8 Fem Cheese Seeds

Same bud 3 days apart


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Does this mean theyre maph


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Lol well than they are going really good, my outdoor friend said the same thing yesterday. I must of got me wires twisted on how to tell im not sure but he to said with barely a look theyre still female to that if i keep the routine it would be nearly impossible to turn them now unless i ran through a male field then mine im pretty safe
I just think i was getting a little paranoid lol he thinks it might need 3 pulls top-mid-bottom. His reaction is priceless tho almost fell over and said fuck i try to say 8 was to many mate then laughed and said wtf man. Very stinky to


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Lol well than they are going really good, my outdoor friend said the same thing yesterday. I must of got me wires twisted on how to tell im not sure but he to said with barely a look theyre still female to that if i keep the routine it would be nearly impossible to turn them now unless i ran through a male field then mine im pretty safe
I just think i was getting a little paranoid lol he thinks it might need 3 pulls top-mid-bottom. His reaction is priceless tho almost fell over and said fuck i try to say 8 was to many mate then laughed and said wtf man. Very stinky to
yea your golden. just monitor run off weekly/feed accordingly and your golden:)
Big bud-lil bud, im happy with them. They havent been demanding of my time, ive been able to do things in my own time and made mistakes every day from accidents to just having no idea, even still they have grown pretty well. Consistent levels, temps and hours all is good.
Ive ordered ×6 seeds and plan to grow just 2 next time i dont want to start straight away i reckon ill wait a few months to clean and organise and research some more about the strain but will have another journal for them, thinking big pots and LST, try and spend more time training them. The cheese i think was left in vegg to long with no training didnt help‍♂️ lol been great fun..


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Nar, I was asking if it was a waste of the plants resources trying to growing fresh branches from the bottom cause they wouldn't make the journey to bud any way
Heater dropped last night, took off 3 good branches, don't really know what to do for it now. Cleaned it up and just going on with their routine. Not a good feeling tho to see


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Looking good


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Still looking nice


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15% of the white hairs have turned brown, on them all. They still have 3 weeks 3 days of flower left. Im still flushing the 8 because 1 still has salt build up, reckon ill find a way to continue feed for the 7 that do not have any build up and just flush the 1 that does. Other then that they have filled up the stems nicely and thicker.
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