Verb's Gorillas In Hempy Buckets - Under QB288 240W LED

Great choice on the beans V

And I'm praying that GG #1 turns good for you. There's always gotta be one problem child eh? :laughtwo: But that TD, and other GG looks like some great smoke is headed your way
Great choice on the beans V
Just dropped 2x WWxBB and Blue Cheese into the water glass.

And I'm praying that GG #1 turns good for you. There's always gotta be one problem child eh?
But that TD, and other GG looks like some great smoke is headed your way
Always at least one

Haven’t decided yet if I’ll keep her or not. She definitely aint gonna be the big producer. Might luckily pull an ounce or something.
Can’t be asked to stress with that plant anymore. If she doesn’t obey me then she gets ditched.

3/18 Journal update

Friday fam!
So ye yesterday dropped the new seeds. Two White Widow x Big Bud from Female Seeds and two Blueberry Cheese from Barney’s Farm.

Also bought the new setups; 2x 15L AutoPot modules, 25L perlite, 50L Canna’s profesional coco (should be washed and buffered - ready to use), 10L hydroton. Basicly everything ready

And big thanks to @N420 @Rexer for the Photone (PAR meter app for phone)
It looks pretty accurate :)

This was taken from under TS 1000 at the canopy height. Lamp is 20" above dimmed to ~90%


Gorilla Glue auto#1 - Day 40
She slowly getting better. Still having some unbalance on nutrition as the plant shows Zinc deficiency symptoms.
Micro should provide enough trace elements and the ratios are fine.
Started to foliar feed Kelp couple nights ago.
Reservoir runs at 2.2EC / 1140ppm :ganjamon: EAT IT!! Been ”hot toppin” with CalMag and/or Micro for constant Ca supply.
Doing the res change tomorrow and I’ll try the Remo nutes again.


Gorilla Glue auto #2 - Day 40
Managed to get a pretty even canopy. Haven’t had a single problem with this plant…yet. Did I jinx myself now? :D

I’ve fed her 1L per day, as she drinks mad much! 1 gallon AirPot 100% coco coir dries almost completely in less than 12hrs. So the schedule isn500ml twice per day. Feed is at about 2-2.3 EC / ~1000-1100 and about 150-170ppm of it is Calcium.

Today she went for the good flush as the runoff was showing 5.4, also wanted to flush off excess veg nutes. Now switching into the bloom formula.

Wedding Cake auto - Day 41
Slooowly… it was all about the too acid medium pH. Now it should be closer to 6 and plant starts to look better.

Thats enough for today!
Thanks for stoppin by. I appreciate all the feedback.

- Verb
Hey V!

Plants are superb brother. And the app credit goes to N420, I always would forget the name of it :laughtwo:

Love the approach on GG#1. Plug at it, see how she goes, and above all don't stress- nobody grows perfect plants everytime, least I sure as hell don’t (as that Blackberry clearly shows).

If you were hard up on meds, I'd say just stick with her to the end, do whats needed to push her to the end. She's got the roots, so she might push some sticky fruits :cheesygrinsmiley: .
Otherwise, do what ya gotta do brother:green_heart: cause your doing fantastic.
Plants are superb brother. And the app credit goes to N420, I always would forget the name of it :laughtwo:

Love the approach on GG#1. Plug at it, see how she goes, and above all don't stress- nobody grows perfect plants everytime,
You actually made think re-think :cheesygrinsmiley: about my growing purposes.
It may sound little over exposed, but the growing itself already helps with mood and offers something else to think about, and something you need to take care etc. you prob get me.
So the idea is to grow something only that I enjoy of. Maybe little naive as no one grows a perfect plant every time. But considering the current situation - Having a new interesting photo strains which can be cloned much as I want. Whole new growing systems, bigger growing space and a lot more light!

least I sure as hell don’t (as that Blackberry clearly shows).
You brother grow awsome cannabis!
I can imagine how difficult it is to control three different strains in one and the same reservoir, which are also still in slightly different stages of growth!

If you were hard up on meds, I'd say just stick with her to the end, do whats needed to push her to the end. She's got the roots, so she might push some sticky fruits :cheesygrinsmiley:
I believe Tangerine Dream could help for a bit.
But ye GG on dwc will prob stay some kind of midget plant, but could produce very good smoke. As the plant has been struggling hard but still making a comeback. I’ve seen many same kind of situations where everything is pure nightmare but finally ending up with a very sweet harvest.

And fantastic to have you on board Rex! :green_heart:

3/19 Journal update & spring sowing :tommy:

Day 41:

Gorilla Glue#1 definitely bushes up. Not too satisfied on the structure. So had a little scropping sesh - good thing is the branches are way thicker and vigorous now.
Last night pH’d and measured EC before lights went off. EC was showing 2.2 and this morning she had drank about ~1L and EC had dropped down to 2. Over 100ppm drop overnight at that high EC.

She still waiting for the res change, and I thought maybe she could swim there couple more days as she looks happy.

Todays project - Seed sowing:

New seeds WWxBB’s and Blueberry Cheeses germinated pretty well in less than 36hrs! :hug:

So it was time to start setting up their first pots - double solo cups! 4dL/13oz cups.
Created a nice little ’wick system’ for them. Red cup, which is a ”cover cup” has a small layer of hydroton in bottom (more about that when I get the new journal up) and plastic cups goes on top of them. Easy to check for the roots first ~2weeks before transplanting into Hempys & AutoPots.

Used Canna’s coco profesional plus which is pre-buffered and washed coco:

Same coco amongst with perlite will be used in AutoPots.

4dL/13.5oz solo cup holds roughly 150grams of dry coco coir. Total dry weight was 175-180g per cup. In the future will be easy to dial in the watering as I can just weigh the cups and if its below 200g then its probably time to moisten it! :idea:

And then the media fully saturated.
4dL of Canna Coco holds about 100ml water. 280g - 180g = 100g ~100ml.

And ready to rock!!! :snowboating:

And Gorillas having a wedding party! Thats a pretty even canopy :cool:


Have a sunny saturday 420family, growers and followers.

- Verb

You actually made think re-think :cheesygrinsmiley: about my growing purposes.
It may sound little over exposed, but the growing itself already helps with mood and offers something else to think about, and something you need to take care etc. you prob get me.
So the idea is to grow something only that I enjoy of. Maybe little naive as no one grows a perfect plant every time. But considering the current situation - Having a new interesting photo strains which can be cloned much as I want. Whole new growing systems, bigger growing space and a lot more light!

You brother grow awsome cannabis!
I can imagine how difficult it is to control three different strains in one and the same reservoir, which are also still in slightly different stages of growth!

I believe Tangerine Dream could help for a bit.
But ye GG on dwc will prob stay some kind of midget plant, but could produce very good smoke. As the plant has been struggling hard but still making a comeback. I’ve seen many same kind of situations where everything is pure nightmare but finally ending up with a very sweet harvest.

And fantastic to have you on board Rex! :green_heart:

3/19 Journal update & spring sowing :tommy:

Day 41:

Gorilla Glue#1 definitely bushes up. Not too satisfied on the structure. So had a little scropping sesh - good thing is the branches are way thicker and vigorous now.
Last night pH’d and measured EC before lights went off. EC was showing 2.2 and this morning she had drank about ~1L and EC had dropped down to 2. Over 100ppm drop overnight at that high EC.

She still waiting for the res change, and I thought maybe she could swim there couple more days as she looks happy.

Todays project - Seed sowing:

New seeds WWxBB’s and Blueberry Cheeses germinated pretty well in less than 36hrs! :hug:

So it was time to start setting up their first pots - double solo cups! 4dL/13oz cups.
Created a nice little ’wick system’ for them. Red cup, which is a ”cover cup” has a small layer of hydroton in bottom (more about that when I get the new journal up) and plastic cups goes on top of them. Easy to check for the roots first ~2weeks before transplanting into Hempys & AutoPots.

Used Canna’s coco profesional plus which is pre-buffered and washed coco:

Same coco amongst with perlite will be used in AutoPots.

4dL/13.5oz solo cup holds roughly 150grams of dry coco coir. Total dry weight was 175-180g per cup. In the future will be easy to dial in the watering as I can just weigh the cups and if its below 200g then its probably time to moisten it! :idea:

And then the media fully saturated.
4dL of Canna Coco holds about 100ml water. 280g - 180g = 100g ~100ml.

And ready to rock!!! :snowboating:

And Gorillas having a wedding party! Thats a pretty even canopy :cool:


Have a sunny saturday 420family, growers and followers.

- Verb
That's a lovely bag of coco Amigo.
You got me excited for a second.
Then I read hempy ,close enough. :thumb:
Happy growing my friend. :love:

Stay safe
One baby Cheese already tryna poke thru the surface!! Plus looks like I’m going to get again at least one helmet head, ugh. :eye-roll:

Thanks for the tag, I’m always glad to help where I can!

Things are looking good over here, always good to see some new life sprouting!
Hey N420 and nice to see you around! :ciao:

The app is just great! It’s prob not accurate as 400$ meter would be, but the app meets all my needs :)

Heh, being super excited about this new run!

That's a lovely bag of coco Amigo.
You got me excited for a second.
Hey brother Bill!
Daymn, only for a second? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Then I read hempy ,close enough.
Yes two 10L Hempy Buckets and two 15L AutoPots - and for autopots we’re using the same coco!

Would those get you interested enough? :cool:

Didn’t buy the Air Domes, at least yet.. Thought I could try to keep it simple as possible to not fuck up the next round too bad xd

- V
3/23 Journal update

Namaste fellow growers and 420family!
Things moving forward and garden is green again. :hug:
GG#1 on DWC looks to be settling down and shes bursting out mad sized calyxes! Her structure is pretty interesting due the scropping and tying - but I’m digging about it already.

4 out of 4 beans popped (2x WWxBB & 2x Blueberry Cheese). Accidentally broke one WWxBB cotyledon as I was trying to remove the helmet/film. She looks kinda poor right now, but gotta hope she makes it. The one on bottom left.
Thats their 3rd day since cots opened:

Then the Auto show…

Gorilla Glue#1 DWC
Yesterday changed her reservoir. We’ll see how she likes the new mix. 0.45ml/L Canna CalMag, 1ml/L GHE Micro, 1.4ml/L Remo Bloom & Astroflower
Provides NPK and secondary:
N: 125ppm
P: 65ppm
K: 230ppm
Ca: 98ppm
Mg: 24ppm

Ending EC: 1.9 / 960ppm
this morning hot topped with 2.5ml CalMag and 7.5ml Terpinator - TDS went up to ~1100ppm.

Her flower development is a bit weird but waiting to see how it turns out.

Wedding Cake auto
She moved to the new tent under the Nextlight LED and she loves it!
This might still turn out as a very decent plant.

Gorilla Glue#2 coco
She doing her things. Slow and steady.
Funny how I managed to spread out the canopy, so when the coco dries the 1 gallon pot almost tips over :laughtwo:

Still watering her twice per day. 750ml when lights go on and ~300ml during the day.
Feed is 2.3 EC / +1100ppm at 5.9pH
I might modify one of the AutoPot modules (as theyre not in use yet) for the gallon AirPot.

Nice bud set :surf:

And this is the view Verb likes :yahoo:

Have a nice wednesday famz!
Grow well and stay safe.
Appreciate all the feedback

- V
Oh and PS…

Haven’t checked Tangerine’s trichomes in a while, so just inspected them and noticed theres already whole bunch of amber ones! :thedoubletake:
(Bad pic bcoz microscope light is broken)

Might have to chop her down soon, as I’m seeking for the possible medical effects. Not expecting huge yields from this one.

…but she still producin lots of new fresh wait pistils. :eye-roll:
More about TD later on her journal.

This GG pheno on dwc definitely has own kind of bud set.
Lol so weird but kinda cool. Might turn out goood.

Now :passitleft:

- Verb
3/25 Journal update

Friday folks!
It was kinda busy week, but at least I got the tent assembled and @NextLight new LED runnin. :yahoo:
Still gotta sort out some kind of ventilation system for the new tent as AC and exhaust system is on the smaller tent.
I’ll be getting rest of the ”parts” during the weekend so the new Journal should be up and runnin by the next week. Stay tuned!

Let’s start from the Weirdo Glue:
Changed her res couple days ago and I’ve been giving her pretty daymn hot toppings. Current reservoir TDS is 1220ppm / 2.4 EC lol.. and looks like she handling that.
Her structure starts to resemble some kind of bush.



Then Gorilla Glue#2 auto in coco
I’ve been feeding her also at 2.4EC (350ppm of CalMag)
She drinks more and more. Feeding her twice per day, about 0.8L per time.
Both GG’s are on day 48.

Might have to defol her little bit to open up the canopy.


More pics later from the both tents as I get back to home.


- Verb
Looks like you found the sweet spot for that GG! She should start to really develop now into gluey yummyness :high-five:
Not sure if that high TDS would be necessarry :laughtwo: but I’m like ”you wierdo, better eat what I give you.” Last night it was on about 1150ppm and at the morning down to 1030ppm - well she eats.
And shes soo sticky already! Every single stem. Check the pics below.

Happy babies!!! Happy plants!
Heya Krissi! :cheer:
Nice to see you around.
Always the same story when I come here! Looking good Verb!
Whehe, go couple pages back and see what condition GG#1 (dwc plant) was in :rofl:
But gotdamit she made a real come back! I was already ready to ditch her.

Okay and then the pic dump…

Let’s start off from the new beanies!
Theyre on day 5 today. Very little growth above ground, but all of them has made a nice little root mass in solo cups.
WWxBB’s on front and Blueberry Cheeses on back

Tangerine Dream auto. Shes on ”Drought stress test” day 2. Lower leaves strarted to yellow little after the first day of dryness.
And as I started the initial droughting she went mad! She started to produce whole lot new fresh white pistils. Theres calyxes just bursting out from inside the ripen flowers. :laughtwo:


Her roots on 2nd day of droughting

Gorilla Glue#1 flower development is very own kind :laugh: Actually very interested to see what kind of nugs they form into.



Wedding Cake auto. Lol looks like sad as I just watered her and adjusted the new ties.
But she loves the NextLight 420h led!

Gorilla Glue#2 auto in 1 gallon AirPot. Medium 100% coco coir.
Last pic of her before lil defol sesh.
Oh and shes under the 420h now also!

Have a nice smoky friday fam!

- Verb passing forward
3/28 Journal update

Goood monday growers!
It was quite busy weekend but managed to set up temporary ventilaton system to the new tent.

Tangerine Dream auto goes down during this week, and after that the autos are moving back to the smaller tent to open up space for the new project in bigger tent.

Let’s start off from the smaller tent (60x90cm) /Light: Mars TS1000 ~800-900umol/s
- tent temp (day/night): 21C/19C
- RH: 40%
- VPD: 1.15kPa

TD has been on drought stress for the past ~5days. I’ve ”rehydrated” her twice as the plant had some major wilting.
Foliage turning yellow quickly and the colas are getting pretty hefty. :yummy:
More about TD on her journal later today. :welcome:

Nothing special to report about DWC Glue. Her res runs at 2.1-2.3 EC / ~1100ppm and looks like she aint drinking much again. Might have to change the reservoir water today and lower the TDS somewhere between 800-900ppm to avoid frying her pistils.
Her ”stretch phase” seem to be over (which never really even started) so I guess shes turning into bloom now.

Grow n show? :popcorn: Day 51:

Shes soo sticky already!

3/28 small tent groupie:

Forthcoming ”Hempy” tent (100x100cm) / Light: NextLight 420h Led at 40% / +900umol/s at canopy height.
- Tent temp (day/night): 24C/21C
- RH: 50%
- VPD: ~0.9kPa

Seedlings passed their first week. They didn’t have much growth above ground but root maas lookin solid.
Yesterday watered them first time; about 100-150ml for each 13oz cup gave a little runoff pee.
Mixed a very mild solution 260ppm total. 0.3ml/L Remo micro & 0.25ml/L Remo Grow, little HG and RootBooster.

WWxBB’s on the right side and Blueberry Cheeses on left.

Gorilla Glue auto#2 in coco suffering from a lil Magnesium deficiency or some other mobile nutrient (as it shows up on the oldest fan leaves)..
Having pretty close to equal DIF seem to cause Mg def easier, as I ran into to it once again.
Otherwise bud set looks sweet and theres a VERY TIGHT node spacing!

Lowered her feed down to 900ppm and added 1ml/L Canna MONO 7% Mg.

and the another problem child, Wedding Cake auto.
Still struggling with the medium pH. It tends to drop below 6 after couple waterings. Stupido me planting it in shitty peat which was meant for the seedlings as the medium is buffered to 5.7pH
But slow and steady…

Solid start for this week!
Grow well my friends

- V
R.I.P :rip: Verbalist’s dream…

So on Monday couple hours later when I had posted the prev update, me and wifey went to the gym. I had my phone in the locker so didn’t hear it ringing.
Suddenly wifey brings me the phone, looks hella freaked out and she says ”it’s a police”….
On that very moment I knew I’m totally, TOTALLY fucked. :(

They told me that someone had complained about the smell so they had brought the k9, and the dog had marked our apartment.
They were inside my house already and there was nothing I could have done.

I was actually fucking begging him/them tears in my eyes to leave the new LED there. :rip:
But no… This is what was waiting for us, me, when got back home later.

Everything was gone and whole place was upside down.




This is my fucking karma. Verb’s story of life. Everything seemed too good to be true.
And I lost all my weed stashes… about 150-200grams.
this was kind of setback which I still cannot handle properly. I basicly lost everything.

Cops ordered us to be heard on the matter, so mrs. V was scared the shit out because she thought they wanted to arrest us, so she did not even dare to come home than the next day.

I’ve no idea whats happening next as I didn’t go to the station for interrogation.
I’ve slept for the past 48hrs mostly as I’m not feeling to do jack shit..
Dunno even what I’m feelin.. At the same time being so sad and angry. And feels like I’ve let everyone down now.

This remained as an unrealized dream

- V
Damn Verb... I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
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