A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Hello all.

My good friend who is doing the same rectal administration regimen as i did, got his first results - psa up from 16 to 20 over 5 weeks.

So apparently it's not working for him either.

Here's some information supporting our poor results:


It seems that although some people benefit from rectal administration, nobody knows why they do, and most do not benefit.

After two unsuccessful attempts myself, I maintain that RECTAL ADMINISTRATION OF CANNABIS OIL IS INEFFECTIVE and would not recommend anybody take this course.

I still believe wholeheartedly in CCO, but I will be either tacking or ingesting orally, or both, next time around, and I will knock this cancer on the head for once and for all!

...and I'm back on the hormone therapy :( for the moment...

I'm sorry to hear this nobby. :hug: It's frustrating to see such mixed results. It'd be more helpful if it could be determined why those who're successful get those desired-for results.

Take a deep, cleansing breath and stick firmly to that belief that you're gonna come out on top. That resolve is the message your ECS needs to hear while you continue to sort it out.

If your chosen choices are tacking and oral I'd go with both and I'd do many administrations throughout the day to keep pressure constant. Will you be able to deal with euphoria during work hours? That's a good deal of cannabinoids to get in, so work the tolerance levels up nice and smooth.

Let's see what everyone else can contribute. Myself? I'm gonna see you healthy and strong, and if intention has anything to do with it you're gonna heal. The tendency of the human body is to heal. You're determined to get your system back on line. Stay alert for the surprising ideas that may spring up from that strong desire. It's probably gonna be something no one expected.

Virtual hugs are the best I have here. Imagine the warm and loving arms wrapping you up. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Hello all.

My good friend who is doing the same rectal administration regimen as i did, got his first results - psa up from 16 to 20 over 5 weeks.

So apparently it's not working for him either.

Here's some information supporting our poor results:


It seems that although some people benefit from rectal administration, nobody knows why they do, and most do not benefit.

After two unsuccessful attempts myself, I maintain that RECTAL ADMINISTRATION OF CANNABIS OIL IS INEFFECTIVE and would not recommend anybody take this course.

I still believe wholeheartedly in CCO, but I will be either tacking or ingesting orally, or both, next time around, and I will knock this cancer on the head for once and for all!

...and I'm back on the hormone therapy :( for the moment...

Oh boy.
Well, first I'm sorry the sups aren't working for you & your friend.
I will tell you that I can list 3 studies to every 1 you post that refute the negative info on suppositories. I work with several of the top oncologists using cannabis as a protocol to fight cancer. All of who highly recommend suppositories for many cancers.
I personally know 17 patients who have had miraculous turn arounds due to cco suppositories.
You stated no one knows why a few people benefit from them.
Bullshit. I'm sitting next to 2 nurse practitioners right now who won't shut up about the specific reasons.

You also state most do not benefit from them.
Again, bullshit.
We work with way too many people with cases way worse than yours that are alive today due to this delivery method.
It's true that the human pharmakonics with cannabis are very debatable due to the lack of transparency & mass information.
But...the information is still there be it what it may.

I forgot to add that I myself am a patient whose life was literally saved by this protocol.

I feel your disappointment & frustration. I do. I've been at this for literally years now. I've tried just about every protocol out there for a period at least once.
But, to make such a blanket statement from your own results and 1 article that's been highly refuted by many well known, respected pathologists & oncologists might be keeping another patient from life.

I don't know what you've been doing specifically other than keeping touch with Sue mainly I believe, so I can't know what to suggest different.

An example from personal experience is that I learned my first method of inserting the suppositories was way off. I want inserting far enough for portal vein absorption which is what I was after. After a few "adjustments" my CEA count dropped dramatically after about 3 or so months.

If you're going to ingest orally, I still recommend you do it as bioavailable as possible.
Again, I can show you about 40 separate labs from different patients refuting the bioavailability info on suppositories you posted. Each of our patients has labs showing the amount of enzymes well as ng/ml of cannabis in their system & suppositories (done correctly) has one of the highest bioavailable counts of any method of dosing to date.
Not my opinion friend, it's on paper.

Good luck with whatever route you choose.
Oh boy.
Well, first I'm sorry the sups aren't working for you & your friend.
I will tell you that I can list 3 studies to every 1 you post that refute the negative info on suppositories. I work with several of the top oncologists using cannabis as a protocol to fight cancer. All of who highly recommend suppositories for many cancers.
I personally know 17 patients who have had miraculous turn arounds due to cco suppositories.
You stated no one knows why a few people benefit from them.
Bullshit. I'm sitting next to 2 nurse practitioners right now who won't shut up about the specific reasons.

You also state most do not benefit from them.
Again, bullshit.
We work with way too many people with cases way worse than yours that are alive today due to this delivery method.
It's true that the human pharmakonics with cannabis are very debatable due to the lack of transparency & mass information.
But...the information is still there be it what it may.

I forgot to add that I myself am a patient whose life was literally saved by this protocol.

I feel your disappointment & frustration. I do. I've been at this for literally years now. I've tried just about every protocol out there for a period at least once.
But, to make such a blanket statement from your own results and 1 article that's been highly refuted by many well known, respected pathologists & oncologists might be keeping another patient from life.

I don't know what you've been doing specifically other than keeping touch with Sue mainly I believe, so I can't know what to suggest different.

An example from personal experience is that I learned my first method of inserting the suppositories was way off. I want inserting far enough for portal vein absorption which is what I was after. After a few "adjustments" my CEA count dropped dramatically after about 3 or so months.

If you're going to ingest orally, I still recommend you do it as bioavailable as possible.
Again, I can show you about 40 separate labs from different patients refuting the bioavailability info on suppositories you posted. Each of our patients has labs showing the amount of enzymes well as ng/ml of cannabis in their system & suppositories (done correctly) has one of the highest bioavailable counts of any method of dosing to date.
Not my opinion friend, it's on paper.

Good luck with whatever route you choose.

Thanks Cajuncelt, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply.

This was my protocal, Page 62 Post #917

Well, an hour ago I just started my 2016 dosing routine, to see if I can knock this Stage 4 Prostate Cancer (with mets) on the head for once and for all.

I will be doing monthly PSA tests just to see where I'm at. My PSA is currently 9.5, but I'm on Hormone therapy (actually I've just stopped, so my PSA should begin to rise) so I'm being careful here - I need to keep an eye on this PSA.

Last year I tried all this, dosing 12 hourly with 500mg of CCO at a time, but that regime made my PSA rise instead of fall. This time I've also been drinking green tea and mango juice to clean those CB1 and 2 receptors.

Hopefully more prepared and educated this time.

I've mixed Barney's Seeds Acapulco Gold sativa dominant 24% THC in a 2:1 ratio with Barney's Seeds Critical Cure 8% CBD.
Then I mixed that oil with unrefined organic Coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio.

I'm dosing myself by the back door method - a 1ml syringe 2" into the rectum. (changed to 1" after a few days)

At 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, with this Sativa/CBD blend - 300ml in the syringe = 600mg C C Oil

At 9pm and 12pm I will dose with 400ml Barney's Seeds Critical Kush Indica 24% THC mixed with Coconut oil 1:1 = 400mg C C Oil

This gives me the 1 gram of concentrated cannabis oil that is normal required for a "cure".

I am taking 2 x Swanson Apigenin 50g tablets, and 1 x 200mg Ginkgo Baloba tablet 20 (30) minutes before dosing, although maybe these aren't necessary seeing as I'm not swallowing the CCO. They are normally needed to keep the liver busy to avoid the First Pass Metabolism effect, but with the back door method I'm not sure they are required.

If some knowledgable soul can point me in the right direction here I'd be obliged!

It's been over 90 minutes now, and I have no euphoria - I just feel quite normal.

So far so good - my 60 day journey has begun well.

I'll keep you posted with any developments.

I did this every day for 60 days, and although I was a hour or so late sometimes, I always got 1 gram into myself.

Any chance of giving us a few links for the info you speak of? It would be very helpful to folk like me who are struggling.

After 30 days my PSA went down from 9.5 to 7 so I was encouraged initially, but it went to 31 after another 30 days, so my urologist put me back on the hormone therapy.

I've got another 9 months before my new crop will be ready so I've got time to read and study.

What did I do wrong, if it's supposed to work as you say? I certainly don't want to discourage other folk from using this protocol, but I also believe I followed your advice quite strictly, so I'm still in shock, probably.
I'm sorry to hear this nobby. :hug: It's frustrating to see such mixed results. It'd be more helpful if it could be determined why those who're successful get those desired-for results.

Take a deep, cleansing breath and stick firmly to that belief that you're gonna come out on top. That resolve is the message your ECS needs to hear while you continue to sort it out.

If your chosen choices are tacking and oral I'd go with both and I'd do many administrations throughout the day to keep pressure constant. Will you be able to deal with euphoria during work hours? That's a good deal of cannabinoids to get in, so work the tolerance levels up nice and smooth.

Let's see what everyone else can contribute. Myself? I'm gonna see you healthy and strong, and if intention has anything to do with it you're gonna heal. The tendency of the human body is to heal. You're determined to get your system back on line. Stay alert for the surprising ideas that may spring up from that strong desire. It's probably gonna be something no one expected.

Virtual hugs are the best I have here. Imagine the warm and loving arms wrapping you up. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Thank you so much Sue, you're a champion! :hug:

Yep I'm determined, but still angry and frustrated! I'll be calm by the time my new crop is ready in 8 or 9 months.

I just listened to an mp3 of a doctor who treats patients with the oil, and he said that ALL his patients prefer "not to smoke it" and want "no euphoria", so I'm surprised and disappointed that no dosing regimen has been published (that I'm aware of) that meets these criteria. Tacking does, I hear you say, OK I'll try again and keep trying until I get it!

I'm done now... :hug::hug::hug:
Thank you so much Sue, you're a champion! :hug:

Yep I'm determined, but still angry and frustrated! I'll be calm by the time my new crop is ready in 8 or 9 months.

I just listened to an mp3 of a doctor who treats patients with the oil, and he said that ALL his patients prefer "not to smoke it" and want "no euphoria", so I'm surprised and disappointed that no dosing regimen has been published (that I'm aware of) that meets these criteria. Tacking does, I hear you say, OK I'll try again and keep trying until I get it!

I'm done now... :hug::hug::hug:

Ok then, just a couple more for long-term. :battingeyelashes:

Am I correct that you did this for only 60 days?
If so, I don't care what folks say online about cancer being wiped out in a month or 2 with cco. I hope it's true for them, but I've yet to meet a patient that got on top of a serious cancer in just 60 days.
Like I posted above, I didn't see positive changes for more than 3 months & they were fairly small incremental changes at first.
I don't care what anyone says. CCO is NOT a magic bullet that's going to miraculously cure cancer, not without some serious life changes.
Have you changed your diet for example?
Are you taking the supplements I've suggested?

How are you ingesting the DMSO & EGCG?

It's the answers to questions like that, that make all the difference.
You didn't contract cancer instantly by sitting on a public toilet seat. It's usually years in the making.
So, it's going to take a long time to get on top of it unfortunately.
A man named Randy Grimes has the identical cancer I have. He was cancer free in 4 months. I've been battling it for over 4 years now.
The same protocol that reverses the cancer in some survivors, sees other patients dead in less than a year.

It sucks for now, but it is what it is.
This is not some miracle snake oil cure that some claim (& falsely like the former member John).
Some of the leaders the CCO movement even here on 420 have passed away.

Sorry to be so direct, but you need to do a complete lifestyle change as well as adding supplements like Vit C, Vit D, turmeric (doses separately), etc.

If you think you're going shove some weed oil up your anus & be cured in a month or 2... you're in for a disappointment.
That's the whole problem I had with the tone of the tacking thread. Tacking is a great initial way to dose, but not on its own & not for serious diseases.
I was told to stop my current protocol ( it wasn't this one at the time) and just tack. I was told I'd be "cured" of cancer. It almost killed me. What's worse is that I had several real life patients following what I was doing& I ignorantly advised them do the same.
It almost killed them too.

My point is that your going to have to change& dedicate 100℅ of your focus on fighting this, not just relying on a magic bullet up your backside.

I can/will help if you want with all that. I've got tons of electronic copies I can send you, but I frankly don't have lots of time to do this online advice stuff anymore. I wish I did, but I want to be straight up with you.

The human pharmakonics & CCO have been studied by some pretty hard hitters like MD Anderson Hospital, many world renowned Israeli doctors, etc.
I would listen to them before Dr. Bill & Bob's Clinic of Weed if i were you. There are many facets to a specific study. The results can be askewed for a number of reasons like political debates.
Buyer beware.

Again, good luck & try not to get frustrated or disappointed. But, don't expect it to be as easy just taking a pill either.

P.S. There are several methods of dosing that will not cause euphoria. There are about 14 specific ways to control euphoria as well no matter what protocol you're on.
Virtual hugs are the best I have here. Imagine the warm and loving arms wrapping you up. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I second that.
And for what it is worth.. not only Turmeric...tomatoes tomatoes and more tomatoes.. cooked or /and raw.
I was searching when my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and it helped him beat it!
Keep your good spirit up and both of you, just drop by here for some more virtual hugs when you need to.
I second that.
And for what it is worth.. not only Turmeric...tomatoes tomatoes and more tomatoes.. cooked or /and raw.
I was searching when my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and it helped him beat it!
Keep your good spirit up and both of you, just drop by here for some more virtual hugs when you need to.

I personally have found the Alkaline Diet to be one of the most effective in helping the CCO do it's thing.
It's not the alkaline issue that's great, rather the specific ingredients of the diet.
No processed foods, no sugar, very little red meat, no animal fats, lots of omega-3's in many forms, lots of colored veggies, limited fructose.
Applecider vinegar, lemon juice, tons of green tea...

You can google it for the specifics.

There is an oncologist that is recommending a DMSOb cream to apply topically on the prostate area that I've heard is getting shocking results. I'll post more about that if I get a chance.
I'm off today & tomorrow & will spend some time gathering info I can easily send by Drop Box.

For encouragement, know that brain, breast & prostate cancers are the 3 specific types that the industry is seeing the best results with.
My protocol is tailored specifically me (my system) & colon cancer.
We can find a prostate protocol with great success for you I'm sure. It just takes some leg work.

Also, don't forget to take phenolic oils as well. The supplements I've talked about (seem a lil spread out @ this point, sorry) are the difference between throwing a bullet and firing one. Muy important my friend.

Hang in there, lâche pas la patate et bon chance mon Ami! (I.e.- don't stress).

Dr. Frankel at the Greenbridge Clinic is who I consulted with when I started the rectal admin for my prostate cancer. He later advised me to go 75/25, or 75% rectal and 25% oral. I could never do it oral so I just upped the dose rectally and have been on it for over 15 months. Results are good. Less tumor, lower PSAs. My urologist said "see you in two years". He does not know of my AZ RSO/CCO treatment as he is in a state where such treatment is not allowed. I did have some PSAs that went up, but they also came back down. Anyhow, I would just stay the course and keep pressure on the tumors.

Keep us posted my friend!!
Am I correct that you did this for only 60 days?
If so, I don't care what folks say online about cancer being wiped out in a month or 2 with cco. I hope it's true for them, but I've yet to meet a patient that got on top of a serious cancer in just 60 days.
Like I posted above, I didn't see positive changes for more than 3 months & they were fairly small incremental changes at first.
I don't care what anyone says. CCO is NOT a magic bullet that's going to miraculously cure cancer, not without some serious life changes.
Have you changed your diet for example?
Are you taking the supplements I've suggested?

How are you ingesting the DMSO & EGCG?

It's the answers to questions like that, that make all the difference.
You didn't contract cancer instantly by sitting on a public toilet seat. It's usually years in the making.
So, it's going to take a long time to get on top of it unfortunately.
A man named Randy Grimes has the identical cancer I have. He was cancer free in 4 months. I've been battling it for over 4 years now.
The same protocol that reverses the cancer in some survivors, sees other patients dead in less than a year.

It sucks for now, but it is what it is.
This is not some miracle snake oil cure that some claim (& falsely like the former member John).
Some of the leaders the CCO movement even here on 420 have passed away.

Sorry to be so direct, but you need to do a complete lifestyle change as well as adding supplements like Vit C, Vit D, turmeric (doses separately), etc.

If you think you're going shove some weed oil up your anus & be cured in a month or 2... you're in for a disappointment.
That's the whole problem I had with the tone of the tacking thread. Tacking is a great initial way to dose, but not on its own & not for serious diseases.
I was told to stop my current protocol ( it wasn't this one at the time) and just tack. I was told I'd be "cured" of cancer. It almost killed me. What's worse is that I had several real life patients following what I was doing& I ignorantly advised them do the same.
It almost killed them too.

My point is that your going to have to change& dedicate 100℅ of your focus on fighting this, not just relying on a magic bullet up your backside.

I can/will help if you want with all that. I've got tons of electronic copies I can send you, but I frankly don't have lots of time to do this online advice stuff anymore. I wish I did, but I want to be straight up with you.

The human pharmakonics & CCO have been studied by some pretty hard hitters like MD Anderson Hospital, many world renowned Israeli doctors, etc.
I would listen to them before Dr. Bill & Bob's Clinic of Weed if i were you. There are many facets to a specific study. The results can be askewed for a number of reasons like political debates.
Buyer beware.

Again, good luck & try not to get frustrated or disappointed. But, don't expect it to be as easy just taking a pill either.

P.S. There are several methods of dosing that will not cause euphoria. There are about 14 specific ways to control euphoria as well no matter what protocol you're on.

Cajun, at last some straight talk amongst the mountains of bullshit that I've been reading online recently (not here), and I truly thank you for taking the time to give us all such an enlightening and truthful post.

I know how strapped for time you are so I'll be as brief as possible.

Yes, I was only 60 days on the oil - I wasn't able to grow enough for a longer run this this year.

Never heard of DMSO and EGCG before today but googled them both and wow! I suddenly realise how little I know about the disease I'm trying to treat... That's why I, and all of us here, look to you for enlightenment because despite all we read and study, you will always be years ahead.

And I suddenly see how difficult it is for you to answer our constant questions when we simply do not have the necessary background knowledge to understand your answers. It seems the more I learn the less I know... We all just want a straight no bullshit answer and it's impossible for you!

And you're fighting this disease at the same time. You're a fucking hero, mate!

Here's big man hug for you :hug:
I personally have found the Alkaline Diet to be one of the most effective in helping the CCO do it's thing.
It's not the alkaline issue that's great, rather the specific ingredients of the diet.
No processed foods, no sugar, very little red meat, no animal fats, lots of omega-3's in many forms, lots of colored veggies, limited fructose.
Applecider vinegar, lemon juice, tons of green tea...

You can google it for the specifics.

There is an oncologist that is recommending a DMSOb cream to apply topically on the prostate area that I've heard is getting shocking results. I'll post more about that if I get a chance.
I'm off today & tomorrow & will spend some time gathering info I can easily send by Drop Box.

For encouragement, know that brain, breast & prostate cancers are the 3 specific types that the industry is seeing the best results with.
My protocol is tailored specifically me (my system) & colon cancer.
We can find a prostate protocol with great success for you I'm sure. It just takes some leg work.

Also, don't forget to take phenolic oils as well. The supplements I've talked about (seem a lil spread out @ this point, sorry) are the difference between throwing a bullet and firing one. Muy important my friend.

Hang in there, lâche pas la patate et bon chance mon Ami! (I.e.- don't stress).

Yep I'm onto all this, my diet is gradually changing and I'll be vegan by Christmas (except for Christmas day - life's too short!) if all goes to plan - it's tough on my wife though cos she does the food shopping and already the hardest part of her life, she says, is deciding what to cook each night. She and the kids are not changing diets so it could be tricky!

But it can be done!

Dr. Frankel at the Greenbridge Clinic is who I consulted with when I started the rectal admin for my prostate cancer. He later advised me to go 75/25, or 75% rectal and 25% oral. I could never do it oral so I just upped the dose rectally and have been on it for over 15 months. Results are good. Less tumor, lower PSAs. My urologist said "see you in two years". He does not know of my AZ RSO/CCO treatment as he is in a state where such treatment is not allowed. I did have some PSAs that went up, but they also came back down. Anyhow, I would just stay the course and keep pressure on the tumors.

Keep us posted my friend!!

Thanks Traveler, I guess there'll be nothing to declare until next year when my crop comes in. However I'll endeavour to get enough oil to last me months and months instead of just 60 days.

...and I'll be checking in here at least weekly.
Try to go all organic & non-GMO too if you can. It's expensive, I know, but worth it usually.

Also, is there know way to get a lil bud somewhere? I know it's tough.
Even ounce or so would go a long way.

9 months is a long time to fuss with cancer & be dry.

Just a thought...
Cajun, thanks for the thoughts. It's off season in Oz at the moment so unless I buy street bud I'm outa luck. I'm the only person I know who grows at all...

However, I've just been a year between treatments with no ill effects. As I said I'm on the hormone therapy and it keeps my PSA manageable without any real dramas, and assuming it's still effective I'll cope fine for another year.

And thank you Sue and fookinel for your PMs - I'm snowed under right now but will get back to you asap

I'll endeavour to go organic too as much as possible
Cajun, at last some straight talk amongst the mountains of bullshit that I've been reading online recently (not here), and I truly thank you for taking the time to give us all such an enlightening and truthful post.

I know how strapped for time you are so I'll be as brief as possible.

Yes, I was only 60 days on the oil - I wasn't able to grow enough for a longer run this this year.

Never heard of DMSO and EGCG before today but googled them both and wow! I suddenly realise how little I know about the disease I'm trying to treat... That's why I, and all of us here, look to you for enlightenment because despite all we read and study, you will always be years ahead.

And I suddenly see how difficult it is for you to answer our constant questions when we simply do not have the necessary background knowledge to understand your answers. It seems the more I learn the less I know... We all just want a straight no bullshit answer and it's impossible for you!

And you're fighting this disease at the same time. You're a fucking hero, mate!

Here's big man hug for you :hug:

Thank you Nobby. Your response is appreciated.
My biggest frustrations with this online stuff is that members new to this become instant experts after a few books, etc. As they are online constantly for the companionship & human contact, they can't help but to enjoy their newfound "guru" status when they begin to post about all this.
It's understandable, but dangerous.

My next biggest frustration is that newer members feel they can simply take a pill, drink a smoothie or use suppositories for a short period & they will be magically cured of their chronic/terminal illness.

Both are equally dangerous in my eyes.

I've gotten away from specific online advice as there are too many unknowns to truly drop the hammer. A person's diet is a great example.
It's the double cheeseburger, extra fries, then a diet Coke syndrome.

CCO kills, reverses & subdues cancer. That we know. The path to get there though goes way beyond what carrier we used. That's the stuff I just cannot get into online. Not, without writing a whole book on this thread.
Which I'm not.

You are 100℅ correct. Most folks just want to here how to ingest the oil in some easy way for a few months so they can be cured & go play outside again.

Doesn't work that way. Not for most.i have the privilege of working side by side with the best pros in this field (imho of course) and I don't take it for granted 1 lil bit.

I let a few, mostly the nurses, read some of the oil stuff & it freaked them out how people have the balls to be such shade tree doctors after such lil effort & time.

Just because this subject is criminal in lots of places doesn't make this subject like the old wild west. But, out sure gets that way.

I wonder if specific members, now & in the past, are truly trying to help or just have another subject to be the next "know-it-all" for self gratification & ego. (I.e. Member of the Month)
Their intentions, even if subconsciously, worry me.

Nuff rambling....
Stick with it my friend. It could take awhile no matter what protocol you use.
Stay in touch & keep us posted. I'll jump in if it makes sense to & I can.
Thanks Cajun for reminding us why this forum is called "A Base Treatment Regimen" and not "the Cure for Everything Regimen."

Online community is great resource but also a double-edged sword sometimes. It can be a fine line between encouraging someone to start their own treatment and telling them how to do it. It takes a certain amount of information to get them started and to make the commitment to follow through. It's frustrating that all I can say is "This is what I'm doing" and "I know people it's working for." That's the same claim made by every self-help "guru" out there. Doubly frustrating when none of doctors I've seen in last 2 years knows anything about how cannabis works. I want to shout "WAKE UP!!" but know I can't help people who won't listen. So when I meet someone who does listen it's really tempting to oversell what I know. My remedy for that temptation is to tell people to read the first 5 pages of this forum. I did a lot of research before I found that, but that is where the information really started to sink in for me. Thank you again for starting this forum, and to those that do their best to keep it going when you aren't available. :Namaste:
Thank you all for the unexpected understanding.
I feel like those posters of a lighthouse with 40 foot swells trying knock it down sometimes.

It's too hard to miss the little, but crucial things on-line.

But, the in- person gig is so much more difficult for way too many reasons to whine about here.

I'm going to take some time during a boring day off & post several studies on bioavailability, cco pharmakonics, and a list of lifestyle to-do's & the bad stuff not to do.

This is all specific (not general) info that will apply to most people & situations.

An example: Stay away from processed, compound, refined sugars & glucose.

Landon Hughes huh?
The only poet I remember from American Lit class a million years ago.
Thank you Nobby. Your response is appreciated.
My biggest frustrations with this online stuff is that members new to this become instant experts after a few books, etc. As they are online constantly for the companionship & human contact, they can't help but to enjoy their newfound "guru" status when they begin to post about all this.
It's understandable, but dangerous.

My next biggest frustration is that newer members feel they can simply take a pill, drink a smoothie or use suppositories for a short period & they will be magically cured of their chronic/terminal illness.

Both are equally dangerous in my eyes.

I've gotten away from specific online advice as there are too many unknowns to truly drop the hammer. A person's diet is a great example.
It's the double cheeseburger, extra fries, then a diet Coke syndrome.

CCO kills, reverses & subdues cancer. That we know. The path to get there though goes way beyond what carrier we used. That's the stuff I just cannot get into online. Not, without writing a whole book on this thread.
Which I'm not.

You are 100℅ correct. Most folks just want to here how to ingest the oil in some easy way for a few months so they can be cured & go play outside again.

Doesn't work that way. Not for most.i have the privilege of working side by side with the best pros in this field (imho of course) and I don't take it for granted 1 lil bit.

I let a few, mostly the nurses, read some of the oil stuff & it freaked them out how people have the balls to be such shade tree doctors after such lil effort & time.

Just because this subject is criminal in lots of places doesn't make this subject like the old wild west. But, out sure gets that way.

I wonder if specific members, now & in the past, are truly trying to help or just have another subject to be the next "know-it-all" for self gratification & ego. (I.e. Member of the Month)
Their intentions, even if subconsciously, worry me.

Nuff rambling....
Stick with it my friend. It could take awhile no matter what protocol you use.
Stay in touch & keep us posted. I'll jump in if it makes sense to & I can.

I need to mention (obviously from the PM's),
that this rant is from an old sore from tired subjects. It goes back to oil threads that no longer around. I don't include you fine lot when I question intentions.
Sue, is a poster child for that statement.
She's pretty selfless & if I were incapacitated, I'd completely have faith in her.

If she didn't make ass-u-me tions. Lol. Private joke.

The rest of you broke free moons ago to research this beyond the circus clown level it was at. You stated thinking through this & not just squirting it in your cheek & hoping for the best.

I'm proud to be part of ya.

I still mean what I said though. I'll post the info before long.

Night Neverland
Quick note and update.
Thanks for your posts, they ring true.
I will have to go back and review the references to regimens and protocols to make sure I understand them.
Currently the patient (OVCA) is taking about 70mg THC and 150mg CBD in small doses through out the day. administered orally, and an additional use of 50mg 50/50 CBD THC suppositories will be added. 2 x /d
Medicine is from reliable sources and is clean and trustworthy. Building tolerance slowly.
She has been pretty out of it for the last week from cannabis, which is difficult because she would be otherwise symptom free.
But the wolf is at the door. Last blood test showed ca125 at over 8000!
More chemo is likely option in near future but it may not be effective. Exciting new treatments are in the news, but somehow always out of reach. So frustrating, this stick and carrot game.
Cannabis will stay in the mix, but may have to play a more supporting role rather than primary.
Lot's of thought and insight as to the unexpected value of this medicine, i hope to share more later.

Good luck to all.

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