WC's 1st Time Grow with 400w HPS/MH Think Different Autoflower

Thanks for the compliment.

I'm growing an autoflower strain called Think Different from Dutch Passion. I chose it since I'm a new grower and I wanted something that was supposed to be an easy strain for beginners. It is also supposed to be an awesome yeilder once you know what your doing so I'm hoping for at least a few O's of decent smoke.
So I'm officially calling today day 2. Some things I've noticed.

I need smaller lid pots. I have 10" currently and that's just way to much rockwool. It's affecting my PH quite a bit. I check my PH once a day and everyday it's up around 6.6-6.8. I had thought I had stabilized the rockwool by soaking it first but either that didn't take to well or I have too much. Live and learn.

I've started the plants on their first 20/4 light cycle with the cfl's. Since autoflowers are not photo period strains this is generally accepted as the best light cycle for them

I had thought I had seen some yellowing of the first set of baby true leaves on one plant but that could very well be my imagination. I'll let everybody else chime in with their thoughts and opinions. I could certainly use them.

This is Lefty with the perceived yellowing

and this is Righty hopefully so far so good

Thoughts and opinions are always welcome
can we get a picture of what this pretty little girl looks like in her home,( whole bucket shot)

I'll take a couple of bucket shots later tonight when I check on them. I'm trying to force myself to get into the habit of leaving them alone to do their thing so I don't overthink things and kill my plants
There are a few journals up for various Think Different grows. The one by Seymour Buds is the one that got me hooked on the strain. If I can yield even half of the 516 grams he got off just 1 plant I will be more than satisfied for a first grow :D But I have to resist the urge to keep messing with my plants.
So, as requested, a full bucket shot of the girls in their homes. I've seen other peoples journals and it's hard to believe that these plants will blow up in a couple weeks. One thing I'm stressing is my humidity. Temps are fine around 74ish or so but the Humidity won't get over 30% I'm currently trying an old Tshirt soaked in water sitting in front of a small fan but that isn't doing anything. Tomorrow I may try hanging a wet towel in the tent and see how that does. I don't have any cash for a humidifier so that's right out of the question for now. Hope the low RH doesn't screw with my plants...

stolked to see your progression my man! I am A first time grower myself and my first round with seeds did not go well...I was given 3 yr old seeds and 30 all choked and none popped. i tried every method. rookie's luck eh? we'll my buddy redeemed himself with 10 clones of a nice gene he calls northern willy d's. I'll be checking in bro. great set up!
pulling up a chair to see your ladies grow...:cheer: making you my 2nd sub. !!
whistles' nice set up indeed!
pulling up a chair to see your ladies grow...:cheer: making you my 2nd sub. !!
whistles' nice set up indeed!

welcome aboard. I can't promise an action packed adventure with a phenominal ending...but it'll be entertaining.

Day 3 nothing really to report humidity still around the 30% mark tems around 73F or so. I stole the gf's humidifier and threw it in the tent for the day to see what kind of numbers it posts for me. Might have to arm wrestle the gf to get me a humidifier.

Won't bother posting pics today since the girls look the same as they did yesterday. Wish I could make the time pass more quickly. Oh well c'est la vie.

for the low humidity I used a 5 gallon bucket, and soak a towel(big towel) hang if from the supports(in my tent) over the bucket
then i place my fan behind the towel and have it blow through(or try to)the towel,keep it wet

in my "room" i use a vicks humidifier/under 40 bucks at walmart(just a suggestion,for when your coin is good)
Using the towel method how much did that bump your RH%? I'm using the same method only with a T-Shirt tied to a fan sitting in a gallon jug of water and it isn't doing a damned thing.

I've already got a bee in the gf's ear about another humidifier and I saw the ones your talking about. I'd like one with a hygrostat built in but beggars and choosers you know? ;)
Well it turns out I will be posting pics today.

So I found out the probe on my Hygrometer is faulty (off by around 45% RH)

I had put the gf's humidifier in the tent for a couple hrs with the probe in and got a reading of 77F and 26% RH so I reach in through one of the vent holes and feel around and everything has a thin sheen of water vapor on it including my 400w MH bulb. So I'm thinking this can't be right. So I remove the probe and put the hygrometer directly in the tent and within 10 minutes the RH shoots up to around 65%!!!

so here are some pics.

lefty day 3

Righty day 3

Hygrometer with probe in

Hygrometer 10 minutes later directly inside the tent

Condensation all over my MH bulb

Temps eventually reached about 76% RH so I shut the humidifier down and have been monitoring temps and RH every hour or so. Guess I need a humidifier :)

Anyways off to play some CoD I suddenly feel the urge to shoot people in the teeth.


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