4.5'x4.5'x5.5'H box


New Member
Question about a box that size. Background is that I am an HVAC/R technician, means I can do the electrical and keep the temp within the box within a couple degrees, and humidity, of whatever I want it to be. Don't need to be stealth either, but I am looking for simplicity.

My idea is a lexan or acrylic box, with fluorescents (4x4') on all six surfaces, outside of the grow area, with the outside framework made of probably luan wood painted flat white to act as reflectors.

Would this be too much light?
Would it promote decent growth?
Would running a small pilot light (natural gas done safely) help with CO2, or would I need to moderate the burning to keep the levels right?

Ideally this would go from seedling to harvest, and I could easily change the tube lights from one type to the other, along with varying the numbers and locations of which ones are on.
A box that size (20¼ square feet), and without CO2 supplementation, could easily handle 1000+ watts of HID light during flower. Double that number for fluorescents. Add CO2 and it'll easily handle more than that.

Place something (glass, lexan, etc.) between the lights and the plants and you're blocking some amount of that light. So you could add more.

That's assuming, like you stated, that you can control the environment.

So no, it wouldn't be too much light. Sounds more like it wouldn't be enough.
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