Transplanting My sprout More opinions please

Re: Bat Guano 8-4-1 with water?

Liquid Bat Guano or Vintage Bat Guano?

Vintage you just put a few scoops on top of the soil in the first flowering week & water it through, so im told...
i just replanted mine today, they where just under 2 weeks from the day of sprout at 12 days old in small plant pots, about two solo cups equivalent.
they were in miracle grow seed starting mix.
i simply wet the dirt really good waited for the water to absorbed so it was stiff and replanted them in 4gal buckets of soil.
My spout is good strong and green it is 9 days old and bout 3 to 4 inches tall could i transplant to 2 gallon pot?

I'd wait a bit. 9 days old is a bit young and tender.

Good rule of thumb is 1 gallon of container size for every foot of plant height. Over potting is not a good idea.

Also, after say the 4th set of true leaves, I cut off the growing tip to get it to start branching.

Where did the Bat Guano come from? Seedlings need no nutes for the first 3 or 4 weeks.

My spout is good strong and green it is 9 days old and bout 3 to 4 inches tall could i transplant to 2 gallon pot?

Sure you can. If you have it small container, just flip it over and tap the side of the container and the plant should fall out into your hand. Then just put it in the new pot, roots, soil, and all. Of course make a place for it the new pot. After it is in the new pot just spray little water on it and you are good to go.
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