1000w Hydro Perpetual

ah no doubt and yeah i saw the trays earlier on just wasnt sure if i saw the res setup and im just starting to wrap my head around how hydro systems work entirely, I've read a lot on DWC it seems like quite a nice setup im sure you're plants are loving it.

Cant wait to see the flowering in full swing for you!

A little b4 and after of a primary veg tray defoil. Will most likely move them for their 2-3 days of darkness to induce flowering next Saturday seeing as I just did a Res change on all my veg hydro. Put everything at the same 6.0 pH 800 ppm give or take 50. Everything is looking good , well in terms of veg anyway. I haven't seen any more flies, never did find out what they were tho. Probably move the gxg mother reject to flush soon.
Love all the comments and banter about HBO, I can only imagine what you are talking about, I feel too old to start making something in a potentially dangerous way when I haven’t seen it live, and far too old to start smoking something that could be as good as I imagine!:lot-o-toke:

Glad you posted the photo of your RH meter, valuable breadcrumbs to follow!

Are you setting TDS to 800ppm-ish for flowering on the NFT tray or a different hydro?
BHO is something everyone should try at some point :) and you're right its as good as you think it is and honestly possibly better with a swing or pin setup its scary how little goes so far lol and nothing leaves you in the same state ive found
Your right about that ron! I find its a much more intense high and is much better for pain relief. A person needs to keep smoking this stuff steady all day unless you have time for a nap tho.
ah i cant use the spell checker since i dont use a standard browser sorta, either way i know whatcha mean about having to smoke it all day or its nappy time
didcha know if you go to far with that smoking a little more to stay awake eventually you sorta just fall over and pass out within a few seconds? very similar to a black out lol but thats like going stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid far
lol you're my hero btw you should check your PM's sometime :p
Ty for the kind words my man. I'm not so different from many of the growers on this site, all trying to learn as much as they can ,as well as provide useful information for anyone willing to learn.
hehe for the knowledge too but i mean thats just damn my hero putting yourself down for the count like that on a nightly basis hehe :)
haha nice ever see towelie on south park? id imagine your very much like that towel hehe
same here mon amigo all i can think of towelie playing funky town on the keypad hehe
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