3 Weeks into flower and


New Member
I have some yellowing of leaves, seems like it may be over watering or PH issues and this is why I consider it to be either or both.

My fan is directly on the plants to offset the 1000watt temps keeping a cool area between light and plant, but this means more transpiration. I water daily and the dirt appears bone dry however.

Now does the fan directly on the plants effect the thc production? Why are my plants not drippy sticky? Is it too soon to have that sort of THC oil production in the plant or is the fan directly blowing on them making it dry too fast?

Second would PH be the reason for my yellow leaves? Most of my water is right about 6.8 but I was told accumulation could actually make the soil PH too high. I am a bit timid to put up pics but the plans seem healthy other than the thc oils being visible and yellowing leaves mostly near the bottom.

I would love some feedback as I am amateur still in my grows!
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

Well I can't help you too much with the yellowing leaves unfortunately, since I too am an amateur grower. However, I can tell you not to worry about your plants not being covered in trichs yet! 3 weeks into flowering is still much too early for your girl to be sticky. I'm guessing there are a good bit of hairs on her?

Here is what my girl looks like at ~40 days into flowering:


MJ usually takes around 7-10 weeks to reach peak thc content, depending on strain, environment and luck!
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

I am thinking I might need to flush my plants to try and get the soil regulated. is it dangerous to flood your plants while budding?

I am growing two strains and one is loving the conditions (either a widow or bubblegum i did not mark the seedlings correctly), but my Kush is the one having issues with yellowing leaves. I tried molasses unsulphured and it made a immediate difference after only one night in plumping the bud sites. it should not be related to bleaching out in leaves if it lacks the sulfur so I am thinking that is inconsequential.
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

No flushing while budding is fine. In fact, I just did it yesterday as my plants are also feeling under the weather :(

I tried molasses unsulphured and it made a immediate difference after only one night in plumping the bud sites.

I've heard of a few people doing this before, thinking of trying it out. Though I probably won't, don't want to jinx anything on my first grow :/
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

I must say the molasses is amazing...immediately the buds were harder, stickier and the aroma doubled easy.

I'd say only dose a single one of your plants 1 tablespoon per gallon and wait a few days. If you like the results catch others up. It is always best not to do something new to all the plants right off.

Now my leaf issue...and to hoping a good flush this afternoon lets nutes start sucking up again.
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

I must say the molasses is amazing...immediately the buds were harder, stickier and the aroma doubled easy.

I'd say only dose a single one of your plants 1 tablespoon per gallon and wait a few days. If you like the results catch others up. It is always best not to do something new to all the plants right off.

Now my leaf issue...and to hoping a good flush this afternoon lets nutes start sucking up again.

Damn, might just give this a try then.... it sounds so tantalizing! I can't wait until she is ready!
Re: 3 Weeks into flower and...

I like molasses works wonders and depending on your growth the leaves might be yellowing because of light penatration. also if your in flower you probably have cut back on nitrogen ferts wich will cause some yellowing. without pics its hard to tell. when you do flush you will need to replace some of your nutes as you have washed them away. Im no expert and just giving my 2 cents worth:goodluck:
I uploaded some pics. They are hard to see with the HPS lighting so I will have to get in there soon and hit the lights. They are 25 days into flower and are doing good but not excellent.

I flushed the first of two kush today attempting to negate whatever is going on. I will wait to see noted improvement before flushing both since I am a firm believer in only disturbing as little as possible until I know for sure. I raised my lights up also since it is a easy action to take without actually messing with my plants. I got burned once already this grow when I took a day off from watering and came back to a top in the hood....I kicked myself for not tying it down like i'd been saying I would.

As a side note I find most of my soil's PH is at 6.8 - 6.9 going down when fed nutes which run slightly acidic in the soil when first entering and 'seperating' from the dilution into soil. It stabilizes up with watering with 7.0 tap water (no water softener) or near to it.
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