3600watt 200 plant vertical grow with pics


New Member
Heres how it went.

I am ran 3 Vertical Harvests vertical gardens with their vented 56" cool tubes and am running drip lines. Each garden has 72 plant sites for a total of 216 plants. I am running the original lucas formula 7.5:15 micro:bloom and will only change my res prior to flush. i have an ozone generator that scrubs my air as well as carbon filters that will take care of any odors escaping into the neighbor hood.

and here we are up and running


this is 10 days into flower showing their first hairs



this is 3 weeks in, getting some better coverage



5 weeks looking fattt


as expected from a 40 dollar camera


week 7, super fat



time to chop. plants are falling over


Bone yard


all in all a succesful grow. I pulled 5.2 pounds of dream queen and got about 3 ounces of hash off the trim. Grow 2 is going to have a week long veg to establish a fuller canopy. stay tuned.
+rep Good to have you around. Looks like a fun run. I've run a system alomost identical to your. Thats what 4 inch PVc set at an angle? What type of system? E&F, F&D, nft? Well no matter what it is GREAT WORK!! I was just talking about that style system to another growwer. I'm definetly glad to see yours. Awsome work! hows the rez. doing for you? what size drum(s) if you dont mind me asking?cause i remember that system eating like no tomarrow. I bet your ladies cleaned you out. But then again, 5.2 lbs. is a great return. +rep..OK so I gotta wait til tomarrow, met my rep limit for the day..:rofl:
NICE! And no res change... awesome.

Looks like you just have a drip line to each net pot? What was the water cycle? Man, I have a ton of questions... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I definitely have to try this type of system. +reps for sharing!
dream queen. i used a 100 gal res with ro water on the lucas formula. the irrigation were 30 seconds 1 hour apart on drip lines. verticalharvests has some more images on their site, really cool dudes, got me set up with the 3 gardens with no problems once so ever
I am in awe! Like everyone else I have a toon of questions.....on maybe just 5.2 lbs worth. Great grow thks for letting us ride along. :peace:
the DA would have a hell of a time figuring out sqf, but how ever you want to look at it, its about 150 sqf of floor space, sqf vertically is prob under 20, but vegetative canopy is pi x Radius^2 x Height so 3.14x9x5 is about 150 sqf per garden, 450 sqf in less than 200 sqf area
Hydo shops carry a steak thats angled, to help support plants flowering in vertical systems.. I used them along with ties. I can honestly say it helped w/ the over all yeild and gave the perfect amount of support. But I'm sure you got it all covered. I cant wait to see the next run.
Gonna need some side lighting shortly I believe. Good idea. Like to see new grow plots. It looks like you just recently filled your plot with plants within the array. No plants growing toward the light. IF this becomes a problem- add some flor tube lights to balance the desire to grow toward the lights in the center.

Peace and blesings to your harvest!
green crack, aka dream queen. i used a 100 gal res with ro water on the lucas formula. the irrigation were 30 seconds 1 hour apart on drip lines. verticalharvests has some more images on their site, really cool dudes, got me set up with the 3 gardens with no problems once so ever

So 30 seconds on every hour? I'm gonna have to finally break down and buy a cycle timer ;)

I have a closet I could set up like this... thanks for posting your grow Headmaster! I like the nice simple setup - nothing more needed, nothing wasted, and perfect light distribution.
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