White Widow Halloween Grow With 315 Watt CMH Light Journal

This is the soil mix I did lol.
I bag ocean forest FF
I bag perlite
Bat guano
Some acidic killer to lower ph

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Grebs I've been attacked by some leave eating critters. I don't even know how they got in my tent

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If you have a picture of those critters (I only see an empty post) you will easily get recommendations of what to use against them. I once had both Thrips and the dreaded Spider Mites from a group of clones I brought into the grow room and killed them off with SMC90 and Diatomaceous Earth, although I wouldn't recommend the SMC90 for girls in flower. I tend to use Diatomaceous Earth every week now by blowing it over the grow and nothing lives through it as it rips open the exoskeleton of the pest and dehydrates them from the inside out. If you buy the food grade it's not harmful to humans (people eat it to make their nails and hair grow better) and also feeds the plants silica over time if in the soil. Look it up, it's cheap and perfect for pest control/removal but I would like to emphasise that you purchase the food grade version :thumb:
Cpl pics today. Finally starting to fill out

I'm pretty sure it's not. Just potting soil that loves rejecting water.

You should seriously consider this sort of set up growth medium wise - auto pot with gravity feed reservoir plus air bubbler to make sure the roots get plenty air - the roots will get fed directly without rot

Auto Pot with Reservoir for Hydroponic Growing, GreenSpirit

Auto PotAutopot Air Dome, Green Spirit Hydroponics Help

Hailea Super Silent Air Pumps, Green Spirit Hydroponics (get one with multiple outlets)
Just a suggestion but have you guys who use soil considered moving to coco?
60/40 substrate is what i use and it is fantastic - was watering every day last cycle and they just sucked it right up - nutes every day and a flush once per week - the manufacturers make a feed chart that changes gradually over the three months so you can tailor the strength etc to their exact changing needs

gold label coco :goodjob::cheer::love:

Key to avoiding root rot is putting an air bubbler dome in the bottom of each pot
I'm just starting to learn coco, but haven't heard anything about this air bubbler dome. How does it work ? I do not want root rot !!
If I can offer some advice there's a fella on here that uses Coco and Hydroponics a lot. He has multiple grows in different countries and uses multiple methods, but he loves the yield of hydro, check him out if ever you need advice Alien Hydroponic EasyFeed System
If I can offer some advice there's a fella on here that uses Coco and Hydroponics a lot. He has multiple grows in different countries and uses multiple methods, but he loves the yield of hydro, check him out if ever you need advice Alien Hydroponic EasyFeed System
Yes, thank you so much kriaze, I have been talking with cultivator. He's gonna teach me coco, if he can find time. He recently got a new gig, and don't know how that might play out . Thanks again !!
I was gonna suggest the bug repellent but uve done it so what about a bug bomb after harvest i hope u get to root of the little munchers

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I'm just starting to learn coco, but haven't heard anything about this air bubbler dome. How does it work ? I do not want root rot !!

Ok lemme try to explain ...

The bucket pot is quite big, not sure of volume but it's about up to my knee - it's got plenty of holes in the bottom for outflow

There's a thin round copper mat (buy a new one each time) that goes into the bottom of the pot - stops roots from escaping out the holes

Bucket sits in a specially designed tray

The air bubbler dome goes into the bottom of the bucket pot with a air tube running out (just bring it out the top of the pot)
The air tube goes to an air pump that continually pumps air ... A root ball forms in and around the dome eventually

The substrate goes on top of the air dome

Plant on top of that of course

There's a gravity fed reservoir system with an external reservoir that can supply several bucket pots depending on configuration - the tray that goes under a bucket pot has space at the side for a little plastic valve thing that controls & limits in flow to the tray according to what the plant requires - there's a tube that runs from the reservoir to the bucket that the liquid feed runs down

Keep the pipes clean and u can leave it for several days no worries without issue

Allows the plants to drink as they need plus aerates root system - winner all round
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