When does the flowering period begin?

Females produce bud. Males produce pollen. The 2 males covered in balls need to go away. They will be no good for smoke. The one with "maybe ten balls", If it has long white female hairs also it is a hermaphrodite. Both male and female plant. When a bud is pollenated it stops spending energy on the flower and starts spending energy developing seeds. One male sack can pollenate a lot of buds. Even stick to the tent walls and pollinate the next plants you grow. You can pluck them off but you must be vigilant on keeping them all off. They hide in there and can develop later in flower again.

Any seeds in your buds will be a cross breed of the two plants. You have equal chance at male, female or hermy from those seeds unless one is from a feminized seed that was full female. That can change the odds a bit.
I check every day and I don't want to buy seeds. My 2 trees are male and I pluck the male buds, will I see any benefit?
In order to get an exact answer the best thing is to answer the three questions. That way we can all be on the same track without guessing what your situation involves.

I am taking a guess at this but it reads like you have only 2 plants? The one that is in the photographs in msg #26 is a male is showing at least 10 male flowers. The other one does not have these growing on it? Third question is that the other plant is not showing any male or female flowers?
actually i only took a picture of 2 plants the others started to bloom only these two are male.
Male cannabis plants do not produce buds only pollen sacks. When a female cannabis plant is polinated the plant focuses on reproduction seed production and turns off the cannabinoid or thc production. By exagerating the flowering lenght of time without pollinating a female cannabis plant the plant focuses on producing increased resins and cannabinoids attemtpting to trap pollen. If producing high quality cannabis medicine is your goal, eliminate the male cannabis plants.
Thanks bro
The 2 males are nothing but trouble and had to go. That leaves 7 female and one hermy. Right? I don't remember if you said the strain but for example lets say one female plant is 8oz of yield. Every male bud you pluck is one less bud sight for female flower to grow. If you are diligent and pull every ball as it forms you may get up to 6 oz from that hermy. If one ball hides up under a flower it will pollinate the room. All of the plants will have low cannabinoids and full of seeds. It isn't worth the risk to keep her,,, him,, whatever in the room. You are risking 3.5lbs of good yield for an extra 6oz of ok smoke. If you could move it to another place away from the others, maybe.

Crossing male and female plants, the seeds are most likely male or female with a small chance of genetic hermy seeds. A stressed female plant can turn hermy . The seeds from a hermy plant tend to create hermy plants. So yes you will have seeds without buying them, but no you do not want them. Quality feminized seeds are relatively cheap and available all over the world. Or take cuttings and clone your current female plants.
The 2 males are nothing but trouble and had to go. That leaves 7 female and one hermy. Right? I don't remember if you said the strain but for example lets say one female plant is 8oz of yield. Every male bud you pluck is one less bud sight for female flower to grow. If you are diligent and pull every ball as it forms you may get up to 6 oz from that hermy. If one ball hides up under a flower it will pollinate the room. All of the plants will have low cannabinoids and full of seeds. It isn't worth the risk to keep her,,, him,, whatever in the room. You are risking 3.5lbs of good yield for an extra 6oz of ok smoke. If you could move it to another place away from the others, maybe.

Crossing male and female plants, the seeds are most likely male or female with a small chance of genetic hermy seeds. A stressed female plant can turn hermy . The seeds from a hermy plant tend to create hermy plants. So yes you will have seeds without buying them, but no you do not want them. Quality feminized seeds are relatively cheap and available all over the world. Or take cuttings and clone your current female plants.
thank you for your valuable information. I separated 1 male tree from them and the other male started to give the female pistil, I check it every day, now the male buds have just started to come out, they do not fertilize and I pluck the male buds. I left them all out of the room anyway.

As @Sativa1970 said, as hard as it might be, you have to get rid if the male plants unless you want to make seeds and, since you have no idea what you have, those have a really good chance of being hermie seeds since they started off from a hermie plant.

There is zero chance you will find all the male flowers in time to pluck them before they spray pollen all over your space. Zero. Up to you, of course, but we're trying to help you learn the lesson without having it affect your harvest.
As @Sativa1970 said, as hard as it might be, you have to get rid if the male plants unless you want to make seeds and, since you have no idea what you have, those have a really good chance of being hermie seeds since they started off from a hermie plant.

There is zero chance you will find all the male flowers in time to pluck them before they spray pollen all over your space. Zero. Up to you, of course, but we're trying to help you learn the lesson without having it affect your harvest.
Thank you my friend, your information is valuable to me. I have separated dangerous trees and continue to observe.
The 2 males are nothing but trouble and had to go. That leaves 7 female and one hermy. Right? I don't remember if you said the strain but for example lets say one female plant is 8oz of yield. Every male bud you pluck is one less bud sight for female flower to grow. If you are diligent and pull every ball as it forms you may get up to 6 oz from that hermy. If one ball hides up under a flower it will pollinate the room. All of the plants will have low cannabinoids and full of seeds. It isn't worth the risk to keep her,,, him,, whatever in the room. You are risking 3.5lbs of good yield for an extra 6oz of ok smoke. If you could move it to another place away from the others, maybe.

Crossing male and female plants, the seeds are most likely male or female with a small chance of genetic hermy seeds. A stressed female plant can turn hermy . The seeds from a hermy plant tend to create hermy plants. So yes you will have seeds without buying them, but no you do not want them. Quality feminized seeds are relatively cheap and available all over the world. Or take cuttings and clone your current female plants.
the leaves look so pale why are they like this?


It's hard to say from the photo. The problem is there are several conditions that exhibit similar symptoms.

If they are the top leaves closest to the light, it could be early light burn signs. You will see a pattern that looks like the PAR map for your light. High par zone or leaves close to the light will be effected.

Same symptoms If the soil doesn't to dry out between watering it can over saturate the plant. Water blocks air from roots and can eventually set in root rot.

Old leaves yellowing can be a nitrogen deficiency. Mature leaves are less efficient at photosynthesis but are energy storage cells . The plant draws from it stores when it needs it.

It is possible that there is plenty of nitrogen in the soil but the plant can not pick it up.PH is a big part of uptake and could be off. Nutrients are carried from the roots up in balanced groups. Too much of one element blocks another. Not actual numbers but just for the concept, we breath air that is 15%O2 5%CO2 with the rest nitrogen and other stuff. Our goal is to take in O2 but O2 and CO2 together regulate our breathing rate. Paper bag when hyperventilating trick. Breathing 15%O2 with 85%CO2 will block your ability to absorb the O2.You suffocate even though the O2 level has not dropped. Not scientifically accurate but hope it helps explain lock out.

High potassium locks out N, cal, and mag leaving them to build up in the medium. High N,cal and mag build up can then cause more lock out in a domino effect. Flush with gallons of PH water nonstop. Let the medium fully dry over a few days. This will reset the medium. If you are concerned it is deficiency you can use a 1/4 strength foliar feed when you flush. Make sure you have plenty of air movement to dry the leaves.


It's hard to say from the photo. The problem is there are several conditions that exhibit similar symptoms.

If they are the top leaves closest to the light, it could be early light burn signs. You will see a pattern that looks like the PAR map for your light. High par zone or leaves close to the light will be effected.

Same symptoms If the soil doesn't to dry out between watering it can over saturate the plant. Water blocks air from roots and can eventually set in root rot.

Old leaves yellowing can be a nitrogen deficiency. Mature leaves are less efficient at photosynthesis but are energy storage cells . The plant draws from it stores when it needs it.

It is possible that there is plenty of nitrogen in the soil but the plant can not pick it up.PH is a big part of uptake and could be off. Nutrients are carried from the roots up in balanced groups. Too much of one element blocks another. Not actual numbers but just for the concept, we breath air that is 15%O2 5%CO2 with the rest nitrogen and other stuff. Our goal is to take in O2 but O2 and CO2 together regulate our breathing rate. Paper bag when hyperventilating trick. Breathing 15%O2 with 85%CO2 will block your ability to absorb the O2.You suffocate even though the O2 level has not dropped. Not scientifically accurate but hope it helps explain lock out.

Yüksek potasyum, N, cal ve mag'ı kilitler ve ortamda birikmelerini sağlar. Yüksek N,cal ve mag birikimi domino etkisinde daha fazla kilitlenmeye neden olabilir. Durmaksızın galon PH suyuyla yıkayın. Ortamın birkaç gün içinde tamamen kurumasını bekleyin. Bu, ortamı sıfırlayacaktır. Eksikliğinden endişe ediyorsanız, sifonu çekerken 1/4 oranında yapraktan yem kullanabilirsiniz. Yaprakları kurutmak için bol miktarda hava hareketine sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun.


I saw that it was time to water and I gave water and it was back to normal. Thanks for information.
It's hard to say from the photo. The problem is there are several conditions that exhibit similar symptoms.

If they are the top leaves closest to the light, it could be early light burn signs. You will see a pattern that looks like the PAR map for your light. High par zone or leaves close to the light will be effected.

Same symptoms If the soil doesn't to dry out between watering it can over saturate the plant. Water blocks air from roots and can eventually set in root rot.

Old leaves yellowing can be a nitrogen deficiency. Mature leaves are less efficient at photosynthesis but are energy storage cells . The plant draws from it stores when it needs it.

Toprakta bol miktarda azot bulunması mümkündür ancak bitki onu alamamaktadır. PH, alımın büyük bir kısmıdır ve kapalı olabilir. Besinler dengeli gruplar halinde kökten yukarı doğru taşınır. Bir öğenin çok fazla olması diğerini engeller. Gerçek rakamlar değil, sadece konsept için, geri kalan nitrojen ve diğer maddelerle birlikte %15O2 %5CO2 olan havayı soluyoruz. Amacımız O2 almaktır ancak O2 ve CO2 birlikte solunum hızımızı düzenler. Hiperventilasyon hilesi yaparken kağıt torba. %85 CO2 ile %15 O2 solumak, O2'yi emme yeteneğinizi engeller. O2 seviyesi düşmese bile boğulursunuz. Bilimsel olarak doğru değil ama kilitlenmeyi açıklamaya yardımcı olacağını umuyorum.

Yüksek potasyum, N, cal ve mag'ı kilitler ve ortamda birikmelerini sağlar. Yüksek N,cal ve mag birikimi domino etkisinde daha fazla kilitlenmeye neden olabilir. Durmaksızın galon PH suyuyla yıkayın. Ortamın birkaç gün içinde tamamen kurumasını bekleyin. Bu, ortamı sıfırlayacaktır. Eksikliğinden endişe ediyorsanız, sifonu çekerken 1/4 oranında yapraktan yem kullanabilirsiniz. Yaprakları kurutmak için bol miktarda hava hareketine sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun.


It's been 4 weeks, do you think it's normal




Su vaktinin geldiğini gördüm ve su verdim ve normale döndü. Bilgi için teşekkürler.
Translates from Turkish to English as: "I saw that it was time to water and I gave water and it was back to normal. Thanks for information."

Abi 4 hafta oldu sence normal mi
Translates from Turkish to English as: "It's been 4 weeks, do you think it's normal?"

So the answer is: It would be easier to tell if they are normal if you turned off the grow lights and just used a white light from the ceiling or a table lamp or whatever is a normal light. The yellow orange color make it hard to see the true colors. So far they do look OK.
Translates from Turkish to English as: "I saw that it was time to water and I gave water and it was back to normal. Thanks for information."

Translates from Turkish to English as: "It's been 4 weeks, do you think it's normal?"

So the answer is: It would be easier to tell if they are normal if you turned off the grow lights and just used a white light from the ceiling or a table lamp or whatever is a normal light. The yellow orange color make it hard to see the true colors. So far they do look OK.



Thank you my friend, your information is valuable to me. I have separated dangerous trees and continue to observe.
A drop of pollen can spread for miles. Chop that thing up & dispose of properly. If you put the plant outdoors you could pollinate other growers plants miles away. There's no way you will get every pollen sack before one of them burst open. Save yourself the headache & get rid of the males & hermies. Just not worth it. It sucks ! I know first hand as I've had to get rid of some beautiful plants in the past.
I use Biobizz Vera, Bloom, Grow and Bid bud, B52. What would you recommend for tight blooms?

Big Bud and B52 are well known to have good results. Bud candy is good for more turpins. They only help under the right conditions. Plants need the right temperature, air flow, humidity, water, light and nutrients. After all of those needs are met and exceeded then you will see results from nutrient boosters. You can't take vitamins then just sit on the couch all day and wait for the muscles to bulk up.

19 to 26 deg C
Oscillating fan gently moving the tops will promote bud growth and aids photosynthesis.
Fresh air to replace the O2 that builds up
40-50% humidity
800-1000 PAR lighting on the buds

Will hybrid seeds smell the same as original seeds?

To answer the question all seeds smell the same with a few exceptions. Hybrid is 2 genetics crossed. If you cross two plants then grow the seeds some will take after mom, some after dad, some fall in-between the two. Some won't take after either of the parents because they carry there ancestors receive genes.

Will a hermy seed grow a plant like the mother? yes. It will be the same genetics but it may be male or hermy. It will not be pure female so any buds it grows will be lower in cannabinoids and have seeds. Any plants in the neighborhood will also have lower cannabinoids and seeds. Pollen travels on your hands, cloths, and in the air.
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