4/20 plans?


New Member
4/20 is coming up soon and i'm just wondering what you all plan on doing then?
For me it'll be my birthday and i'm probably gettin one of the best gifts i've got in a while...a 20 gram blunt. I've asked all the ppl i smoke with to throw in for this blunt because i'm turning 20 on that day and that's all i want (from friends). 20grams for turning 20 and everyone who throws in gets to sit there and smoke it with me. I'm planning a nice bonfire once it gets dark, but during the day I'll probably go out disc golfing and then to my friends house to light up some kron. I'm hopin my guy has g-13 in by then because i've never had it and it would be great to smoke that on my bday :)

What do you guys plan on doing?
Not to be an ass or anything but i think there is a thread just like this one already but nice to hear about your plans and happy early bday just incase i forget lol and mine is 2 days before so the 18th
went out and got the special 420 bud today. Cant wait to celebrate:rollit:
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