
  1. dieselskunk

    G13 Haze

    Strain Name -G13 Haze From -Barnie's seed When -10/17/2017 Type - Sativa Appearance - light green very dense Smell - Pungent, Skunky Type of Buzz - Is it cerebral and Strong Long lasting Good for getting stuff done around the house Length of Buzz - 4 hours + Best Medicinal Use -...
  2. ckenney82

    How long from seed to harvest? Crop King WWAF

    im 21 days from seed fourth and third sets are coming in. how long till harvest?
  3. W

    Crop Circle Auto - First ever grow ever!

    Hi I just posted these in the uk section, hope this is allowed! Day 45 of a alleged 55 day from seed to harvest! Reckon it may need a bit longer but I hope it hurried up so I can flower the others.
  4. M

    Single seed from female clone

    I had a clone of DHN Skywalker OG that I grew this past season with no males. Tonight I found a fully mature seed in a top cola. Toss it or sprout it?
  5. 1

    Seed came up on top of the soil

    Hello guys, so i germinated a seed and it cracked around 24h then i planted it (i think to shallow) and the next day i saw the seed on top of the soil (not sprout, just laying there). I planted it again, this time a little deeper. Can it survive? Why did it came on top of the soil?
  6. Ron Strider

    Australia: Hemp Food Industry Could Lead To 'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs'

    Australia's newest "superfood" - hemp - is now available after being legalized to be sold as food in Australia after 20 years in the making. And with hemp seed oil to hemp seed beer, the industry is hastening to bring more products to the shelves for consumers. The new regulations came...
  7. B

    Seeds not sprouting!

    Gday guys! First time posting here, but long time follower! I havnt grown in a few years and got a little mixed up! I have strawberry kush seeds, germinated in water, all 4 cracked open. I moved them into soil (seed mix) and put them in a dome! 5 days on, no movement at all, dug to the seed...
  8. S

    Bomb proof seeds

    I have been looking for some bomb proof seeds that can be planted and cared for by an utter numb skull such as I. I have been informed by many people and was told over and over that their suggestions can be found everywhere and open the packet and they climb out plant themselves and in a skin...
  9. S

    Germinated seed

    What is the ideal germinated seed look like before planting into soil?
  10. Ron Strider

    World's Oldest Cannabis Seed Bank Honors 73 Year French Activist With Own Variety

    World’s Oldest Cannabis Seed Bank Honors 73 year French activist with own variety Dutch company Sensi Seeds, the world’s oldest and most respected cannabis seed bank, pays official homage to Michka Seeliger-Chatelain with their latest sativa seed strain Michka. Through her significant impact...
  11. Q

    Noobie questions

    hey there, so im sorta new to growing and i just cant figure out what im supposed to do. im doing DWC hydro setup out of a 5 gallon bucket, and my seed seller said DONT use rockwool for my seeds. i have absolutely no idea how the hell i am supposed to grow my sproutling in soil and then...
  12. Ron Strider

    Australia: Hemp Is New Plant Governments Are Slowly Learning To Embrace

    Despite all the recent talk of superfoods, one genuine culinary gem has been stymied for decades by political intransigence, infuriating red tape and unfair associations with drug culture. Hemp seed — free of the mind-altering chemicals of its druggie cousin cannabis — is almost too good to be...
  13. Ron Strider

    First Certified Hemp Seeds Produced In Kentucky Since 1930s

    Lexington-based Schiavi Seeds said that it made history for Kentucky's hemp industry. The company created the first certified hemp seeds grown in the Commonwealth since the 1930s. The Kentucky Seed Improvement Association (KSIA), a Foundation Seed Organization of the Association of...
  14. M

    Which seed

    Need some advice on my grow, Whats best autoflowering seed to go for under a 600w hps light in soil inside a trojan gold 10 tent (1m2 2m tall). How many could i fit inside the tent am going for yield. Any advice is appreciated Mr A Bud
  15. IndyRacerNick

    Help! Hydroponic DWC Seed to Rockwool

    So after I did 2 plants over the summer I decided to give in an try my luck at Hydroponics. I will start a new journal on this once we are going. We are growing White Widow this time around. I have a hydroponic system and she is all ready to go. I placed a seed in water and paper towel for...
  16. MackMcMacMac

    Mack Meets Cinderella In Soil - A Love Story In Flux

    So excited to see my latest seed pop. She's a photoperiod feminized Cinderella-99 by Sumo (Princess X Cinderella 88 genetics). I picked this strain for a) sativa, b) high THC, c) grows short to live in my CheapAss® 2x2x4 grow tent. She's currently in the 5-gallon space bucket under 2 "daylight"...
  17. cbgb

    First Journal - CFL Soil Grow

    Here we go , not my first cfl grow but my first journal, any thoughts are welcomed ! la kush x purple punch indica hybrid femanized organic potting soil with pearlite and slow release fertilizers 3 plants feit 150 watt cfl 2800 lumens / daylight spectrum / 6500 k /per bulb ph balanced water...
  18. SVA10

    My plant doesn't want to grow?

    Hello everyone. First, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it's my first time using this forum. I germinated this seed 6 days ago, my first attempt to grow a cannabis plant, took me 24h using the paper towel method, then i placed the seed on the soil and after ~20h the thing was out...
  19. W

    Transplant Depth

    Hi folks, I'm new and I just purchased some feminized white widow seeds. I have been starting vegetables and flowers indoors, under grow lights, for years. Last year I even started a couple of pot plants from a few seeds that I had found in a bag of weed. I used a seed starting mix like ProMix...
  20. philthegeek

    When to pollinate for seed production? Advice needed

    Hi all. Current grow: White Widow First Grow Have females in main grow tent, and some males in a separate "spacebox". Currently have the males with paper bags over some of the branches. I think they will start to shed pollen next few days as some of the older flowers that...
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