A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

I’ve heard mixed opinions on suppositories. Do you think they work in terms of providing cannabinoids systemically?

it's one of the best methods for delivering what is needed quickly to where it is needed. it's a bit of a standard approach depending on the cancer.

Do you know anywhere I could buy high potency and quality RSO in the U.K. to continue with the suppositories?

most of us on the forum grow. the uk is really backward, the majority of folk either wind up growing for their own meds or connecting through a social network to find a grower.

just keep asking and banging on doors. there are a lot of members here from the uk who may be able to help.

RSO seems to have a lot of plant lipids and other substances, hence the tar like colour and consistency. I can’t quite understand how a gram of RSO can be 60 percent THC (600mg) with all of these other things mixed in, whilst a much purer looking BHO in a pipette contains only 90mg THC according to the source. I obviously don’t understand the cooking process, so perhaps you could shed some light please?

it would help to get familiar with the different extraction methods. not every extraction method will work for what you are trying to make. some may lend themselves better to your needs.

first is CCO/RSO/QWET. they all refer to the same thing. you can read how it is made here : RSO rso is the number one approach for base meds in the community at present. the final product is reliant on the weed that you start with.

the next method is infusing oils directly using heat. there are a couple different methods but the easiest is the instant pot method. the volume you can make is larger, but the concentration will be lower. there are multiple oils you can use for the base, some may have properties you seek.

another popular method is BHO or butane honey oil extraction. we are not allowed to discuss BHO, as the butane used in the process can pose a danger. blah blah legal stuff, but it is quite a popular and easy method to make base extract. not hard to find a tutorial at all on it, and there are lots of commercially made extractors. use your google.

BHO is more concentrated than the instant pot method, and close to or more than RSO.

true honey oil uses ether, not butane, but requires actual lab conditions under vacuum to make properly. it requires professionals. true honey oil is the purest and most concentrated form. there is also cherry oil, which is slightly less concentrated, and made in the same method. actual honey or cherry oil is almost impossible to source now.

you can also infuse vegetable glycerin, i use the instant pot method though there are cold infusion methods. infusing vegetable glycerin is similar to an oil, but will result in slightly less concentrations than what can be achieved through an oil. it is useful for folk that take the tincture direct and don't like the flavour of the oils.

if you are interested this is the VG tutorial.

there is a lot of good information on the medical use of CCO here :

and there is a thread on the making and use of bio-bombs here :

also i would encourage you to seek out other sites and sources of information. there are several sources dedicated to the medical use of cannabis. the more sources you find, the greater your knowledge base.
Thank you for all your help. Apologies for the delay—we’ve spent a week at the hospital. Shortage of doctors, administrative errors, junior doctors striking for higher pay meant we got stuck in the system, being bounced from ward to ward. Meanwhilst, no support at all—not even a saline drip until day 3. Mum really deteriorated from the stress of it all.

The original RSO (tar like syringes) gives mum heartburn and she can’t take it at all now. So I’ve started putting it into suppositories, half a gram in the morning and then another in evening, mixed with cacao butter. The new BHO she can handle with no gastric side effects, but hates the psychoactive effect and only takes a pipette throughout the day, which is 90mg THC at most. Ma doesn’t believe anything will work anymore, so compliance is poor.

I’ve heard mixed opinions on suppositories. Do you think they work in terms of providing cannabinoids systemically?

Do you know anywhere I could buy high potency and quality RSO in the U.K. to continue with the suppositories?

RSO seems to have a lot of plant lipids and other substances, hence the tar like colour and consistency. I can’t quite understand how a gram of RSO can be 60 percent THC (600mg) with all of these other things mixed in, whilst a much purer looking BHO in a pipette contains only 90mg THC according to the source. I obviously don’t understand the cooking process, so perhaps you could shed some light please?
I’m sorry to hear your mom got caught up in the peculiarities of your medical system. Being retired in the US with great insurance I feel very grateful. I’m in favor of Universal Insurance, but striking doctors…I don’t know. I hope she’s back on track.

Is your mom taking multiple pipettes of 90mg of thc per day? Or 90mg total for the day? The former would be a lot of THC! Either way, try microdosing throughout the day. A small amount every hour or two. Are you adding CBD along with the THC dose? CBD will dampen the effects of the THC.

No personal exp. but from what I’ve read yes, suppositories will provide cannabinoids systemically.

Sorry, no resources for oil in the UK. I’ve been helping a woman from Australia who is in a similar boat as you. She gets her oil from a source in Vancouver, Canada. Very high quality. $2500/20grams is what she last paid. I’ll reach out to her if you’re interested.

Yes, RSO has a lot of lipids, fats,etc. When the cannabis is cooked down with a solvent, the solvent extracts all of those things along with the cannabinoids resulting in a tar like substance. There is a process called “Winterizing” that will remove a great deal of the materials. Search for it and it you can’t find anything g let me know and I’ll explain it. It’s fairly easy to do and you could do it to the RSO that you have/purchase.

In a 60% RSO there is 600mg of THC per gram. In a gram which is how oil is generally measured there is a ratio of oil lipids, water, etc. in your case with the oil being 60% it would break down something like this

600mg thc
100mg water
300mg lipids etc

1,000mg total. So in your BHO there would be 900mg THC with some water, lipids making up the balance.

What is the volume of your pipette? Remember that 1ml is equivalent to 1g, which is equal to 1,000mg. If your oil is 90% that means there’s 900mg of THC in 1gm or 1ml.

Any questions let me know.
Hello everyone, a quick update and question regarding my partner's breast cancer. she opted for surgery regarding her hormone positive breast cancer. Full masectomy right breast. Pathology has come back all clear and nothing in the lymphnodes no signs of it having travelled. Great news, and she is healing well and generally feels great. Her oncology is not recommending radiotherapy but borderline chemo (could help reduce occurence by 5%) and suggesting hormone therapy (could help reduce occurence by another 7%). She is adamant in refusing hormone and I have to be honest I wouldnt take it either side effects and testimonies sound life shattering in many instances. So my question is the use of RSO or CBD/THC in other forms as a general maintenance dose that could be easily tolerated on a daily basis as opposed to RSO protocol which is quite large amounts. Lots of love to everyone here and thank you all for your contributions over the last 12 weeks, you're all amazing.
The bioavailability of cannabinoids is lower when taken on an empty stomach or more accurately an empty liver. Oils are metabolised mostly in the liver and by eating fat 30 minutes before administering cannabis oil the liver will be otherwise occupied when the medicine starts to circulate. A tablespoon of coconut oil is widely considered to be a healthy and effective option. Other supplements can be taken with or mixed into this coconut oil..
The eating of the coconut oil is to otherwise occupy the liver. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the small intestine and transported to the liver. This makes coconut and cannabis infusions/mixes particularly inefficient. For a liver problem it would be a very efficient delivery method however it's perhaps still not always the best as vasodilation might be an issue. Your blood vessels (especially in the digestive system) become larger, allowing for increased blood flow, which is normally ok. However for people with gallbladder/liver problems, this means immediate inflammation and potentiall pain, despite any anti-inflammatory effects.
Just because a cannabinoid has found it's way to the liver does not however mean that it will remain there to successfully treat any disease there.
As mentioned before the enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. This makes liver cancer a trickier one to treat without additional supplements.
Beneficially certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apinenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplements for weightlifters such as Amentomax. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body
Hi, can I ask you a bit more info on taking suppositories with gallbladder issues please?
Hi, can I ask you a bit more info on taking suppositories with gallbladder issues please?
Unfortunately Cajun passed a few yrs back . But if you thoroughly read this thread you may find the info you are looking for . Cajun along with other ppl on this site has contributed great info to the cause . I am sure someone else will chime in to point you in the right direction. I am not familiar with gallbladder and Cannabis suppositories issues so can not give you a recommendation, sorry.
Unfortunately Cajun passed a few yrs back . But if you thoroughly read this thread you may find the info you are looking for . Cajun along with other ppl on this site has contributed great info to the cause . I am sure someone else will chime in to point you in the right direction. I am not familiar with gallbladder and Cannabis suppositories issues so can not give you a recommendation, sorry.
Thank you for messaging back
forgot to mention i also do body thc and cbd body lotions and can easily see an application here. the simple act of applying a lotion has been known to be beneficial on it's own, the added medical cbd/thc benefits in most situations are astounding.
@bluter , do you have a link for making your lotions?

What carrier do you do the extract in, is it alcohol or oil based? I'm wondering if it's as simple as blending some infused grape seed oil and some store bot lotion in some fixed ratio. 🤔
@bluter , do you have a link for making your lotions?

What carrier do you do the extract in, is it alcohol or oil based? I'm wondering if it's as simple as blending some infused grape seed oil and some store bot lotion in some fixed ratio. 🤔

grape seed oil is a fantastic oil to infuse as it can cross the skin barrier more effectively cheaper than any oil at it's base price.

i use an instant pot for my base infusions.

i make my topicals with a couple different things.

have a look there.
Perfect. Thanks. I've used a few of your recipies in the Instant Pot, so I'll have a look.

anytime. you can use the base infused grapeseed oil alone. you don't have to make the lotion. we find the lotion is longer acting - but it's all anecdotal.

you'll have to try for yourself.
My father was Dxed Stage IV esophageal cancer with mets in liver, adrenals, and lymph nodes last Aug. Given 6 months to live. By month 3 he was a walking skeleton, just about dead. Then, through a small miracle, we heard of RSO and two other people with Stage III and IV esophageal cancer who now were fully recovered and healed due to it. With effort I was able to find RSO suppositories online and we immediately began that along with essiac, 3x per day, each.

Now, one year later from original diagnosis, mets in liver are gone and in lymph nodes and adrenals reduced by 60%. Esophagus has worsened.

I am fearing we have reached the limits of the benefits of RSO. Perhaps he will begin to decline.

So, we upped him from 3 suppositories per day to 4, but he has been groggy, fatigued, "brain fog," and nauseated. he is losing weight. it is unclear if the cancer has returned or what is going on. Perhaps that was too high a dose and that is the problem, so we are bringing him back to 3x suppositories per day.

I discovered this forum today and read the protocol. Based on that, we will begin the coconut oil and mango 30min prior to the dose. If he will accept the supplements (he tends to be stubborn), we will try that, too.

We are wondering if increasing water intake would help to flush out the cancer?

Any thoughts or advice are deeply welcomed and appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Has the Source of your oil changed? Have you been getting it from the same source or a reliable one as you initially did? How long did you start him on the 4 suppositories a day before you noticed the negative side effects.
panacea. thanks for your thoughtful response. the source has not changed. but it occurred to me tonight actually that maybe there were problems with the batch? I meant to email them and forgot so your response was the cue from the universe I required to remember to reach out to them. I'll do that now. he was struggling more recently so it is unclear if it is a reaction to the RSO suppository or something else. My mother and I were thinking tonight maybe we just discontinue the suppository for a few days to see if he clears. if he does then we can assume it is that. if he doesn't, then perhaps it is something else. I'll see if the company will send us a new batch; they've been good to us so far

thanks for your thoughts. if you have any other ideas, please share theme.

peace to you
I am sure you are aware that if inserted to far via suppositories the hepa porta vein will absorbed and take to the liver which will cause a “High”. But i am sure you would notice long before this. Also maybe check into the possibility of “Herxheimer effect” , basically where you body releases toxic chemicals from cell walls of dying bacteria , parasites etc..
I am sure you are aware that if inserted to far via suppositories the hepa porta vein will absorbed and take to the liver which will cause a “High”. But i am sure you would notice long before this. Also maybe check into the possibility of “Herxheimer effect” , basically where you body releases toxic chemicals from cell walls of dying bacteria , parasites etc..
quick question--and excuse the pun, it's unintended--what is the rule of thumb on depth of insertion? one or two knuckles on middle finger, something like that?
No further then your first knuckle (the one closest to finger nail) of the index finger pass the anal sphincter. Any further and you will risk the uptake via hepa porta vein which will induce the psychoactive high
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