480W & 720W LED Grow - Land of Clovers

re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

looking good jdizzle22.. sorry bro i have no clue about that fan setup. how long the girls been under the new leds? they seem happy and like their pushing out buds sites all over.

HEY IB your friend grew with only VF-11 in FFOF that's it ? Did he PH the water ?

yup and his said he PH'ed his water. from what ive notice is that the PH jumps all around, went from 4.something to 5.5 the next day, then to 6.4 the day after. not sure about today or where its going to cap off at? dude rocks out some nice plants with just that.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

looking good jdizzle22.. sorry bro i have no clue about that fan setup. how long the girls been under the new leds? they seem happy and like their pushing out buds sites all over.

yup and his said he PH'ed his water. from what ive notice is that the PH jumps all around, went from 4.something to 5.5 the next day, then to 6.4 the day after. not sure about today or where its going to cap off at? dude rocks out some nice plants with just that.

you mean the PH after you mix the VF-11 in water ? I would mix enough for the day and not keep any extra
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

to be honest i think we will never know, some companys keep it more green them others. organic base and be anything, with natural stuff or hash chems. from what ive been told things are going to be stricter with claiming organic ORMI labels.

if you want true organics make ur own teas IMO.

It's really in the spirit of organics to make your own too - not saying anything bad about those who can't, but the cool thing to me about organic growing and gardening is the recycling aspect - you'd be amazed at how many paper bags and kitchen scraps go in my worm bin instead of the garbage.

Next worm bin I make will have drain holes so I can get some tea...
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

It's really in the spirit of organics to make your own too - not saying anything bad about those who can't, but the cool thing to me about organic growing and gardening is the recycling aspect - you'd be amazed at how many paper bags and kitchen scraps go in my worm bin instead of the garbage.

Next worm bin I make will have drain holes so I can get some tea...
amen brother. its the fun of making ur own teas. and knowing whats going into ur plants
wholly shit Diesel Farmer killed it

about 3oz a plant is 3gal buckets of soil. nothing but VF-11
strain is Somas sour diesel. i think 4 plants under two 400w hps. i know he had spider mites real bad on that grow. but nothing but VF-11 and the stuff is cheap
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

looking good jdizzle22.. sorry bro i have no clue about that fan setup. how long the girls been under the new leds? they seem happy and like their pushing out buds sites all over.

They have only been under it for almost 6 days, before that a 400w Hortilux Super HPS. They were under CFL for 10 days in a PC grow case, then under HPS for 29 or 30, and have since been under the 395 2011 spectra.

Hey does anyone here happen to know the dimensions of the smallest 2011 Spectras? I'm considering turning the front half of my gaming rig/ATCS 840 into a mini LED veg chamber :p Or perhaps just putting an LED inside my PC grow case to replace the CFL

Does anyone have any info on if Vegan marijuana plants are any better than Organic plants? I would imagine you couldn't grow as well with vegan. UI'd also bet the difference between vegan and organic isn't even half the difference between Chem and Organic (and that is if Vegan is even better than organic)

Oh and Irish, if you are going to throw one plant under each 240w Spectra, how big to you plan on letting them get before you flower them?
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Interesting, never heard of VF-11 before now you've got me researching it. :tokin:
its hard to find info on. if you do let me know please.
They have only been under it for almost 6 days, before that a 400w Hortilux Super HPS. They were under CFL for 10 days in a PC grow case, then under HPS for 29 or 30, and have since been under the 395 2011 spectra.

Hey does anyone here happen to know the dimensions of the smallest 2011 Spectras? I'm considering turning the front half of my gaming rig/ATCS 840 into a mini LED veg chamber :p Or perhaps just putting an LED inside my PC grow case to replace the CFL

Does anyone have any info on if Vegan marijuana plants are any better than Organic plants? I would imagine you couldn't grow as well with vegan. UI'd also bet the difference between vegan and organic isn't even half the difference between Chem and Organic (and that is if Vegan is even better than organic)

Oh and Irish, if you are going to throw one plant under each 240w Spectra, how big to you plan on letting them get before you flower them?
IDK how much smaller you would have to ask Mike.

my Jacks Heres were vegan the whole way until about yesterday i threw some bat guano. the frost is like ive never seen. going to try to get more XG tea and stuff for my next grow, i really like their products and they making a new tea they said for me. not sure what their changing? but their stuff work great and really great for veg. easiest grow ive ever done by far. going to toss my SQ girls their just not doing good and not drinking and i rather not waist more time and quite while i am ahead. i dont know witch is better organic or vegan? i tend to like both mixed.
Nice thread!!! Keep up the good work!!!



thanks buddy, pull up a chair.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

its hard to find info on. if you do let me know please.

VF-11 is nothing more than snake oil homeopathy for plants.

The active ingredient doesn't need to be listed chemically because it isn't a fertilizer, or because the concentration is so low, that they can just call it "plant hormones" or something along those lines.

So try to imagine a hormone, effective at low concentrations, an acid in fact, that you could put on a plant that would make it magically elongate and perhaps even break or inhibit dormancy, or stimulate seed germination.

The funny thing is when you use the stuff, plants actually do grow, go figure, lol

VF-11 For Farm Use

personally speaking, I work too hard for my money to spend it on a product that makes grandiose claims, but doesn't have to list what's in it, and chooses not to.

It wasn't too hard to find out though:

"Sorry to mention it, but are those using ELEANOR'S VF-11 PLANT FOOD aware that the analysis of the NPK of this product is only 0.15-0.85-0.55? Note the decimal point. It has only 15/100 of 1% nitrogen. Drinking water often has more nitrogen in it than that. It also lists 0% of the important nutrients calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickle, and zinc in it's analysis. Goldfish bowl water diluted 10:1 with tap water would have an NPK analysis somewhere in the same neighborhood as Eleanor's stuff."
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

VF-11 is nothing more than snake oil homeopathy for plants.

The active ingredient doesn't need to be listed chemically because it isn't a fertilizer, or because the concentration is so low, that they can just call it "plant hormones" or something along those lines.

So try to imagine a hormone, effective at low concentrations, an acid in fact, that you could put on a plant that would make it magically elongate and perhaps even break or inhibit dormancy, or stimulate seed germination.

The funny thing is when you use the stuff, plants actually do grow, go figure, lol

VF-11 For Farm Use

personally speaking, I work too hard for my money to spend it on a product that makes grandiose claims, but doesn't have to list what's in it, and chooses not to.

It wasn't too hard to find out though:

"Sorry to mention it, but are those using ELEANOR'S VF-11 PLANT FOOD aware that the analysis of the NPK of this product is only 0.15-0.85-0.55? Note the decimal point. It has only 15/100 of 1% nitrogen. Drinking water often has more nitrogen in it than that. It also lists 0% of the important nutrients calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickle, and zinc in it's analysis. Goldfish bowl water diluted 10:1 with tap water would have an NPK analysis somewhere in the same neighborhood as Eleanor's stuff."

yup thats what i thought and was wondering if buddy was really just getting food from the FFOF soil? it only cost me a few bucks.. i was thinking its like some super thrive? oh well my girl got a good flush with it and higher NPK then my filtered water.lol. i figured its BS from the e-amil i got from them. notice they did answer one question i asked?

Hello i had a few questions about VF-11?
1st is it organic or synthetic or both? i was looking on the back of the bottle at the store and it just looked like it has a NPK only and i couldn't see any micro nutrients, so i was wondering if VF-11 has micro nutes in it? if so what kind? copper,zinc,iron,manganese, magnesium..ect... Calcium/Magnesium is used allot by my plants dose ur product have cal/mag or do i have to add some? is it best to use Filter water or tap water? should i adjust the watering PH or leave it alone when using your product?

thank you for your time.

In answer to your quaestions......
VF-11 is a 'breakthrough'
The man who invented it said.
"Let it work alone"
"Do not use with any other fertilizer"
"It contains everything your plants need"
" And the "genius" behind it is that
all the nutrients are in an available form!!
Trust it, and trust me, and let it prove itself to you.
You will see marvelous results in only
days. Foliar feeding is even faster
than root feeding!!!! Results are obvious!!!
WITH VF-11 !!!!!

re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Superthrive has also thrived in part to its "secret" formulation, because that appeals to suckers, but it does contain a couple of popular rooting hormones in effective concentrations, so while its marketing is designed to appeal to that side of us that wants to believe in magic so badly that we'll spend our money, it does stimulate root growth, while VF-11 only stimulates "Eleanor's" bank account.

I bet you could water your plant with a whole gallon of VF-11 and it still wouldn't burn it, so it must be a great product ;)

"trust it, and trust me"

yeah, I'll get right on that, lol

"Eleanor" looks like she died a decade ago and the corporate bastards took her to the taxidermist for those pics, lol
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

I bet you could water your plant with a whole gallon of VF-11 and it still wouldn't burn it, so it must be a great product ;)

"trust it, and trust me"

yeah, I'll get right on that, lol

yup its magic you can add as much as you want and not burn them and it has no smell its break threw tech bra.:)

you should see the reply i sent them telling them they avoided every question i asked and just replied with a sales pitch.

ill see how it flushes.lol

i floiared prayed some of me girls and i did see anything amazing.

i am just getting upset because i have no idea what the hell is going on? Casey Jones was rocking out real good then went bad, my new girls were rocking out and went bad, everything was the same as food and medium with my jacks and they did great. same water and same medium. the only change is i added humis in my mix EWC,, a tent and the lights. ive never had a plant die on me expect for these last two grows. and both are the same problems yellowing on all the new growth and the fan leaves dieing. PH is the only other thing, but why did my jacks do great with the same water? maybe the humis is messing with PH? but the mykos micro life should adjust the medium. the run off was high 7.0 so i hit them with 6.0 PH to see if that helps? i think i am going to have to scrap these girls also. going to go with Roots organic soil and the XG teas if they send me more? if not them the General organic line with mykos mixed in.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

"Eleanor" looks like she died a decade ago and the corporate bastards took her to the taxidermist for those pics, lol

LMFAO! Hahahahahah:high-five:
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

i am just getting upset because i have no idea what the hell is going on? Casey Jones was rocking out real good then went bad, my new girls were rocking out and went bad, everything was the same as food and medium with my jacks and they did great. same water and same medium. the only change is i added humis in my mix EWC,, a tent and the lights. ive never had a plant die on me expect for these last two grows. and both are the same problems yellowing on all the new growth and the fan leaves dieing. PH is the only other thing, but why did my jacks do great with the same water? maybe the humis is messing with PH? but the mykos micro life should adjust the medium. the run off was high 7.0 so i hit them with 6.0 PH to see if that helps? i think i am going to have to scrap these girls also. going to go with Roots organic soil and the XG teas if they send me more? if not them the General organic line with mykos mixed in.

I don't know man, but my gut feeling is that this company is marketing the "organic" version of AN, with all these different things you need to add and stuff.

Sounds too complicated to me.

Just stick the seed or clone in some soil and water it ;).
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

I don't know man, but my gut feeling is that this company is marketing the "organic" version of AN, with all these different things you need to add and stuff.

Sounds too complicated to me.

Just stick the seed or clone in some soil and water it ;).

i think their Mykos is good and very cheap compared to others specially greatwhite.lol. not sure about the teas though because teas should be real cheap because one can make them for very cheap. but since their not for sale yet i cant say because i dont know how much they are going to be? the Mykos30 IMO is not needed, but their TRF's (Mykos30) is the same price as DM and its organic. Azos not sure how good it dose but its pretty cheap 2.2lbs and use 1tsp once a week in veg, so it dose last long. the only one i am not sure about is cal/carb dont like folair spraying in flowering like it needs to be and not sire about the whole Co2 thing? most of the stuff is mixing into the soil, them once a week you drop a tea bag into water and bubble it and feed the plants with 1tsp of Azos at the base of the plant. it was very easy IMO no PHing or measuring out liquid nutes, just the Azos is what need to be measured once a week everything els is plain none PH'ed water. my buddy is using the same stuff and is rocking it out. not too sure about the yield though? seems it suffered IMO but gained allot of quality. its truly hard to say without doing a side x side. IMO i could live without the line if needed. and if the teas were pricey i wouldn't buy them and just make my own for very cheap. i like the Mykos allot though and its very cheap comaried to all the other company's, i will know allot more once i pull up that root system and see what it looks like. but $15.00 at osh for 2.2lbs its not a bad price at all IMO.

Unless you were referring to the GO line from GH?
i think i am going to give it a try or the Flora nova, GH has always done me right.

i will say the quality of my Jacks is insane, never seen jacks look so frosty.

but IMO i think the best way to go is to make ur own super soil and know whats going into ur plants. or make ur own compost teas.

the health of my jacks in veg says allot with soil that has no food like SS#4 and filterd water. i didnt have one bad colored leaf until week 4 of flowering, so their stuff was working good IMO for pretty cheap. Azos will last a very long time and many grows, Mykos will also and its only applied once unlike other companys that want it applied every feeding. mykos30 is as cost effect as DM products. Cal/carb goes a very long way but just not sure about it? and the tea isnt cost effective at all if growing more then 4 plants. making ur own tea will save you a great deal of money if you know what ur doing and have a good recipe. ill buy more Mykos & Azos for sure though. Now i know their teas need help in flowering, their mostly a fungi tea and not a NPK so the food come mainly from the Mykos30 and the roots will eat that food and need more, so it needs help with additives or other food sources. i think the GO line would be a perfect match or some Guanos but it for sure needs some help. after seeing my results they said their fixing their teas to correct this issue that happen. we will have to see if they do? but i think added guano would help a great deal

just a little review on what ive seen with these products. but as you can see they vegged dome healthy green plants. Now i agree with you and hope they dont get crazy and try to put out a ton of crazy products because that just ruins a company. even with the GO line i am only going to use their Base nutes and the seaweed witch i already have, not going to buy their biobud or anything. ill use guano instead. i use the cheaper humic acid also not theirs
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