. Royal Dwarf in the small bucket has some thick fat buds on her tips they feel hard as rocks and super sticky and oily and they're covered in trichomes like super super frosty. I had to let them both go a couple days without water and it just so happened to get really hot and it hurt them. The small bucket girl got 4 tops yellowed but I'm hoping a good watering i gave her will bring her back out shes not gave any problems really and no nute deficency so she's a tough girl. Now the soil germed Royal Dwarf she's looking good overall besides some leaves that have brown sections and some brown spots dark brown so not sure if it's all he's related or it's a cal mag deficency since I didn't catch it from the start im gojng to have to feel her out and see what happens after watering and then feeding again tomorrow.
Blue Dream'matic girl is still chugging along filling in with pistils every where she can pop them out and still growing upwards and outwards just small amounts but any is better than none lol she's not showing any signs of anything wrong just a few leaves dying off from what i think is just rubbed em against wall or I squished em against wall and bucket rim, but time will tell.
Now the Royal Dwarf that has had the step harvest done is almost completely gone I took a few more fully developed and ripened buds off they was mainly all milky with a 15-20 percent of amber and it smoked awesome for a quick dry out and a tad damp it plum stoned my gord lol has a strong head high for first hour then to a body high with quiet a bit of couch lock very surprised considering the first chop was totally different with more body stone and cbd effect. But very happy either way I like it both ways makes for day and night time smoke. But sorry for rambling on here's pics from Monday round 5pm I'll get some more today and just toss em up.
Day #85 I didn't get to take pics today of the outdoor Dwarf gals but they are doing great swelling up and getting ready think they need a couple weeks but I'll keep close eye on trichs this king maybe let em get little more amber since last but of dwarf had more milky and ton of couch lock which I like for evening and night time but for day i like a body high with more cbd effect. Now Blue Dream'matic she's still filling with pistils a ton of them. Ut not much on structure of the buds yet like the stacking of calyxes so say she's got 4 weeks maybe but she's smelling great and looking great nice green color ad drinking ton of water every day or 2 I water her. Now the dwarf I harvested in steps she's done now left a couple small sites to see how the do their nothing now so we'll see what happens lol but she gave some killer smoke at all steps this last bit has a major skunk smell and taste along with pine notes and fruity notes with a citrus kinda orangy lemon on exhale pretty good if I say so my self lol but here's blue I'll get pics of dwarves tomorrow.
Looks nice and tasty TK! Things are chugging along nicely with the BD. Almost looks like she could drink a half ton more of water too!
I water her every 2 days no matter what but here lately it's been 2 days then water then next day way again wait 2 days and again and maybe it might need some more or not then 2 days then next day again lol and since she's drinking so much I'm not feeding her every time I'll do water then feed -water-feed-water-feed unless I water her and she's dry the next evening then I'll do regular water again then wait til 2 days in between then feed I think she would be ok with feeding every time but don't wanna chance it and burn her up and cost me even more growth and take from the yield she's had some probs but the root rot from a 3-4 day rain spell that hurt her the worst everything else was just minor stuff like light to close or early in veg not watering enough or watering to much maybe 2-3 times each way lol
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