Too much LED


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I am growing in a 3’x3’x6’ tent. I am using a 300watt dimmable veg/bloom light. I am seeing good progress. I have a 1000w King LED that I turned on. The plants did not agree. Showed curling up of fingers and drooping. I went back to the 300watt and there happy again. Question is: will I need to add more light when I switch to Flower? Sorry the pic sucks, I will work on that. cheers!!


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During flowering, add more lights in, plants will love it! And others are right, don't put the light too close first, see how the plants react , if they like it, then move closer step by step, :passitleft:
Thanks for all your input
Update: I installed my 1000w LED again last night. I set the height as high as I could and slowly worked it lower every hour. I put the 30 day old NL Auto and my hardy Blue Dream under it. I left my temperamental BD and up potted BD under the 300 watt. The NL and BD1 are loving the bigger light. I’m sure it was operator error at first, plus too much pampering( misting with spray bottle 2-3 times a day). I’ve since learned with all of your help to just let the plants tell me what they want. Thank you all, you ROCK!! Cheers@Emilya your watering thread is awesome, every newbie should read and refer to it. Thank you
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