A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Just a personal note:

I just finished my first viewing of my latest Green Flower Media class, this one on how cannabis works in your body. Great stuff I'll try to get processed quickly, but at the end of the class they're having this nice Q&A session and suddenly Michael Backes, the instructor of this particular class, begins talking about the exciting cutting edge of medicinal cannabis that you'll begin to see in the coming years, the creation of "symphonies of effect."

Doesn't that sound poetic? He's talking about blending the entourage. Determining precisely what you're treating, carefully choosing the strains that have the profiles that match those needs and blending those chosen varieties to create individualized medications.

Sound familiar? Unless I've dreamed it this is precisely what you guys have been doing for the past couple years, no?

How's it feel to be cutting edge? How's it feel to know the cutting edge hasn't caught up with you yet?

Yeah, we already knew you were brilliant. Sometimes we take it for granted. I couldn't be prouder to be associated with this crazy band of cutting-edge cannabis warriors. You drive me to work harder.

I love you all. Don't ever forget it. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: :love:

Now get back to work. :kisstwo:
A little story to share . This may not be the thread to post it but since there has not been a post for a couple of days, here we go. Yesterday i had an appointment to get a software update on my vehicle out of Town, As i was shuffling through my closet to find something to wear ( since the girlfriend & I was going to do some shopping) i came across my " I KILL CANCER "t-shirt in big bold letters with a cannabis leaf which i have never worn since owning for 2 yrs. I have always been a little apprehensive to wear it considering I live in a illegal province( I grow lbs a yr in a small town, did not want to draw attention to "movement" from the "wrong" crowd and potentially jeopardize treatment for someone ) and a province in which cancer is one of the worst in the country( did not want to come across insensitive to someone who has cancer or lost someone to cancer). But then it occurred to me, why should this concern me when I like many of you knows this treats & heals , why should i not promote this incredible medicine unless I had skepticism and lacked the confidence to explain it to someone if they were offended by what i support. So off to the stores i went and the questions and support i received from random shoppers, clerks even a security guard Lol was very reassuring, not one single person gave me a negative response. Basically what i am saying with this story is for people out there to speak about this medicine with confidence and belief that it deserves, F**K the so called politically correct ppl who think it is a crime to heal yourselves and others, someday they will see the light. If the authorities want to come search my property....Good luck finding 15 lbs of medicine on 200 acres of land with coyotes and bears lol think they will give up that search relatively quick!
Thank you panacea. Excellent share!! I stopped being cautious right about the time you guys gave me that MOTY title. I know too many people who could benefit and I'm sick and tired of being intimidated by the uninformed or uncaring.

The response has been positive across the board. No one needs to know I grow, but I don't hesitate to promote both the plant and our site and its many resources.

I'm glad you have bears and coyotes protecting your meds. :laughtwo:
My thoughts exactly. I even made a "commercial" promo on my black back pack.
(Easy embroidery) With the drop written CCO inside and the message " Anything it can't do? Written with green red yellow letters.
Just a personal note:

I just finished my first viewing of my latest Green Flower Media class, this one on how cannabis works in your body. Great stuff I'll try to get processed quickly, but at the end of the class they're having this nice Q&A session and suddenly Michael Backes, the instructor of this particular class, begins talking about the exciting cutting edge of medicinal cannabis that you'll begin to see in the coming years, the creation of "symphonies of effect."

Doesn't that sound poetic? He's talking about blending the entourage. Determining precisely what you're treating, carefully choosing the strains that have the profiles that match those needs and blending those chosen varieties to create individualized medications.

Sound familiar? Unless I've dreamed it this is precisely what you guys have been doing for the past couple years, no?

How's it feel to be cutting edge? How's it feel to know the cutting edge hasn't caught up with you yet?

Yeah, we already knew you were brilliant. Sometimes we take it for granted. I couldn't be prouder to be associated with this crazy band of cutting-edge cannabis warriors. You drive me to work harder.

I love you all. Don't ever forget it. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: :love:

Now get back to work. :kisstwo:

I respect the effort that they put into their media & presentations, but I have wondered if the GFM folks are just getting caught up or maybe playing it down for new patients.
We take full labs, diet survey, physical assessment in several forms & understand the current status of their disease, etc. before we even begin to think about what combo of cannabinoids, dosing regimen, protocol, etc. to get into.
They present this info like it was just stumbled on sometimes.
Well, they make their money...
A little story to share . This may not be the thread to post it but since there has not been a post for a couple of days, here we go. Yesterday i had an appointment to get a software update on my vehicle out of Town, As i was shuffling through my closet to find something to wear ( since the girlfriend & I was going to do some shopping) i came across my " I KILL CANCER "t-shirt in big bold letters with a cannabis leaf which i have never worn since owning for 2 yrs. I have always been a little apprehensive to wear it considering I live in a illegal province( I grow lbs a yr in a small town, did not want to draw attention to "movement" from the "wrong" crowd and potentially jeopardize treatment for someone ) and a province in which cancer is one of the worst in the country( did not want to come across insensitive to someone who has cancer or lost someone to cancer). But then it occurred to me, why should this concern me when I like many of you knows this treats & heals , why should i not promote this incredible medicine unless I had skepticism and lacked the confidence to explain it to someone if they were offended by what i support. So off to the stores i went and the questions and support i received from random shoppers, clerks even a security guard Lol was very reassuring, not one single person gave me a negative response. Basically what i am saying with this story is for people out there to speak about this medicine with confidence and belief that it deserves, F**K the so called politically correct ppl who think it is a crime to heal yourselves and others, someday they will see the light. If the authorities want to come search my property....Good luck finding 15 lbs of medicine on 200 acres of land with coyotes and bears lol think they will give up that search relatively quick!

Hooah my friend.
I respect the effort that they put into their media & presentations, but I have wondered if the GFM folks are just getting caught up or maybe playing it down for new patients.
We take full labs, diet survey, physical assessment in several forms & understand the current status of their disease, etc. before we even begin to think about what combo of cannabinoids, dosing regimen, protocol, etc. to get into.
They present this info like it was just stumbled on sometimes.
Well, they make their money...

I really look forward to the day when the services your clinic will offer become commonplace. I steadfastly hold to my belief that I'll see this in my lifetime.
I really look forward to the day when the services your clinic will offer become commonplace. I steadfastly hold to my belief that I'll see this in my lifetime.

Thanks Sue.
I gotta say that most homeopathic doctors & even veterinarians do all of this before beginning any treatment.
We've modeled ourselves on them, not pharmaceutical doctors.
Thanks Sue.
I gotta say that most homeopathic doctors & even veterinarians do all of this before beginning any treatment.
We've modeled ourselves on them, not pharmaceutical doctors.

We've been conditioned for at least two generations to accept this little pill or capsule and don't worry about all the contributing factors. I need to follow this example more in my own life and medicinal outreach. It's my experience that people don't want to confront lifestyle changes until they're told they only have so long to live. Fact of the matter is we all only have so much time to live.
Very true.
Cancer is actually mother nature's way of trying to fill in the gaps to actually heal us believe it or not.
If it weren't for the inability to turn itself off, cancer could actually keep us going well into our 100th birthdays.

Sounds crazy huh? Very true.

If we changed what initiated the cancer in the first place, we obviously wouldn't have nature trying to do it for us.
I wanted to share some knowledge for the self-taught out there.
Alot of the questions you'll eventually have can be answered by following the trail of the following men.

These men are truly the fathers of modern medicinal cannabis.
Way before Jack Herer, Rick Simpson & similar.

I've mentioned studies or info about/from them several times in cannabis oil threads.

Israel is the country that started the real science on cannabis & it's properties. Few know that. And, they are still the most advanced country when it comes to the science.
3 men have authored papers, journals & studies that represent the way overwhelming majority of what we know today.

Raphael Mechoulam (sp?), Ethan Russo and Yechiel Gaoni.
They were writing about the chemical structure of THC, CBD and discovered Amandamide, which is what THC acts as in our ECS (which they discovered too).
They also discovered the synergistic effects that combined cannabinoids, terpenes, terpenoids, flavonoids, etc. have on our system.
They were showing what specific cannabinoids combined with what specific terpenes do to specific diseases.

They were doing this back in the early 1960's and continue to host workshops & seminars all over the world.
Russo is the senior medical advisor to GW Pharmaceuticals and each are still quoted in medical journals to this day.
I was looking up an article today on the British Journal of Pharmaceuticals & these men were popping up in every search still.

To help the self- taught step in to specifics, here are some examples of "needed" knowledge:

To treat addiction, use Echinacea (found in any store as a supplement) combined with a high CBD strain.
Substituting ba high THC strain would work as an anti-inflammatory.
Echinacea has the terpenoid Beta Caryophyline.

Lavender combined with high THC acts as a sedative & light anaesthesia.
Substituting a high CBD would work to stop spasms.
Lavender has the terpene Linalool.

These are a few examples of this "needed" stuff. I don't see anyone posting all this, so maybe it'll help someone.

The properties of terpenes in plants is actually well known. But, has been studied mostly perfume & fragrance companies R&D scientists.
The medical properties are just now surfacing.

Also, I've read that lots of members are using leaves to juice & make concentrates.
That's a great idea for symptoms & for less dangerous illnesses. The leaves contain lots of vitamins too. But, THCA (which these have the most of) actually blocks the CB1 receptor when used in small doses & would be detrimental to someone fighting cancer & the like.

Anyway, of anyone's interested or just bored some night, these men & their research would boost your knowledge as a caregiver 50 fold.
Thank you Cajun. Feel free to drop these bits of knowledge anytime. Most particularly thank you for the info on THCA blocking the CB1 receptors. This feels like something I should have come across already and likely overlooked. Whew! Good to have you among us mon ami.

A quick question: would THCA in larger concentrations have the same effect when treating cancer, or is it the micro-dosing we should be cautious of?
The road seems long my friend, but you're still a noob. A quick study at that, but wait to sift through a few years of crap you printed instead months. As tenacious as you are I'm sure you'll get there quickly! Way quicker than me hopefully/probably. There's a ton out there. My knowledge of them started with phone calls i made to places that specialize in cannabis as a medicine.
These great places (sometimes) jump started my mojo in the medicinal science stuff. They specially pointed me to the journals & stuff they personally use & reference.

And yes, in larger doses, thca is very helpful & acts like CBD sometimes.
The road seems long my friend, but you're still a noob. A quick study at that, but wait to sift through a few years of crap you printed instead months. As tenacious as you are I'm sure you'll get there quickly! Way quicker than me hopefully/probably. There's a ton out there. My knowledge of them started with phone calls i made to places that specialize in cannabis as a medicine.
These great places (sometimes) jump started my mojo in the medicinal science stuff. They specially pointed me to the journals & stuff they personally use & reference.

And yes, in larger doses, thca is very helpful & acts like CBD sometimes.

I have the rest of my life to learn the ropes Cajun. I figure at least another thirty good years in me to go. I have no illusions that it won't have difficulty and challenge far beyond what I've dealt with to date. I also don't doubt my ability to be up to the task ahead. You changed my life Cajun. There's no turning back just because it gets rocky every now and then.
There's dozens of these synergy combos that are known now to treat specific stuff.
If the studies were allowed here in the US think how far it might be taken.
There's dozens of these synergy combos that are known now to treat specific stuff.
If the studies were allowed here in the US think how far it might be taken.

I think that's what they're trying to start now, *sigh* although we're so far behind the more progressive cultures it makes us a little crazy to have to endure this latest stall tactic. My daughter, bless her heart, keeps counseling me to keep learning and be patient. She's young enough to lack the perspective of the length of the fight, but she feels confident that her generation will settle this madness once and for all.

An amazingly levelheaded woman for having such a crazy mother. So much like her father.
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