A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Yes Sue that's the caution I was referring to - I was diagnosed stage 4 so I guess that's why it stuck in my head.

Slowtoke - yes I do the Demethylation regime daily (several cups of green tea, mango, dark choc, usually a grapefruit with breakfast. Also take Apigenin and amentaflavone (ginkgo) and eat some coconut oil 20-30 mins before dosing. Do the receptors get unresponsive to daily Demethylation regime, I wonder? I'm hoping my liquid lecithin arrives tomorrow so I can get going with the Biobomb. I think it's the bioavailability issue that I need to take up a notch or two.

I really needed this thread today - thank you for reminding me that THC does indeed kill cancer cells.....especially after I received a copy if my oncologist's report from our last meeting in mid April. In it she says that I am in denial about my symptoms and re-states the stage I was diagnosed with. She says 4 rounds of moderate chemo with hyperthermia did not work so she assumes nothing else will. She couldn't be more wrong - I know how serious this is, I'm just choosing to deal with it in a way she is not well versed in or even familiar with. So yes, I'll keep repeating to myself THC kills cancer cells. And it will for me too.

I must continue to belief...

Will check in later, thanks good people.
shazzy, I sent you a PM. Please be sure to check it. Big hug. :love::hug::hug::hug::love:
Cajun, Sweetsue,

Thank so much for your support here. My friend lost his fight this morning :(

RIP my dear dear friend xxxx
Cajun, Sweetsue,

Thank so much for your support here. My friend lost his fight this morning :(

RIP my dear dear friend xxxx

Chewey...... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Cajun, Sweetsue,

Thank so much for your support here. My friend lost his fight this morning :(

RIP my dear dear friend xxxx

Chewey I'm really hit hard by the sudden news. I hope your OK my friend. I'm very sorry, I know you loved him.
I wish I had a friend like you.
What better way to honor the life of a fellow stoner, so beloved by his friend that he tried to move heaven and earth to keep,that companionship going just a little longer.


Rest in Peace my almost friend. Follow the stars. :circle-of-love:

Fifteen minutes. In the end it was transcendental. Your friend would've been proud Chewey. :circle-of-love:
Thank you x

Yes, I love him so much. I can't believe he has gone...
Dear Chewey I'm really sad and sorry to hear this. You were there for him until the end and he knew it. That's beautiful. Such a roller coaster for you and his family when the dr's saying he was cancer free just a few weeks ago. May he RIP and may his wife, family and you be find strength & comfort in each other.
Cajun, sorry to bother yet again. This latest ambiguity on the rectal suppository method has me wondering if the vaginal suppository method would avoid this issue? Like you & Sue have pointed out the success stories with rectal suppositories are hard to ignore. I've personally met a lung cancer survivor who only did suppositories. Perhaps a better question is, would the Biobomb get around the concern that fats are are not well absorbed rectally? Not getting high is vital as I'm taking care of my toddler & sometimes need to drive locally.

Started with Biobomb today. Pain noticeably less which tells me I got better absorption. Now wondering whether to alternate some doses doing Biobomb and others just adding frankincense (again lots of success stories with this independent of the cervical cancer success you mentioned). No idea what the reaction between the essential oil and lecithin would be so I'd best not mix the two in a single dose.
Cajun, sorry to bother yet again. This latest ambiguity on the rectal suppository method has me wondering if the vaginal suppository method would avoid this issue? Like you & Sue have pointed out the success stories with rectal suppositories are hard to ignore. I've personally met a lung cancer survivor who only did suppositories. Perhaps a better question is, would the Biobomb get around the concern that fats are are not well absorbed rectally? Not getting high is vital as I'm taking care of my toddler & sometimes need to drive locally.

Started with Biobomb today. Pain noticeably less which tells me I got better absorption. Now wondering whether to alternate some doses doing Biobomb and others just adding frankincense (again lots of success stories with this independent of the cervical cancer success you mentioned). No idea what the reaction between the essential oil and lecithin would be so I'd best not mix the two in a single dose.

shazzy, I can't think of any reason why there would be any reaction between the frankincense and the lecithin. It's an oil. You're using lecithin to bond to the oil and make it more easily absorbed.

I'm glad you're feeling pain relief. I hated to think of you suffering.

Properly positioned suppositories shouldn't induce euphoria. If they're placed deep enough to be absorbed into the liver then yes, euphoria is a concern.

Cajun can best respond to the absorbtion concerns, but you yourself know of a successful protocol using suppositories. She's not alone, by any means. There's more going on here than the studies that show poor absorbtion of fats through the lower intestines are showing.
Has anyone experienced withdrawal from discontinuing your cannabis oil protocol? and if so what where your symptoms ? when did they start? and for how long?
Excellent question panacea.

May I add : what is the most common maintenance dosage?

I seem to recall when working with Chewey we settled on 200 mg a day for maintenance.
The lady I have been treating for lung cancer has been given 80 grams of CCO via tacking, bio bomb, ingesting, she recently ran out of oil when I was up north and began feeling irritable, nausea, insomnia etc.. within 2 days . Fortunately I had a little stash which she soon received. I plan on giving her one more 10 gram syringe for maintenance. I explained to her to take 4 drops a day...1 in morning, 1 at lunch, 1 at supper and 1 in the evening. The most frustrating part is she will not go to the doctor to get the proof she needs as well as I, So as far as I am concerned her protocol is finished. I cannot maintain a gram a day dose for her when she may not need it , especially when there is other individuals who could use the oil. Not being insensitive just a little frustrated. So for here on out if the people I "give" the oil to does not follow protocol or instructions they will not get the oil.:green_heart:
Greetings everyone,

I'm new to CCO. I'm glad I have stumbled upon this website. For the last several days I have been reading these forums and must say they are filled with plethora of information. It is nice to see how much knowledge people are willing to share simply to help one another. Thank you for that!

Briefly about me: have metastasised melanoma, stage IV. Managed to suppress all metastases in my body using a combination of conventional and alternative (no chemo) therapies, except for the mets in the brain. After some research on RSO I decided to give it a try as it seems to me that compounds in MJ should be able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and go where the problem is.

I have made some oil and have been taking it for a few weeks. I don't know the strain of MJ I have used. The buds were acquired through a friend who has some experience with MJ, he said the material looked like a good quality and from the supplier I know it should be (mostly) Indica. That's all I know. I also have some CO2 extracted CBD oil (from industrial hemp), minimum THC, but has 10% CBD).

Some of my questions are:

1/ can CCO really treat brain mets?

2/ I have been swallowing my doses but I've been stuck for 2 weeks at 3x4 grains (should be about 0.2 g) divided, taken after meals. The problem is that I feel dizzy, but not nauseous, my hands tremble a bit. My emotions have become flat, no ups and downs, brain a little slower, I can't tell whether I'm hungry or not, not really tired at daytime, but sleep well at night. This dizziness sets in anywhere between 1-4 hours after dosing. Is something like this expected? Is this the euphoria people talk about? Doesn't feel like euphoria to me :) After browsing this website, I'm now learning to tack and I've prepared some suppositories to test. I'm a skinny guy, 5'9'', 124 lbs.

3/ given the items that I've got, namely the CCO oil made from an unknown strain and the CBD oil, should I take both or not? I read on these forums that it may be a good idea to take different strains at different times during the day and also the vary the amount of THC and CBD as they presumably help with different aspects of healing.

I would like to thank in advance anybody taking time to respond. This treatment is completely new to me, I have never even smoked anything. I'm glad I have found this forum with so many answers. Back to reading the forums :)

Hello higgsino, so sorry to have to meet under these conditions, but how happy I am that you found your way to us. I'm hoping we can help answer your questions satisfactorily. Let me give it a go from my perspective, shall we?

Greetings everyone,

I'm new to CCO. I'm glad I have stumbled upon this website. For the last several days I have been reading these forums and must say they are filled with plethora of information. It is nice to see how much knowledge people are willing to share simply to help one another. Thank you for that!

Briefly about me: have metastasised melanoma, stage IV. Managed to suppress all metastases in my body using a combination of conventional and alternative (no chemo) therapies, except for the mets in the brain. After some research on RSO I decided to give it a try as it seems to me that compounds in MJ should be able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and go where the problem is.

I have made some oil and have been taking it for a few weeks. I don't know the strain of MJ I have used. The buds were acquired through a friend who has some experience with MJ, he said the material looked like a good quality and from the supplier I know it should be (mostly) Indica. That's all I know. I also have some CO2 extracted CBD oil (from industrial hemp), minimum THC, but has 10% CBD).

Some of my questions are:

1/ can CCO really treat brain mets?

Absolutely, but I'm going to recommend you get something made from a strain with a THC count of around 20% or higher in order to get that job done. I also suggest you seek out the facebook page of one Fourtwenty circuit. He's a member who no longer posts here, but he's treated his own brain cancer successfully and has a wealth of information to share. Cannafan, another member here, has a copy of his tutorial on the capsules he makes for his protocol. It's in her blog. Here's a link to that.

Making oil capsules, by member "Circuit"

2/ I have been swallowing my doses but I've been stuck for 2 weeks at 3x4 grains (should be about 0.2 g) divided, taken after meals. The problem is that I feel dizzy, but not nauseous, my hands tremble a bit. My emotions have become flat, no ups and downs, brain a little slower, I can't tell whether I'm hungry or not, not really tired at daytime, but sleep well at night. This dizziness sets in anywhere between 1-4 hours after dosing. Is something like this expected? Is this the euphoria people talk about? Doesn't feel like euphoria to me :) After browsing this website, I'm now learning to tack and I've prepared some suppositories to test. I'm a skinny guy, 5'9'', 124 lbs.

What you describe is what someone with no experience with cannabis might feel when high. I'd figure this is your description of euphoria. The flattening of the emotions might be the indica speaking. I'm a sativa girl myself, so I have little experience with this, other than my consumption prior to growing my own, and this mirrors my memory of those years. It's assumed that most of what was on the black market was indica-dominant.

You get this euphoria because you're ingesting. Through the gut means the liver gets first pick at the cannabinoids, the THC gets metabolized and you get euphoria. Most edibles take an hour or so to kick in, unless you tweak the recipe to make it a faster onset.

We try to avoid the first pass (you're already looking into tacking and suppositories - good work) and we incorporate competitive inhibition into the protocol. This way the liver enzymes are already tied up when the cannabinoids get there and hopefully we stand a better chance of getting through unmolested.

Have you looked into adding a carrier oil to the CCO to increase bioavailability? If not, we can talk later.

3/ given the items that I've got, namely the CCO oil made from an unknown strain and the CBD oil, should I take both or not? I read on these forums that it may be a good idea to take different strains at different times during the day and also the vary the amount of THC and CBD as they presumably help with different aspects of healing.

It's recommended to use sativa-dominant mixes for daytime to encourage alertness and the purest indica you can get for evening/night doses to help the body relax. I'm not knowledgable enough in dosing to be able to answer your question on using the two oils together. We're, or rather I'm not entirely convinced that dosing apart is a necessary precaution. The primary cannabinoids we're looking at here, CBD and THC, play off each other in a delightful synergistic dance. I personally can't think of how it could be a problem using them together and I haven't seen the evidence that backs up those contentions that separate dosing is more beneficial. Quite frankly, we're all still guessing at it. Someone with more insight may be able to help you with this question.

I would like to thank in advance anybody taking time to respond. This treatment is completely new to me, I have never even smoked anything. I'm glad I have found this forum with so many answers. Back to reading the forums :)


We're thankful we could be here when you needed us. Take heart. You've already proven that you can communicate with your Endocannabinoid system in such a way to beat cancer back. You simply need some refinement to get those last pesky hangers-on out. Your journey brought you to a supportive family who'll do whatever we can to help you succeed with the rest of your challenge. Don't hesitate to ask anything. We're here for you. :battingeyelashes: :love:
The lady I have been treating for lung cancer has been given 80 grams of CCO via tacking, bio bomb, ingesting, she recently ran out of oil when I was up north and began feeling irritable, nausea, insomnia etc.. within 2 days . Fortunately I had a little stash which she soon received. I plan on giving her one more 10 gram syringe for maintenance. I explained to her to take 4 drops a day...1 in morning, 1 at lunch, 1 at supper and 1 in the evening. The most frustrating part is she will not go to the doctor to get the proof she needs as well as I, So as far as I am concerned her protocol is finished. I cannot maintain a gram a day dose for her when she may not need it , especially when there is other individuals who could use the oil. Not being insensitive just a little frustrated. So for here on out if the people I "give" the oil to does not follow protocol or instructions they will not get the oil.:green_heart:

I can certainly understand your frustration and I support your decision. There's an implied agreement that the protocol would be backed up with labs. How else would you know what dose you truly need? This isn't inexpensive in time, effort or finances. We each have our responsibilities to uphold.

I know it's still hard to have to make this decision. :hug:
The lady I have been treating for lung cancer has been given 80 grams of CCO via tacking, bio bomb, ingesting, she recently ran out of oil when I was up north and began feeling irritable, nausea, insomnia etc.. within 2 days . Fortunately I had a little stash which she soon received. I plan on giving her one more 10 gram syringe for maintenance. I explained to her to take 4 drops a day...1 in morning, 1 at lunch, 1 at supper and 1 in the evening. The most frustrating part is she will not go to the doctor to get the proof she needs as well as I, So as far as I am concerned her protocol is finished. I cannot maintain a gram a day dose for her when she may not need it , especially when there is other individuals who could use the oil. Not being insensitive just a little frustrated. So for here on out if the people I "give" the oil to does not follow protocol or instructions they will not get the oil.:green_heart:

Unfortunately, that's the way it has to be sometimes.
You can only lead the horse water...
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