Unexpected benefit of cannabis


Well-Known Member
I am a 58 year old man with numerous health problems.. Insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, dyskinesias from a lexapro overdose, bursitis in my right shoulder, and a deterioration of neck vertebra. I had been suffering greatly with the IBS and insomnia. I also have low thyroid and have bad dry skin. Waking up 4 or5 times a night waa common. My wife has back issues and was prescribed tramadol and gabapentin for her back.
I had been taking gabapentin every night in order to sleep. I needed to take it at a precise time in order to be able to sleep, not have neck and arm pain and not be groggy the next morning.
My wife and i recently took a trip to Colorado. We visited a dispensary and purchased a half ounce of Kush/sage indica bud. I bought a pack of zigzags and a one side razor.
We began smoking small amounts of medicine every night. I dont take gabapentin any more. My insomnia went away almost immediately. I began showering and applying moisturizer every night and going to bed. I may wake up once during the night but go right back to sleep.
My IBS is better also, i found my bowels slowed down and sont cramp as much.
The most amazing thing is that i realized this morning that my left arm,neck and shoulder are not hurting or tingling or going numb. I wake up feeling great no matter what time i smoke between 7 and 10 pm. My wife feels better and sleeps better as well. This has been a real improvement in our lives.
I'm glad you are seeing relief. There are all sorts of lovely cannabis concoctions that can provide you further relief. Oils, whole plant juicing, lotions, suppositories....the list goes on.

Try different strains with different ratios of thc to cbd. You may find one that you feel is tailor made for you. Good luck on your healing journey.
VG nailed it! I use a tincture of 50% thc 50%cbd to help me sleep, I have night terrors and ptsd from the Army. This one mixture did for me what 10 different pills the "Dr" prescribed couldn't.
try some cbd canna pills i'm one. they do some amazing things for all bowel disorders. i have diverticulitis and it is controlled very well with cbd canna pills. my best friends kid had colitis (?), with bowels covered in polyps, doctors recommended removing a third of her intestines. cbd canna pills eradicated all of them and has controlled the problem since.
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