1st Grow Ever - Just Learning For After Summer Grow

Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Its kinda out off focus dunno if u can really tell or nitice it but i saw a few more white hairs in some lower stems . Took a lot of pics just couldnt focus the damn camera i ll take a few tomorrow cause the ladies are sleeping

It's the little ones i think not much of a color on this under the hps
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Its kinda out off focus dunno if u can really tell or nitice it but i saw a few more white hairs in some lower stems . Took a lot of pics just couldnt focus the damn camera i ll take a few tomorrow cause the ladies are sleeping
It's the little ones i think not much of a color on this under the hps
These are definitely pistils.
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

A brief report. Ladies doing fine they are stretching a lot. The first lady is 70 cm at day 3 of flower and the second one is 40 cm allready. I saw like 2-3 blancehs that has pistils on the first lady but still no sex on the second one.I keep water the first lady with plain water atm.

Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

First lady looking good but some of the lower leafs turned yellow.Is that normal?
Now prolly some bad news for the second one.
Ballz right?
Still that focus isue..
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

First lady looking good but some of the lower leafs turned yellow.Is that normal?
Time to start giving more than just water, mate. More P and K needed, now.

Now prolly some bad news for the second one.
Ballz right?
Still that focus isue..

Awww, nuts, you got balls.
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Time to start giving more than just water, mate. More P and K needed, now.

Awww, nuts, you got balls.

Thanks mate i'll feed her tomorrow with some flower nutes. half strength ?
So i have to remove the man from the closet..Ballzzz and he starts to stink so good!
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Hey guys! Im little busy atm and cant upload any pics but my lady show me some K def. The symptoms are the same according to this : Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial.
So i flushed the pot used 2 times the amount of the litre of the pot. So now i think i'll w8 till my plant drain all that water so i can feed her again. correct? question : 2-7-4 NPK is good for flower? i'll stick to ur advise jandre and feed her some veg nutes and flower nutes when shes ready to. So flushing was a good thing or bad ?
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Need More K... Look for something that has 1-0-8. Sea Kelp.

Kelp Meal

  • Kelp meal is mulched and dried seaweed harvested directly from the ocean. This form of sea kelp has a high potassium ratio in relation to nitrogen and phosphate: its nitrogen-phosphate-potassium (NPK) formulation ratio is 1-0-8. Potassium protects plants from disease while promoting the growth of prolific foliage, fruit and vegetables. Spread kelp meal around the base of plants either as a soil mix or as a medium for potting. One 25-lb. bag of kelp meal applied at the rate of 1 lb. per plant covers over 1,000 feet of topsoil.
Or, Sulfate of Potash, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia, Muriate of Potash, Greensand...

Follow directions on bag for application rates and methods.
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Hey! Lady is doing fine! Shes outdoor allready no signs of stress 1m heigth in 2nd week of flower. After i flushed i didnt see any new signs of K def so yesterday i started hes some veg+flower nutes at 1/4 strength.Small buds start to form :circle-of-love: So dunno when i ll be able to post some new pics but i keep u informed :)
Re: 1st grow ever just learning for after summer grow

Hey guys!I've been off for a while soz for that. Well my lady is doinfg fine shes at the 5th week of flower she's forming some really nice buds out there :) I think im gonna take a few shots later i'll chose some and upload them!


Buds turning purple :)

Few more

Its the 6th week of flower i think shes has slown down a bit her growth or not?
Any Thoughts suggestions?


Buds turning purple :)

Few more

Its the 6th week of flower i think shes has slown down a bit her growth or not?
Any Thoughts suggestions?
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