Wondering the point of trichomes


Well-Known Member
Stoned in deep thought about what is the purpose of the trichomes on a marijuana plant. My first thought was it must be for protection from the sun. Then it occurred to me that they are clear, maybe the purpose is to magnify the sun. And maybe the reason they turn amber is because they lost there UV protection capabilities. What are y’alls thoughts?
Aside from where all the "good stuff" is stored, trichomes provide the plant protection from the environment. They form a protective layer against insects and the chemicals in the trichomes make cannabis less palatable to animals and can inhibit the growth of fungus. The resin also helps insulate the plant from winds and low humidity and acts as a natural ‘sun-screen’ in protecting against UV-B sunlight.


What are Trichomes? Trichome 101

The primary goal of any plant is to create and nurture seeds to be viable for future growth. Trichomes help prevent seed damage from insects, animals, light degradation and fungal disease. In the case of cannabis, trichomes also contain THC, the chemical compound that provides a psychedelic high to humans.
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