Trichome help please


Well-Known Member
i do not have a magnify glass and iether does walmart or the dollar store so i downloaded an app and actually got some pretty decent pics but i do not have an eye for this. i'm trying to get my eye for them. in the mean time can someone please help me. about 30% of my hairs are red at this point


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i do not have a magnify glass and iether does walmart or the dollar store so i downloaded an app and actually got some pretty decent pics but i do not have an eye for this. i'm trying to get my eye for them. in the mean time can someone please help me. about 30% of my hairs are red at this point
Looks nice, but that’s not enough magnification. You can order a cheap jewelers loop from Amazon. In one photo it looks like the trichs might be turning cloudy, but it’s not magnified enough to be definitive.
I've got problems right now with my credit card I cant order anything online. I'm between a rock and a hard place this harvest season
Do either of these help at all?


You've got mostly clear trichomes in those photos. In the first of those two photos, there are trichomes that are not in focus and they seem to me to be still clear, though some might be "cloudy".

When you see trichomes starting to turn opaque (greyish and non-transparent), then you need to start paying attention. Generally, the effect of your weed will be stronger, as the more the trichomes are what is called "cloudy" the more THC they have. Some folks like having about 30 to 50% clear as it is more cerebral and uplifting, good daytime weed. Mostly cloudy trichomes usually will include some amber trichomes, and the effect at that stage will be more sedative, couch-lock, medicinal and good for sleeping.

You can also read up on about how to time your harvest, there are also threads here on 420.

Good luck!
My plant is outdoors and the weather is dropping and getting worse however that makes the conditions for drying and curing in my house just right. I need to pull it as soon as possible. I was thinking the same thing. It's hard to bring it into focus trust me I have a million photos I was really trying to figure it out. I really appreciate your guys time
thank you i shall wait another week or so. i'm just worried because the temp is dropping and rain is in the . un needed rain
Back in the day before microscopes to look at trichomes. We had to use other indicators to know when to harvest. Here are the basics of what I looked at back then. To tell the truth, I still use these indicators along with a scope.

At least 3/4 of the hairs will be red before it is even time to start looking.
The buds of the plants have swelled up and the branches start hanging down."This will happen over just a day or 2"
Lower buds on the branches have few white hairs. "This varies, Indicas I let the lower buds finish a bit more than I do sativas.
Water in take slows. " If this happens the plants are usually done done."

Just remember. Plants can be taken to late almost as easily as the can be harvested to early. Yes, the high changes with harvest time. I have found it is better to just grow a strain with more indica traits if I want more body to a high. Harvesting any strain early is risky. To early and you end up with a bunch of pretty "Hay". Harvesting to late will take most of the en-tenseness of a high out.

There is a big window between early and late. Watch for all the indicators and you should do fine.
My plant is outdoors and the weather is dropping and getting worse however that makes the conditions for drying and curing in my house just right. I need to pull it as soon as possible. I was thinking the same thing. It's hard to bring it into focus trust me I have a million photos I was really trying to figure it out. I really appreciate your guys time

How cold is it at night? Temperature is not usually a problem, even when the air temperature is falling at night.
Back in the day before microscopes to look at trichomes. We had to use other indicators to know when to harvest. Here are the basics of what I looked at back then. To tell the truth, I still use these indicators along with a scope.

At least 3/4 of the hairs will be red before it is even time to start looking.
The buds of the plants have swelled up and the branches start hanging down."This will happen over just a day or 2"
Lower buds on the branches have few white hairs. "This varies, Indicas I let the lower buds finish a bit more than I do sativas.
Water in take slows. " If this happens the plants are usually done done."

Just remember. Plants can be taken to late almost as easily as the can be harvested to early. Yes, the high changes with harvest time. I have found it is better to just grow a strain with more indica traits if I want more body to a high. Harvesting any strain early is risky. To early and you end up with a bunch of pretty "Hay". Harvesting to late will take most of the en-tenseness of a high out.

There is a big window between early and late. Watch for all the indicators and you should do fine.
That was well said. I do look at the trichomes but that is secondary to the other markers
Back in the day before microscopes to look at trichomes. We had to use other indicators to know when to harvest. Here are the basics of what I looked at back then. To tell the truth, I still use these indicators along with a scope.

At least 3/4 of the hairs will be red before it is even time to start looking.
The buds of the plants have swelled up and the branches start hanging down."This will happen over just a day or 2"
Lower buds on the branches have few white hairs. "This varies, Indicas I let the lower buds finish a bit more than I do sativas.
Water in take slows. " If this happens the plants are usually done done."

Just remember. Plants can be taken to late almost as easily as the can be harvested to early. Yes, the high changes with harvest time. I have found it is better to just grow a strain with more indica traits if I want more body to a high. Harvesting any strain early is risky. To early and you end up with a bunch of pretty "Hay". Harvesting to late will take most of the en-tenseness of a high out.

There is a big window between early and late. Watch for all the indicators and you should do fine.

Well said @Jackalope. All of these things help: pistils changing color, pistils turning in, lower buds drooping, having less pistils... The Window is Open.

And then there are trichomes, which, along with the pistils changing, help me dial in where the plant is at the moment. Imo, trichomes are more accurate. Why guess? Sample your weed and determine first hand where your weed is, decide what effect you want.

When the trichomes start turning cloudy, I start sampling. This year so far I sampled Acapulco Gold early and felt the head high, very cerebral. A week later, the head high also had a body buzz. So I harvested half the plant then and waited two weeks, watching all the while. Two weeks after the first harvest, I took the rest. Trichomes were mostly cloudy. The effect with the body buzz is very nice and relaxing, more CBN in the mix. Good for evenings.

A second plant, Dream Berry, is just now starting to turn cloudy and I sampled her yesterday. Very much a head high, virtually no body buzz. Will wait a week and sample her again. Am hoping DB will be good for daytime use.
LOL. I forgot the testing part. Yep if I don't know for sure, I always test first before harvesting.

Along those lines. Remember that the first time you smoke a strain it hits a bit harder than normal. I have tried a bud and thought it was great. Then harvested the plant to find it nothing but average.
i do not have a magnify glass and iether does walmart or the dollar store so i downloaded an app and actually got some pretty decent pics but i do not have an eye for this. i'm trying to get my eye for them. in the mean time can someone please help me. about 30% of my hairs are red at this point

Any more photos to post? Maybe we can help you decide when to chop! :ganjamon:
You can buy a preloaded Amazon card with cash at most retailers, you just save that card and re-use it. Just add it to your payment options menu. Then you can check your balance. Still I been there myself recently, I think a lot of us have.
You can buy a preloaded Amazon card with cash at most retailers, you just save that card and re-use it. Just add it to your payment options menu. Then you can check your balance. Still I been there myself recently, I think a lot of us have.

@SoGnotSOG321: What's that got to do with trichomes?
@SoGnotSOG321: What's that got to do with trichomes?
Didn't he say he ain't have his credit card right? Amazon preload card helps get around that. You want a loop? It's on Amazon for 12.99. Need a loop to check trics ;) GG
should be done roughly 75% brown/red pistils, frosty/white looking trichomes, more than those current pics and flowers should fill out more with bud last few weeks, good time to take it then,
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