A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

5 pages into this thread so far and amazed at the specific scientific info applied by members here. Confirmed some of my central ideas I had in shaping my own treatment plan. Not only answered some of my other concerns but got into details I need to refine plan.

I tried the 60/60 RSO protocol with 1:1 extract but couldn't maintain the full dosage. Trying to develop juicing plan to reach full dosage. However I've run into a couple problems.
First, I haven't found much specifically on THCA effectiveness on cancer. What I have found isn't clear, but I inferred that it does not work same way THC does through CB1 receptor, but may have other means of fighting cancer.
Second, juicing is not as effective at extracting cannabinoids as I had hoped. There was plenty of THC in the juicing dregs to get me high.
Revised plan is to make RSO from dregs after juicing, which addresses both problems by recapturing medicine lost in juicing and providing higher levels of THC and CBD in my treatment.
I have a lot more details to work out before my grow reaches full production level, but I may find most of answers as I keep reading last 57 pages.
Thanks to all who have posted here, both for the great info you've compiled and the support you provide.:Namaste:

Welcome KingstonRabbi. I'm glad you were able to find some answers. The information on THCA is so new that we lack definitive data, but new information gets released every day, so sooner or later the data we're hoping for will suddenly be there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and we'll do our best to answer. Cajun's been referring people over to my study hall thread, since he's no longer able to respond here as often as he did before. Feel free to track me down there as well. The link's at the bottom of my signature line. We're looking into the many ways CCO can be produced and the other oil extractions possible while trying to gain a better understanding of what oil does in the body. There's a lot of information over there.

I'd be interested in how you process the juiced cannabis into CCO. That's a new one on me.

Rest assured I'll be watching here for any questions. Have you tried using suppositories? The concerns about euphoria are virtually eliminated so you can up the dose. I'm glad to meet you and hope we can be of greater assistance to you. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Hi Sue! Thanks for the welcome.

I'm now considering suppositories for the oil for better delivery and to avoid pychoactive effects. I avoided it as an option earlier because I was vulnerable to infections but I'm past that stage. Now it's mainly a matter of added steps to my routine. The effects of chemo-brain made sticking to a schedule difficult but that's improving too.

For now I'm assuming that THCA has many benefits that make it worth juicing but that it does not treat cancer directly at least. I'm sure it contributes to entourage effect and it does help many of the after effects of chemo.

As for the oil from juice, that's not quite what I meant. I juice for THCA, but I will make the oil from the leftover vegetable pulp. I made some cannabutter from pulp from my first juicing batch, put a tablespoon on my pasta and was feeling the typical Chernobyl buzz before I finished dinner. The buzz heightened my anxiety over this complication to my treatment plan (poor extraction from juicing). It wasn't until morning that I realized I had already found the solution with my test of the pulp.

Conveniently I'm now on vacation in Oregon and loaded up on grain alcohol for extraction. (it's not allowed in Washington.)

So the next part of my treatment plan is to add more CBD to my plant mix. At the time I ordered seeds the cancer killing effect of CBD was being downplayed in what I was reading and I was going for a 1:5 or 1:10 ratio. Now I'm leaning toward 1:2 ratio of CBD:THC. That was the ratio I tolerated best when I was trying the RSO protocol.

Here's my juicer in action.
Hi Sue! Thanks for the welcome.

I'm now considering suppositories for the oil for better delivery and to avoid pychoactive effects. I avoided it as an option earlier because I was vulnerable to infections but I'm past that stage. Now it's mainly a matter of added steps to my routine. The effects of chemo-brain made sticking to a schedule difficult but that's improving too.

For now I'm assuming that THCA has many benefits that make it worth juicing but that it does not treat cancer directly at least. I'm sure it contributes to entourage effect and it does help many of the after effects of chemo.

As for the oil from juice, that's not quite what I meant. I juice for THCA, but I will make the oil from the leftover vegetable pulp. I made some cannabutter from pulp from my first juicing batch, put a tablespoon on my pasta and was feeling the typical Chernobyl buzz before I finished dinner. The buzz heightened my anxiety over this complication to my treatment plan (poor extraction from juicing). It wasn't until morning that I realized I had already found the solution with my test of the pulp.

Conveniently I'm now on vacation in Oregon and loaded up on grain alcohol for extraction. (it's not allowed in Washington.)

So the next part of my treatment plan is to add more CBD to my plant mix. At the time I ordered seeds the cancer killing effect of CBD was being downplayed in what I was reading and I was going for a 1:5 or 1:10 ratio. Now I'm leaning toward 1:2 ratio of CBD:THC. That was the ratio I tolerated best when I was trying the RSO protocol.

Here's my juicer in action.

I'm coming to the opinion that the ratios you're shooting for are definately worth a try. How high a THC value are you going with? The traditional standard is around 20%.

I grow fonder of CBD all the time, and the curative effects of THCA are just now beginning to be studied more closely. If the federal government gets their act together this summer and gets cannabis removed from schedule one we're going to see an explosion in research, if they loosen the supply requirements. No way will the current supplier of research cannabis be able to keep up with demand.

They restrict the higher proof ethanol here in PA too. What can you do? I bought an oil distiller that'll reclaim the ethanol, in hopes of getting a higher proof in the end. I've no other access. Good for you, getting a supply in hand.
5 pages into this thread so far and amazed at the specific scientific info applied by members here. Confirmed some of my central ideas I had in shaping my own treatment plan. Not only answered some of my other concerns but got into details I need to refine plan.

I tried the 60/60 RSO protocol with 1:1 extract but couldn't maintain the full dosage. Trying to develop juicing plan to reach full dosage. However I've run into a couple problems.
First, I haven't found much specifically on THCA effectiveness on cancer. What I have found isn't clear, but I inferred that it does not work same way THC does through CB1 receptor, but may have other means of fighting cancer.
Second, juicing is not as effective at extracting cannabinoids as I had hoped. There was plenty of THC in the juicing dregs to get me high.
Revised plan is to make RSO from dregs after juicing, which addresses both problems by recapturing medicine lost in juicing and providing higher levels of THC and CBD in my treatment.
I have a lot more details to work out before my grow reaches full production level, but I may find most of answers as I keep reading last 57 pages.
Thanks to all who have posted here, both for the great info you've compiled and the support you provide.:Namaste:

Keep it up my friend.
I'll jump in here from time to time to see que pasa.
Day 10 of my regimen and all's well.

On Saturday evening I stuffed up my dosing times and eventually had to take my two Indica doses at the same time.

The next morning I was just standing round, looking out the kitchen window and minding my own business, when my wife rudely pointed out that I was "stoned, aren't you?".... Nah, not really rude, her! No she was cool and she was correct - I was off my tiny tree...

And I hadn't noticed, I was just cruising', man....

And it's Wednesday and I'm still not straight, it's all very cruisy and smooth, and fortunately work is fine. no problem.

I'm just a tiny bit slow....

Cheers, Nobby
Hey, you have the same juicer, great minds think alike! My routine is to use fan leaves for juicing, since they need to be thinned out every few days, it works out, although during flowering there isn't much to juice. The buds all get dried to be made into oil, which I extract by washing with Everclear and mix with coconut oil to decarb and make into capsules. The all CBD plant has been important for this project because it gives me the ability to load up on the oil without being incapacitated. I can take a half gram of CBD oil at lunchtime, then a 325mg dose of the oil containing THC with dinner, and function fine. Also making a pot of green tea, taking boswellia extract capsules and getting a lot of physical exercise every day, attempting to make my body into an environment too hostile for cancer cells. Cancer free since 2010 surgery and radiation. :goodluck:

Hi Sue! Thanks for the welcome.

I'm now considering suppositories for the oil for better delivery and to avoid pychoactive effects. I avoided it as an option earlier because I was vulnerable to infections but I'm past that stage. Now it's mainly a matter of added steps to my routine. The effects of chemo-brain made sticking to a schedule difficult but that's improving too.

For now I'm assuming that THCA has many benefits that make it worth juicing but that it does not treat cancer directly at least. I'm sure it contributes to entourage effect and it does help many of the after effects of chemo.

As for the oil from juice, that's not quite what I meant. I juice for THCA, but I will make the oil from the leftover vegetable pulp. I made some cannabutter from pulp from my first juicing batch, put a tablespoon on my pasta and was feeling the typical Chernobyl buzz before I finished dinner. The buzz heightened my anxiety over this complication to my treatment plan (poor extraction from juicing). It wasn't until morning that I realized I had already found the solution with my test of the pulp.

Conveniently I'm now on vacation in Oregon and loaded up on grain alcohol for extraction. (it's not allowed in Washington.)

So the next part of my treatment plan is to add more CBD to my plant mix. At the time I ordered seeds the cancer killing effect of CBD was being downplayed in what I was reading and I was going for a 1:5 or 1:10 ratio. Now I'm leaning toward 1:2 ratio of CBD:THC. That was the ratio I tolerated best when I was trying the RSO protocol.

Here's my juicer in action.
Hi Circuit, thanks for sharing your routine. I'm just starting to get set up for making oil. Looking at possibly getting a still instead of rice cooker/hot plate. Reason is to recover the everclear (it's a day trip to Portland to buy it, plus the cost adds up) and simplify routine by being able to do it inside. I've seen designs for making one out of pressure cooker. Wondering if effort is worth it?
Hi Circuit, thanks for sharing your routine. I'm just starting to get set up for making oil. Looking at possibly getting a still instead of rice cooker/hot plate. Reason is to recover the everclear (it's a day trip to Portland to buy it, plus the cost adds up) and simplify routine by being able to do it inside. I've seen designs for making one out of pressure cooker. Wondering if effort is worth it?

A number of us have purchased home water or essential oil distillers to use in reducing the wash. We did so to reclaim the Everclear. From what they've posted, the oilers using the water or oil distillers are very satisfied with the results. I haven't used mine to make oil yet, but only because I've been working with smaller batches. I did, however, use my essential oil distiller to take my Everclear 151 to over 80 proof, an invaluable function since 151 is the most potent I can get in PA without registering with the state.

In case you're interested, circuit has a Facebook page under the name Fourtwenty Circuit. I think you might appreciate what he has posted there.
I was able to find a countertop still for alcohol, they are sold by moonshine/brewing shops for about $200 and will recover around 75%. I think that extracting the oil this way and blending with coconut oil for the decarb, is the best way to do the edible cannabis oil treatment. Be aware that if you buy a still, the seller will notify the ATF, so you may want to have it shipped to grandma's house. The letter is a "warning of potential violation of law" notice, a form letter to scare you into NOT making moonshine. Doing this in Colorado is entirely legal. Someone had posted that the recycling of the alcohol may be a technical violation, but that is not entirely clear to me. My view is that I paid the tax on the Everclear, so can reclaim it with the still.
Circuit, what is the brand and model of your countertop still?

Megahome MH943 320Watt, 335W total with fan. Knowing when to pull the plug is a challenge because you cannot see how much is left and need to avoid running it dry because that would overcook the oil and probably burn it or convert it to mostly CBN. I watch the amount of recovered alcohol and usually unplug it a few times to look inside, but letting it cool for a minute or 2, then hold breath while removing the lid as the fumes are extreme and very flammable. Everclear costs about $40 a jug (1.75l) and I recover about 75%, so save 30 bucks every time I use the still. My routine is to do the extraction in the morning, then bake cookies and let the extract sit overnight with a coffee filter on the container. The next morning I'll bake more cookies, add a little coconut oil to the extract and put it into the oven at 245f for about an hour, until the bubbling slows/stops. I like to use 50% coconut oil in the mixture, which for a size 0 capsule works out to 325mg of cannabis oil. A ratio of 5:1 coconut oil gives a 100mg capsule, which for most strains seems to be a nice tolerable amount, but for a strain like CW, with hardly any THC, a 325-500mg cap works well. The 325mg dose of Blue Dream is pretty strong, but not unpleasant, and is best taken at home, where there is some ice cream. :Namaste:
We eat a lot of cookies. The aroma is the reason for all the baking. I treasure our neighbors and need to keep them unaware of my cannabis activities, simply being polite. Oh, after decarbing in the oven, another batch of cookies goes in. Making cookie dough is how I start making cannabis oil. I also run a couple charcoal filters and have a diffuser running with essential oils and use Ona gel and Febreeze. This is a lot like having a pet skunk. :laugh:
Edit, the correct decarb temp for the method that I described is 245F for about an hour, or until the bubbling slows/stops. The cookies get a higher temp.:thumb:
Megahome MH943 320Watt, 335W total with fan. Knowing when to pull the plug is a challenge because you cannot see how much is left and need to avoid running it dry because that would overcook the oil and probably burn it or convert it to mostly CBN. I watch the amount of recovered alcohol and usually unplug it a few times to look inside, but letting it cool for a minute or 2, then hold breath while removing the lid as the fumes are extreme and very flammable. Everclear costs about $40 a jug (1.75l) and I recover about 75%, so save 30 bucks every time I use the still. My routine is to do the extraction in the morning, then bake cookies and let the extract sit overnight with a coffee filter on the container. The next morning I'll bake more cookies, add a little coconut oil to the extract and put it into the oven at 245f for about an hour, until the bubbling slows/stops. I like to use 50% coconut oil in the mixture, which for a size 0 capsule works out to 325mg of cannabis oil. A ratio of 5:1 coconut oil gives a 100mg capsule, which for most strains seems to be a nice tolerable amount, but for a strain like CW, with hardly any THC, a 325-500mg cap works well. The 325mg dose of Blue Dream is pretty strong, but not unpleasant, and is best taken at home, where there is some ice cream. :Namaste:

Thank you circuit, for that invaluable information. I consider you one of my more valuable resources. I still go over to your FB page on a regular basis and read through your tutorial on making capsules.

I also own the Megahome oil distiller. I think it was wildjim who shared with us to measure the wash going in, then measure that amount of water into the jar minus the percentage that was water in the alcohol and another 20-25% for a cushion. Mark that level with a piece of tape. Empty the water out of the jar, dry it thoroughly and plug in. When your reclaimed alcohol gets to that line pull the plug and let the machine cool before opening. They recommend 20 minutes and I think that's a good idea. It's dangerous to open that up too soon. Why risk it?

I personally haven't run oil in mine yet, but when I did the alcohol it worked beautifully like this, so I can see how it'd be invaluable to keep you from burning the oil. I also think you might be able to push those percentages a bit and still be confident that your oil was safe. The alcohol boils off first and you put a finite amount in. You know the water content of that alcohol, so you should be able to come close to the limits and still be ok.
Keeping the whole cannabis project as simple as possible, while still having the potential to find out if the oil works, has been my objective. I find that it is hands down the best drug treatment for the symptoms that accompany brain cancer. If it helps inhibit the regrowth of tumors, that would be nice. After doing this for a few years I am surprised that it isn't used more often for things like depression. I would think most people, even very healthy folks, would enjoy a 50mg dose of cannabis oil with dinner. The issues that come with age are affected in a very positive way. :thumb:
Keeping the whole cannabis project as simple as possible, while still having the potential to find out if the oil works, has been my objective. I find that it is hands down the best drug treatment for the symptoms that accompany brain cancer. If it helps inhibit the regrowth of tumors, that would be nice. After doing this for a few years I am surprised that it isn't used more often for things like depression. I would think most people, even very healthy folks, would enjoy a 50mg dose of cannabis oil with dinner. The issues that come with age are affected in a very positive way. :thumb:

I believe without a doubt that it helps me feel younger. It was my increased consumption of cannabis with more focus on medicinal value that has calmed my brain enough to allow me to focus on things like meditation, which resets the neural net, and qi gong, which maintains the energy channels. The combination of all of those beneficial modalities took me from a 59 yr old woman feeling like she was turning 75 into a 62 yr old vixen full of the energy and drive of someone half my age.

It's like discovering a fountain of youth and wondering why everyone still chooses to stay away. Gosh, where do you guys think I get the energy to do all this around here? I amaze myself. This is not the woman you'd have met two years ago before I found this site and changed my life path, before cannabis became more of a medicine and less of an escape.

I share the hope that we can someday have proof that cannabis can keep cancer from even beginning. I've stopped donating to organizations that fund cancer research in the US, because my sense is it's only focused on the horrors of chemo and radiation. Those funds are better used going to organizations who supply Veterns with cannabis they otherwise couldn't afford IMHO.
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