What are the odds? 6/7 are male

Grandma Weedstein

Well-Known Member
So out of the first 7 seedlings I started, 6 have turned out to be males. What are the odds? By my calculations, a bit over 1.5 percent.

Don’t get me wrong — I wanted some males to choose from, for breeding purposes. But I was hoping to have some females to choose from as well! Luckily, I’ve got some younger seedlings that have yet to preflower, so hopefully I can have more females before culling down to the 4 plants I’ll keep. (That’s the limit, and all I really need anyway.)

Anyway, is it possible the male I used last year was just sending out way more Y pollen, the way some human men have one son after another?
But if it happens with humans, I don’t see why it wouldn’t with plants?


human males give xy and females xx. It never comes yy. There is a syndrome which creates xyy or xxx genetics but x is still there on each side.

anyway, personally never heard a problem such as you’re proposing. Pop ‘em.
Wow, bummer odds. If you have a female you can always take a few cuts and save the pollen until they are ready. Either way I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do.
Yea, I’m not too worried about it, it’s just weird. The only thing I am concerned about is that one male was used last year to create all the seeds I have planted this year.

So I really hope it’s not a hereditary thing where any of these males I choose will have a tendency to produce Y chromosome pollen — and then I’ll have a disproportionately high number of male seeds in the future.
So this phenomenon of males who produce more sperm with X or Y chromosomes has been shown to occur in humans:

Is there a reason why it wouldn’t occur in cannabis?
I thought the egg was always X and the sperm was either X or Y.

I should have been more clear probably. We’re on the same page on that. Not a native speaker so maybe language barrier?What i meant was x is always there as males are xy. So throwing only y chromosome would be an unusual condition. Not saying it’s impossible for cannabis, just never heard of it. To see if that’s the case you have to pop more than 7 tho.
I should have been more clear probably. We’re on the same page on that. Not a native speaker so maybe language barrier?What i meant was x is always there as males are xy. So throwing only y chromosome would be an unusual condition. Not saying it’s impossible for cannabis, just never heard of it. To see if that’s the case you have to pop more than 7 tho.
I’ve got about 20 more popped that have yet to preflower — I hope you’ll prove me wrong!
You’re sure they are males and not herms? I’ve got a batch of around 30 seeds before and all of them were herms. Just bad luck if they are males, I’ve never gone worse than 5/10, but it could definitely happen.
Yea, I’m not too worried about it, it’s just weird. The only thing I am concerned about is that one male was used last year to create all the seeds I have planted this year.

So I really hope it’s not a hereditary thing where any of these males I choose will have a tendency to produce Y chromosome pollen — and then I’ll have a disproportionately high number of male seeds in the future.
I dont think it is hereditary trait. I suppose anything is possible, but it was probably just bad luck. You ever heard about somebody getting 5 out of 6 females? Well, you're the inverse of that. All that bad luck has to even out. Lol. You say that one of the males is already the father of these seeds? If I'm following you right, and your gonna use that male on these daughters, that would be a backcross. That would actually help stablize your genetics.
You’re sure they are males and not herms? I’ve got a batch of around 30 seeds before and all of them were herms. Just bad luck if they are males, I’ve never gone worse than 5/10, but it could definitely happen.

if the seeds came from a herm i believe the offspring are more likely to be herms as well.

edit: were these seeds self culled or bagseed ?

if they are bought regs then it's just bad luck
if the seeds came from a herm i believe the offspring are more likely to be herms as well.

edit: were these seeds self culled or bagseed ?

if they are bought regs then it's just bad luck
They were bagseed from this really seedy cheap bud (1998ish) and my first experience with herms so I had no idea at the time.
They were bagseed from this really seedy cheap bud (1998ish) and my first experience with herms so I had no idea at the time.

bagseed from that time frame could be either herms or regs. - so no good call on the seeds. there was seedbank access, but less participation here then .. :(

watch the female. if she turns then you know for sure.
Maybe you’ve uncovered a new method. The maleinized seed production XD. Maleinized seeds for sale 95% chance males lol
Can be a thing. To a very niche group of people lol.
I dont think it is hereditary trait. I suppose anything is possible, but it was probably just bad luck. You ever heard about somebody getting 5 out of 6 females? Well, you're the inverse of that. All that bad luck has to even out. Lol. You say that one of the males is already the father of these seeds? If I'm following you right, and your gonna use that male on these daughters, that would be a backcross. That would actually help stablize your genetics.

and if that’s the case backcrossing with the same male will stabilize the ”male producing” gene for sure hahha
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