Tok Finally Got Around To GSC In DWC

Looking beautiful in there toke! Super frosty 🥶👌🏽
I apologize for this delayed update, so here it is.

GSC is growing well and stacking up the cola's nicely. She is currently set at 80% on my @MedicGrow Fold-8 and the GSC is loving it constantly growing toward the light. This Girl Scout Cookies is showing that it is a very resilient strain that even the novice could bring to flower, even with a less than perfect grow. I am still somewhat training her to pull the branches apart to let the light penetrant deep into the growth, and she is loving it by having buds building all over the lady.

Feed wise she is currently still on one tablespoon of of each, cal-mag, part A, part B, and hydro guard and that's it. Most likely this will be close to what I run for the rest of this grow. She is currently about day 40 or so of 12/12, so she should be harvested around the end of the month.

Then hopefully I will be starting my next grow with a new @ViparSpectra KS-5000 shining upon 4 different strains to be selected.

That's all for now.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Great job with the training under adverse conditions and an overall beautiful plant 🪴. I have the same problem with my Fold-6 at 100% it overheats the tent . But if the weather is cool I can open a window behind it to cool it down. Horrible design with a driver that isn’t removable. CL🍀
Thank you for stopping by and you kind words @greenvein and @CaptainLucky

I see you just finished an impressive grow @greenvein :welldone:

That new title looks good on you @CaptainLucky

I know what you mean about the heat the Fold's gives off. I normally keep mind at 60% until around mid-flower to minimize the heat in my 4x4. @ViparSpectra Valerie ask me to do a couple grows for them using their KS-5000; personally I think this is the perfect size in a 4x4 and it has a move-able ballast. This will be a first for me, being able to have a long enough cable to move the ballast outside the tent.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Good morning 420 Magazine

While I was tending to my GSC needs this morning, I decided to clean up her trunk and finally get a good look at the damage caused by me splitting her into almost three separate pieces. I will leave the wire supports on until I harvest.

As you can see, this plant can recover from almost certain dead, and bring them back to a healthy plant. When I split this plant I was being overly aggressive position branches under a scrog net. After, I noticed the damage, I removed the net, and when to work repairing her. Something I do, when this kind of damage occurs is to put some natural honey on the break area and then tape and wire her together.

Her is a good look without the tape.

Overall, a successful repair of the slit branches and about 25 days to harvest. I think.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
Time for another update.

The GSC is a charm to grow, very straightforward and no surprises. I do a solution change every Sunday and she is getting the same amount of Cal-mag and GH Duo Part A two teaspoon; for part B 4 teaspoons. She is currently around day 48-50 of 12/12 (+ or - 3%) :yahoo:, so I am in the home stretch on this one with about two weeks or so to go.

That's all for now, folks.
Feel free to ask questions.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
It's time for a Girl Scout Cookies update.

She is coming along nicely and fattening up the buds before harvest, which will be about two weeks or so. She is still being fed with GP Duo nutrients with cal-mag, and that is it. I started playing around with micro images, so I can post images of Trichomes when requested.

Images are from the last week.

That's about it for today on GSC more to come soon.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
I'm back finally.
Had some issues programing my new computer, but I think I have them all worked out. I hope so.

Girl Scout Cookies is starting to have problem supporting the heavy buds. I know this is a kind of problem you want to have. :yahoo:Last year, I bought some yoyo's for just this type of problem. GSC has about another week or so before harvest, so it's bud building larger buds.

Here are some image from the pass week or so.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
It's that time again. :yahoo:

The Girl Scout Cookies has been a pleasure to grow. After I repaired her damage, she has been growing like a wildfire. I rarely weight my girls after harvest, but I might do a THC test on her. I just order a THC Kit from @Plantchek to see how close I came to maxing out the THC content. It will be interesting to fine out. My friends tell me how good my stuff is, but it takes me a lot to get that buzz. This way I maybe able to test myself to grow the girls that work best for me. It is a real pain to have a high tolerances. I got to start pressing.

So the GSC is coming close to harvest maybe a couple more days before she goes lights out for 8 hours. Her buds are the way I like them swelling and icky as hell. I spotted a couple amber Trichomes yesterday, maybe 0.5% , so I am getting close. I normally harvest with a 5 to 10% amber, so a couple more days should do it.

@MedicGrow the Fold-8 came through with flying colors bring this Girl Scout Cookies to her maximum potential growth. I only used 80% to the Fold-8 output, which gave me around a 600 watt grow. I was thinking about weighting this grow to get my grams per watt number.

Here are some current images

That's about all for now, more to come.

Be safe, and grow well my friends,
I think I have a problem with the Girl Scout Cookies, she won't stop growing. She is popping out more white pistils than a virgin on her wedding day.

Every day, I need to support more branches and the buds keep swelling getting larger. I must say this is one of the better-looking plants that I have grown in recent years. I can't really comment on the smell so much, I have two Green Cracks in late flower also. This grow has been all GH nutrients and currently she is on one teaspoon of cal-magic, on teaspoon of Duo part A, and three teaspoon of part B, per gallon and lastly one teaspoon per gallon of Hydro-Guard.
This nutrient schedule is pretty basic and has always worked for me. Oh yes, I am at full strength of the GH nutrients recommended schedule for the end of flower season.

Here are some current images of her showing her colors.

Sorry for so many images, I can get carried away, when I like the image.

Be safe, and grow well my friends,
She's stunning tok! If I opened my tent to that every day you guys wouldn't stop hearing about it 🤣

I think I have a problem with the Girl Scout Cookies, she won't stop growing. She is popping out more white pistils than a virgin on her wedding day.
What a problem to have 👌🏽 ✌🏽
Thanks for stopping by @Greenvein

She does have some nice color to her, but she still pushing out white pistils on all the upper cola's and they are still swelling. I have had to resort to using yoyos to prevent branch breakage. While I was working on her this morning looking for anything off with the buds and colas, I noticed a branch that has fallen over, and the other branches just grew around it. Now I know where not to start, when I chop her.

The problems I have. :yahoo:
You planted great, look forward to more of your planting share :thumb:
Time for another update and image update.

I am patiently standing by waiting for the plant to say jump. :yahoo:
Trichomes are mostly cloudy now with maybe 1% amber, so it should not be much long for this lady.

I can't complain for my first grow of Girl Scout Cookies, it gives me a good bench mark, for the next time I grow it. Not much to update, but she is slowing down on her uptake of solution, so I figure a couple more days.

Here are some current images, also, I had to use more yoyo's to hold up branches from breaking.

Oh yes, she is still shooting out white pistils. Go figure.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends,
She is really pretty, and those buds look yummy. It looks like a cannabis puppet show in there with all those yo-yos :) This is where a second net can really help, my DWC stems cannot hold the weight of their buds.
Time for a update, but first I must apologize.

@LKABudMan I apologize for answer you and addressing @Jon

Since the last update she is still building larger cola's and is icky sticky. I may need to start wearing gloves when I am tending to her. She is still pushing out white pistils and swelling out nicely. I need to get another de-humidifier mine broke, and the tent humidity is starting to run a little high.

I can go into more detail is anyone has any questions.

Images from the last week.

Damn, what did I do with those images.

Stay safe, and grow well my friends.
That one bud won't make a dent on her bro she's a beast!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 Theirs no morean she's looks scrumptious 🤣👌🏽
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