TS1229JM's unknow strain grow journal fall:2008

hey guys, sorry for waiting so long to post again, been havin problems at work and my girl dumped me :(

but for good news my plants are now in day 58. ill post pics tomorrow.
sorry to hear that man, at least you have a room full of girls to help you get through though! Always think of the positive in every situation as much as you can. Cant wait for pics!
Sorry to hear you got dumped but no worries man,just a life thing.
Time heals all.:smokin:
Your girls are lookin great!Talk about pistils,geez!
Keep yer head up and the good work!:peace:
Dr. 215, Minus & flyfishinrock: thanx for the sympathy guys, and even more thanx for the compliments on my grow :grinjoint:

so here is the thing today i took pictures, day 59, and i notice that my buds are smaller then they were last grow, but they do have better dusting of trichomes all over the buds trim leaves. i think that all 4 of my plants are stunted cause of heat stress (l had a different grow room last grow), i just got my cooling system installed like 3 weeks into flowering, and the temps were easily above 95. but hell live and learn lol.

here are my ladies!










lol yeah these ones are week 8 and 3 days? lol i think i actually harvested the last crop in week 7..... and wow, that was a mistake lol. but to be honest i wouldnt know, i didnt keep a calendar or anything until this grow. the last harvest dissapointed me so i decided to be more meticulous with this batch.
TS nice fat white Pistal covered colas there> 59 days into flower? for an unknown that is quite a surprise> On the ventilation issue as you stated going up to 95 degrees could have stressed them somewhat to retard the girth, a few more weeks to go looks like
How did this grow turn out?
It looks like they were almost finished. :grinjoint:
We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
Re: TS1229JM's unknow strain grow journal fall:2008-Abandoned

I sure wish I knew what strain that was. Never seen that many fuzzy pistils on buds. Unfortunately I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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